Sunday, February 21, 2016

TROUBLE Is My Middle Name!!

If you're spending a few days in Tucson at the Pima County Fairgrounds, you won't be bored!!  This place seems to be hopping with events almost continuously.  Just log on to their website and you will find the schedule, as I did yesterday.

The list of choices for Saturday was long ....  a Hunter-Jumper competition, a high school festival, agility dog trials, I saw a Color Guard and a parade of sorts, the high school plant sale for gardeners, a wedding I wasn't invited to, remote controlled airplane flying, drag races and a gay pride celebration.  It was a no-brainer for me .... the HORSES of course!
There were two arenas set up, one for the junior competitors with lower jumps, and this one for the more experienced riders.  I couldn't quite seem to find the entrance, so I wandered around the back side looking for a good viewpoint for photography.  
I'm no dummy when it comes to horses, since I've ridden in hundreds of competitions.  Many things can spook them, so I was careful to stay back and not move if anyone was close.  I really wasn't in the middle of the arena.  In fact, I was OUTSIDE by at least 20 feet.  It wasn't far enough to keep me out of trouble however.
I was drug over the coals by another "Canon" photographer for being inside the arena.  I'm not sure how that could be since there was a fence between me and the horses.  From his shooting location, he was MUCH closer to them than I was, but since his lens was bigger, I deferred!!
Not wanting to create a problem, I climbed over another fence and moved even further away so as not to be shooting directly into the sun like he was.  That STILL didn't suit him!  I think he just didn't want another photographer around.  In five minutes one of the judges came racing out in his little golf cart.  I heard him report back on his radio that "she is NOT too close".  He did however, chase off the people behind me playing with a frisbee!!
At any rate, I got lots of great images of my favorite creatures in the world doing amazing feats of jumping!  There's nothing like balancing yourself perfectly as they fly through the air and land on the other side.  Too bad I sold all my English equipment!!
I spent the rest of the day at the Dog Agility competition.  If you love dogs and want to have a good time as well as lots of laughs, find a local competition to attend!!  They're not nearly as "stuffy" as the horse competition.  Pictures tomorrow! 

Another cloudy day in the 80's brought one more spectacular sunset to the desert.  They don't last long ... their beauty is fleeting ... but WOW!!  I have to run outside with the camera every time!
As I type this morning, I'm being serenaded by a large pack of coyotes!  Every morning about 6:30 they come through singing to the moon.  At my house at 6:30 I would be listening to a freight train.  I think today will be a laid back do-nothing day.  I need some groceries and the puppies need some play time.


  1. You have mail
    next time tell them you're a blog writer and professional photojournalist for an Internet publication

  2. Each year at the Oregon State Fair and the Washington State Fair we spend a lot of time in the horse barn AND the 4-H Dog arenas. I especially enjoy the dogs but Joe stays from beginning to end of both shows.

    1. It's just too much fun!! I'll have to check and see when your fairs are ... maybe I can add them to my schedule!!
