WOW!! What a way to wake up in the morning!! The second I realized my entire house was pink inside, I knew exactly what was going on outside. It was a 360 degree cloudy sunrise, since the forecast was calling for rain.
Friday, February 7, 2025
I Crushed It!!!
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Dead or Alive!!
I woke up this morning, WAY earlier than required ... to the lovely rumbling of the heater. You see, the intake is on the ceiling right outside my bedroom door. It's loud ... and a two way gotcha. If I leave the door open, I wake up to the noise. If I leave the door closed, I freeze. Earplugs you say? I've never found a pair that really works! C'est la vie! Funny, it doesn't seem to bother Cooper at all. He was snoring away!!
No worries ... I have no commitments until 4:00 pm. I've got all day to nap.
Yesterday was a lesson in near death. Yessiree ... here is Mr. Roomba skimming around the floors. He scared me to death when I heard the racket in the living room. I guess I forgot I set him to hit the ground running at 8:00 three days a week. It's probably better that way because there won't be so much dirt to de-bag at the end.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The Wonderful Land Of BINGO
I won't say the name of that song ... you know, the one that's been running around in my head for the last 30 hours? It starts with a B and ends with an O. Oh yes ... here we are again ... it's BINGO time!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
The Last Day of Rest
Here we are in lovely SUNNY California, only the sun forgot to show its shining face. It's looked like this since I got here five days ago. It can't be that long, can it? Gosh, it seems like yesterday.
I'm healing up nicely, rarely coughing and not sneezing since Roomba ran around the house not once, but THREE times. I even dusted ... sort of. Dusting is one of those things I do only after I can read the writing I scribble on the table.
Last night was supposed to be the first day of the storm of the century. We actually even got a warning NOT to be afraid. Are you kidding me? So far there's a little breeze, which should ramp up to 35 mph this morning, but not a single drop of water. Maybe the storm needs a watch.
Monday, February 3, 2025
My Roomba Dance
Good Morning California. What's left of it anyway, after all the fires. They say the governor signed an order let the water out, fill reservoirs and clean up the forest floor. Nothing like closing the barn door after the horses are out. He's afraid he won't get that Federal Funding. And yet ANOTHER recall has been started, but it's really too late. This is his last term ... but he just might get voted out early. And THAT is California News.
In other news on the Homefront, I'm doing VERY well. Maybe I coughed ten times yesterday with three sneezes, one because I shook out a rug on the patio when the wind was blowing the wrong way!! I think I'm on the mend. Mr. Cooper and I stuck very close to the couch, which he appreciated muchly. He does love snuggling next to his Mom.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Two Steps Back, One Step Forward
Well hello there!!! Yup I'm still hanging out, mean as ever. Two steps back and one step forward. I forgot my lack of nose airway due to a grammar school broken nose ... twice. Laying down when I'm sick is not good.
Yesterday and last night, I propped myself up like I was sitting in a chair ... and the majority of that congestion disappeared. By the way, I have not had a fever this entire time. Zero. In fact, my temp runs about 96.8 ... and my oxygen level is 98-99, so no problem there. Maybe it's a MAN COLD ... you know how terrible THOSE can be!!
OR it could just be allergies acquired since I got old, from the overcast skies and wetness all around. There's mold growing everywhere outside on the sidewalks and in the grass. I can even smell it. Who knows ... but the good news is I'm feeling a little better today. Of course none of this has killed my appetite either!
Saturday, February 1, 2025
No Egg Counting!!
So here we are at Orange Grove RV Park. It was a nice quiet night. I woke up feeling pretty darned good. How could that be? It's a miracle! I bet it was the peach pie!! No chest congestion and very little coughing. I am on the mend and looking forward to getting home and unpacking all that fabric!!
Friday, January 31, 2025
The Road Less Taken
Morning early coughing Yeah, half voice doesn't work often. That's pretty much what I sound like! There is always the long morning coughing session that is quite debilitating!! My ribs feel like when I got bucked off my colt and hit that fence made of 2x8 boards to keep the bulls in. But I will survive!! Actually, I'm coughing a little less this morning, so ... progress!