I woke up this morning, WAY earlier than required ... to the lovely rumbling of the heater. You see, the intake is on the ceiling right outside my bedroom door. It's loud ... and a two way gotcha. If I leave the door open, I wake up to the noise. If I leave the door closed, I freeze. Earplugs you say? I've never found a pair that really works! C'est la vie! Funny, it doesn't seem to bother Cooper at all. He was snoring away!!
No worries ... I have no commitments until 4:00 pm. I've got all day to nap.
Yesterday was a lesson in near death. Yessiree ... here is Mr. Roomba skimming around the floors. He scared me to death when I heard the racket in the living room. I guess I forgot I set him to hit the ground running at 8:00 three days a week. It's probably better that way because there won't be so much dirt to de-bag at the end.
I paid no attention until I glanced over to see him NOT in his bed. Uh oh ... and I don't HEAR him either. I went on the hunt. Sure enough, I found him halfway under a chair .... STUCK. What? You didn't holler at me this time? It actually took some work to get it out. He didn't move. He just sat there. I hit a button or two, hoping to resuscitate him. Is he dead or alive? I did CPR for ten minutes. NOTHING. He's dead dead dead!!
He was SO dead that when I carried him back to his home base, he never said a word ... just flashed a red light, signaling he was a goner!! Mr. Roomba is in ICU at the moment and I don't know if he will survive.
I performed surgery, replacing the little brushy thing, gave him a new filter and cleaned out all the dirt I could find. Surgery was a success, but I still don't know if he will survive. I'll let you know tomorrow.
I thought to head outside for a long walk, but didn't want to take a chance of getting sick again. One more day won't hurt me! That means today I really have to get my buns off the couch.
I washed several rugs and hung them out to dry in the fleeting sun. They ended up in the dryer. Why is it when you try to dry rugs, you find half a cup of teeny tiny pieces of rubber in the bottom? Ugh ... another mess to clean up.
In between, I worked on this quilt again. Good grief ... these tiny pieces are killing me!! I can hear Cindy laughing!! The instructions are definitely hard to understand, meaning I cut the wrong sizes twice. Maybe this is a good pattern, since it is requiring me to scrounge through all my boxes to find replacement material for the pieces that I messed up. Luckily I'm not COMPLETELY frustrated YET!
Lunch was terrible. I had this leftover broccoli and carrots I thought I would add to it, smothering the entire thing with cheese. Big mistake ... BIG. I finally ate the broccoli off the top (it was quite tasty), threw the carrots away and ate the rest. I'm luck I'm not a finicky person, or I would starve.
In the afternoon I watched a bit of the news, I literally jumped off the couch when I heard Trump say he was going to investigate the bullet train in California. SO much of our tax money, including YOUR tax money from Federal Funds, has gone into this thing for the last eight or nine years, to STILL not have it anywhere near finished.
Original cost estimate .. $35 billion I think. Right now, the amount spent is over $100 billion, and they say they need ANOTHER $100 billion to finish it. They haven't even laid ANY rails, even though they say they have. Those rails laid are to run the construction equipment not, NOT high speed rails. At this point, though it was supposed to go from San Francisco to Los Angeles, it only goes from Merced to Bakersfield, and there are only overpasses. Me thinks Mr. Newsom is in deep doodoo with the upcoming investigation wondering where all that money has gone.
Well that was fun ....
There was more sewing, more organizing trying to put away stuff I took out of the rig (and it still isn't done) while I baked a load of peanut butter cookies. I was so busy, I forgot to take a picture, but I DID remember to eat THREE of them!! Bad Nancy.
Dinner was easy. I grabbed one of those frozen turkey pot pies I made while back and stuck it in the oven. No biscuits were hurt in this endeavor, mostly because I didn't have any. WOW ... was it ever tasty! These little casserole dishes are very heavy iron, but I may have to pack a few in the rig to use for casserole dishes.
In the meantime, though it's black and hard to see, my new tiny air fryer arrived. It's about 8" square, so I'm sure I can find room for it in the rig. This will make easy work of cooking stuff while I travel. I can reheat pizza, cook chicken, French fries, hopefully much faster and easier than the microwave. I'll test it out today!
As for now, there's little paws tapping me on the leg, which means OUTSIDE Mom!! It's going to be another rest day before I head out to the Elks Lodge for a steak dinner. Honestly, I think I'll pass on the food this time. It's going to be a long meeting, and I don't know whether to raise the ire of many people or bury my head in the sand. It may be time to step away from all the craziness that arises sooner or later when involved in a club. No worries though ... BINGO will always be on my plate!!!