Sunday, January 7, 2024

Weird Food and Weather Apps

The sunrise brought up feelings of a nice sunny day.  That was immediately squashed by the clouds that swiftly covered the sky and never left ... all day long.  It was dark, menacing and dreary for hours on end.  Way too cold to be packing for sure, but I did get a few more things in the rig. 

Breakfast was one of the weirdest things I've ever had.  You do get to choose, and next time I'll make a better choice.  This might suffice for lunch I suppose, but even then, it's weird.  Here's the ingredients.  Cucumber, dill, avocado, crunchy onions, hot peppers, hot jam and feta cheese.  Apparently I am NOT a gourmet because all that on a nice chibatta roll sounded terrible.

Even the should-look-like picture looks terrible.  Maybe if I pile on the crunchy onions and leave off the hot peppers, it will be edible.

Sadly, no such luck.  This is BREAKFAST?  Yes that is parmesan because feta is not my favorite.  That little packet will probably stay in the fridge until it gets moldy.  SO ... cucumbers, onions, avocado, sweet pepper jam, the tiniest pieces of dill and parmesan were carefully placed on the roll.  It was terrible with a capital T.  Good thing I didn't have to pay for this one.  I pawned the cucumbers off on Jonathan.

More packing ... we are on to the fridge now.  I turned it on yesterday, and it seems to be right cold.  Speaking of cold ... it's a frigid 36 degrees this morning.  I've been watching all of my weather apps daily, looking for a break in the weather to get over Tehachapi Pass.  It looks like the next five days will be snow free.  Freezing cold, but snow free.  

Finally ... some good food.  Lunch came around and I made up the second serving of that Thai chili burger.  This time I cut out literally half the bun.  I could have made a triple decker out of that one.  Who would have thought soy sauce in mayo, along with Thai chili sauce on top, would make anything taste worthy.  Not my favorite bacon cheese burger, but a close second.

My Walmart order came in along with the last things to pack in the fridge.  This is turtle cheesecake.  Boy oh boy did it hit the spot.  My sweet tooth was completely satisfied.  So much so that I skipped dinner completely.

All that food did make it a tad bit hard to bend over to check the tires on the rig, so I just sat on the cold concrete.  They all needed to be topped off, so I drug out the big air compressor.  I had the fleeting thought that this kind of activity probably wasn't meant for bad backs.  Neither was putting the generator in my truck.  I don't even want to THINK about lifting a full tank of propane into my rig.

My little buddy wasn't at all thrilled with the dark day and cold weather either.  He sidled up next to me every chance he got.  He's my little shadow.

And then the rain came down in earnest.  It was so loud that both I and the neighbor went outside to see what the racket was.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this was the last hurrah for a few days so I can make my escape to Yuma ... where apparently it's been raining just as much.  I'm looking at it as a free rig wash.  It needs it!!

Until tomorrow .... 


  1. Not for me on the Avocado Cucumber Sandwich, yes on the burger but the bun is way to big, and YUMMY on the Turtle Cheesecake. Get out of town while the getting looks good...

    1. The cucumber for breakfast kind of turned me off. Yup ... weather is looking pretty good right now.

  2. I agree with Dave out of town is a good idea while you have a break in weather.
    Becareful lifting with your back kiddo.

    1. Lifting is definitely not so good any more, but the exercise of packing might be helping a bit.

  3. I am in wonderment about your breakfast choices, but then everyone has different tastes and perhaps the German type morning food would not be your thing. ;-) Hopefully you get away ok and have a fantastic trip to Yuma.

    1. I sort of looked at it as avocado toast ... but I was wrong!

  4. After watching you prep these meals and smiling a bit. :O)
    Wouldn't it just be easier to go back and eat like you did on the ranch? Like ham and eggs. I hear you have plenty of ham. :O)
