Friday, May 21, 2021

Finding Really Old Memories

You probably didn't know that I'm as old as dirt.  I certainly never thought that would happen in my life.  I always thought I would be long gone by now, but every year those birthdays just keep adding up.  Finding old memories that prove I really was skinny once, are priceless.

It was time to clean out at least part of the garage while the weather is still cool.  SO MUCH STUFF!!  At any rate, I could barely get my Jeep in the bay, so I finally got to it.  I have to admit a lot of boxes are full of Halloween stuff.  Actually, more Halloween than Christmas.  I could have a block party!!

There's weird stuff too, like the two foot wide blown glass light shade, probably close to 100 years old that hung where else, but in the attic of our 100 year old house.

In the far back corner is my Grandmother's cedar chest from long long ago.  I opened it carefully because somehow I remembered one hinge was broken.  Right on top was a collection of pictures that took me right down memory lane.

Meet Dillon's Showboy ... Showby for short.  He was one of my best all around horses.  We did everything from cutting cattle competitions to equitation (just riding around the ring) and my favorite .... trail horse class.  I could make the slightest move and put his feet anywhere I wanted.  On this day we got first place.  I miss this big guy!!

Back to cleaning, it took me an hour just to remove the boxes of junk.  Gosh darn they were heavy!!  Who filled these things up to the brim??  All the boxes had to be removed, as well as the wood shelves to make it easier to drag them across the garage with that horrible screeching noise.

Yes the hood is up on the Jeep because the batteries died a short and sweet death.  One day they worked, the next they didn't.  I charged it just enough to move it out.

Finally ... one shelf moved.  However, you can see that stuff pretty much just got moved from one side to the other.  Good grief Charlie Brown!!!   I mean what do you do?  It's all good stuff that I don't want to throw away, but there's no place to donate around here.  

Yard sale?  Yes ... big sigh ... but that's almost more trouble than it's worth.  Maybe I can talk Cyndae into coming down and helping!!

SUCCESS!!  Sort of anyway, as two big shelves and all the must-save stuff have been moved to the other side.  I can now actually get my truck in the first bay.  I admit, it's not very organized, but just what do you do with a witch's head in a huge glass ball and a 3' wide black widow spider??

Here's another interesting find.  I bet you didn't know I modeled clothing for a time.  This is my all time favorite hat which I still have.  I probably even have the shirt they gave me somewhere, though there's no way it still fits.  That's just the tip of the iceberg.  I'll post a few more funny pictures tomorrow.

Last night, dressed in my I-hate-this-color purple shirt and I-hate-these-even-more tan pants, I went to the Elks Lodge Cattlemen's Night dinner.  You can probably guess what was on the menu.  A huge New York steak cooked to perfection on the barbecue.  WAY more food than I could ever eat.  Amazingly, we had 200 people show up for dinner.  Just like the "old" days!!

In other non-eventful news, I resigned as Inner Guard.  Surprised?  Me too!!  I am now 2nd Year Trustee Elect.  It should be an interesting couple of months since I'm not really a "club" person, I'm a Bingo cashier-type gal.  The good news is there are no lines to memorize.  Yahoo!!

There was one surprise in my trap last night that I'll post tomorrow also.  And I can't believe I'm saying this, but even MORE visitors.


  1. Love both pictures of you! Too cute! Oh my, that dinner looks so good! Those beans (both) look so yummy along with that huge steak! I have a tuff shed that is full of stuff I think I need to keep, however I haven't been out there in probably 2 years. Do I really need that stuff?!! LOL

    1. I think it's not so much do I NEED it, but it's that depression era you-have-to-keep-everything brain that just doesn't want to let go. LOL

  2. Watch out for those Black Widows...they LOVE garages (I know, pest control said they sprayed for them...BUT...)

    Nice looking pictures.

    1. Surprisingly, I have very few in my garage. They like the outside under the edge of the house. They can get big ... as in about an inch around. Gives me the shivers.

  3. We had a trash dumpster in our yard for a month. It got filled twice. I'm going thru bins and bins and bins of clothes. When we moved here in 2005 I donated so many clothes that I embarrassed myself with the quantity. Now I'm doing it again. Who bought all these clothes? Can't be me because I don't like to shop!!! Nice pictures....

    1. Hahaha Elva ... sadly, you are not alone in your pursuit of closet cleaning. SO much stuff that I just MIGHT wear again!!

  4. We have only had this place for a couple of years and we already have too much stuff! We too have been talking about a garage sale already!

    1. Aha ... that makes me feel better!! It seems I'm not the only one with this problem. I just have a hard time throwing away good stuff.

  5. I am not surprised that you modeled Nancy, you are a pretty lady. Good luck with getting rid of the stuff, we found to jut do it.

    1. Thank you Bill ... how nice of you to say. I'm taking my direction from Patsy. Buy something, get rid of something else!!

  6. Your garage looks neat at least! Yes, yard sales are a lot of work but I enjoy doing them first before purging the stuff for nothing. At least when we lived in a populated area. :) Good luck!
    Your memory pictures are lovely! I would have loved to model in my younger years, alas I'm not surprised you did. Gorgeous!!

    1. Yeah well I never considered myself pretty ... I was always looking at the hats! LOL. You'll see in the next few photos.

  7. Oh Frank ... you are SO right about the black hole. And it lives in my garage!!
