Wednesday, October 2, 2024

You Flooded WHAT?

 Here I am, WAY too early in the morning after a very late night, trying to gear myself up for another morning of delight.  I will be trying to figure out an entire membership system, processing new members names and numbers.  This should be fun.  

In case you think there is any exaggeration in what happens at Bingo, there is not.  Sometimes I even try to downplay some of the shenanigans going on.  This would NOT be one of those nights.

I worked from 1:00 until 3:30 trying to figure out how to mark folks PAID.  It's hard when the name is misspelled.  We finally had to call the Sheriff's Department in order to come up with the correct info.  I think I finally got that right, but if not, I'm sure folks will say I PAID YOU!!  We'll leave that to the Secretary when she comes back.  I headed straight downstairs to Bingo.

My Lady in Waiting was late, but I knew that.  Thank goodness for my Fairy Godmother who always steps in.  That can make for some craziness which I try ever so hard to ignore.

I had pictures, but none of my four email accounts will connect this morning.  No matter how many times I enter my password, it refuses to accept it.  I've no idea why.  I can still tell the story, just no pictures!

There I was, sitting on my tiny little stool waiting for the next winner.  All of a sudden I heard MARK -- MARK -- EMERGENCY -- MARK!!  Mark is our go-to handyman as well as the Manager of our RV Park.  Mark can fix anything and that certainly comes in handy.

As the caller was calling a game, he heard plop plop plop.  UH OH ... as he turned around, he saw water coming from the ceiling light fixture.  Oh that's NOT good!

Mark ran upstairs to find someone had plugged the women's bathroom sink and turned the water on high.  Why oh WHY would you do that?  They thought maybe someone had a few too many at the bar, but I don't believe it.  I think it was intentional.  

The entire bathroom floor was covered in 2" of water and it was running through the ceiling, through the light fixture to the stage below.  Thank goodness for the caller who HEARD it.  No telling how long it had been running.  Can you imagine if it was NOT Bingo night and it ran until the next morning?

Mark got it all mopped up and cleaned up.  I told him to remove the drain plugs in all the bathroom sinks so that doesn't happen again.  Who would do such a thing, and WHY???  Was it a Bingo person?  It's possible one snuck upstairs, but only members would know where that bathroom is or how to get to it.  I can't believe a member would do that ... but a NON member I would believe, or maybe someone mad at us for something.

The rest of the night went as well as can be expected with only a few pitchforks coming out and getting inches from the second caller who can't hear anyone yelling Bingo.  I heard it four times ... he missed it altogether.  We are going to have to do something about that or we will all have holes in our bodies.

Just another exciting night at Bingo.  Hopefully the ceiling dries out by this morning when I arrive for a few hours of frustration.  Wish me luck ... I'm going to need every tiny bit I can muster up to get this job done today so we can initiate our 30 new members tomorrow!!!


  1. Good Luck Cooper misses you !

  2. Mr. Ed said how hard is it to copy Someone’s name off an application or a paid up due receipt ,,,, I would think foolproof Does the office not have a Master membership address book 👉updated.. most large membership organizations have a drivers / identification card photo copier tide directly to the computer membership related program Membership status

  3. Don't know what it is about sinks...had kids (at least we blamed it on kids) do it to the restaurant bathroom, had the library sinks at the main library and two branch libraries, AND even had it done at church!

    Sounds like one of your bingo caller/helpers needs a hearing aid!

    Hope Cooper is doing well.

  4. I just hate malicious people! Same ones who spray Graffiti everywhere.

  5. Good luck today Nancy!
