Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Lost and The Found

 If you are going across the border, go early.  It was a gorgeous day ... sunny but cool.  We arrived at the parking lot at 8:30.  Well not the parking lot ... we were parked out on the street for some time before we got in.  They only take the exact amount of cash (no change can be given) or a debit or credit card.  

The guy stands at the machine and runs your cash through for you, one at a time.  Needless to say, it's a slow process.  We were surprised that so many people were there so early.  And away we went!!

Entry is fraught with construction.  They are building a new port of entry for vehicles they said ... right where you used to walk by the Purple Pharmacy.  I have a really good sense of direction ... until I get in Algodones, then everything goes right out the window.  Every corner puts you deeper into the maze.

We made it quickly to the pharmacia ... not where I thought it was ... and were out the door in no time.  I got about $452.00 worth of blood pressure meds for a measly $43.00.  Worth the trip even if I just turned around and drove back to California.

Next up ... The Lost.  We were told to turn left and go two blocks to find the beautiful pots that you can hang on a wall like this one.  Only it's WAY too small.  They were wrong.  We went down street after street, where I found all the places you folks have been lunching and margarita-ing ... but NO pots.  

Time to ask the good people of Algodones.  At long last ... three blocks in the OPPOSITE direction, we were no longer lost.  Well I was, but at least we found the pots.  YAY!!!

The Found!!  We found the exact pots Cindy was looking for.  She negotiated ... bartered ... the price.  Everyone knows they ask three or four times the price for every item.  You can't blame them for trying.

The Spent!!  Everyone also knows they lie.  It's part of the game.  She went on and on about how it was her first day on the job.  Yeah right!  Her family owns the store.  After walking away twice, Cindy got them for less than half price.  It's all about how much you want them, but I would have quickly paid the same.

AND THEN ... we had to get them back across the border.  No problem, we will each carry one.  They aren't heavy!  Well ... by the time you carry this thing in front of you for about 3/4 of a mile back to the border, they were HEAVY as all get out!!  

The border guard said it looked like a pizza oven since they were all wrapped up.  No sir ... flower pots!!  What a relief to get them in the car!!  This morning, my arms are killing me!!  You can see how big they are ... this is a large patio loveseat!!

Tired and hungry ... what could be better than TACOS!!  Most everyone knows this place.  Their shrimp tacos are the best ... and just as good as those you get across the border.

Place your order and take a seat.  It's always crowded ... so squish in.  When they call your name, you pick up your plate, add all the fresh condiments you want on top, grab a soda or water and a chair.  You pay when you are finished eating and heading out the door.

Lucky for me, Cindy was a slow eater.  I downed mine in 60 seconds, so I took a picture of hers.  SOO good for so little money. 

Our next stop we were greeted by these guys.  You can tell they were not the least bit happy we were looking at them.  Boy did they carry on!!

This picture is for Mr. Chance.  I know he and Patty will remember which store this is.  Our most favorite RV store on 32nd Street!!  They have EVERYTHING!  Ray was looking for metal to make hooks for the pots and I was looking for a sewer hose extension.  Success!  We got our stuff and were out the door.

We were Lost, Found and had spent all our money, so we headed back home.  There was one more stop, but I'll relate that one tomorrow.  I scored BIG TIME!

I think today I'll just concentrate on ARM therapy!!


  1. I like the pots but wouldn’t want to carry them far. Bartering in Algodones is an art! Some days it’s easy and some days, not so much.


    1. That is a good description. I'm not a bartering person, but I do it if it's something I really want.

  2. I love those pots. But, they just don't look right in Michigan. It's more of a southwest thing to me.

    1. You are exactly right. I had a couple, but they didn't look that great in central California either.

  3. Nothing changes does it. I bet the same woman was sitting on the ground by the corner repeating the word "Chicklet?, Chicklet?" in the hope someone would drop a quarter into her bucket. Were the accordion players serenading you as you waiting in line?
    Good times!

    1. I think we were out by 9:30, so no long line and only two gals looking for change. They sure do try to hit you up as you walk around. I watched one guy buy a dozen beaded hanging gizzies (no idea what they were) for $75, just so they would leave him alone! Too funny.

  4. You did good! I read an article this morning. A member of the Yuma County Board of Supervisors was complaining that it took 4 1/2 hours for him to exit San Luis!

    1. Wow ... you are kidding!! I think the longest I've ever waited is a hour, but I don't stay late in the day. Maybe they should CLOSE THE BORDER?

  5. Good job on medication!
    Sure beats prices here.
    Glad you had a good time.
    Those pots are beautiful!

    1. Just one of my meds is $75 in California. It's $4.00 here. Same bottle, same pills. Makes you wonder why we pay so much.

    2. Big pharma. Bribes to congress don't come cheap.

  6. When you said you were looking for "Pots", I was thinking "Pots and Pans", I knew you were not talking about "POT", never get it over the boarder...never dawned on me you meant "Pottery" type of "POTS". They look very colorful...and yes, heavy.

    1. I should have been more descriptive! LOL. Yes, those gorgeous painted pottery type pots. It was worth it though ... they look great on her wall.

  7. Nice looking Pots, but like you said, they are heavy.
    Like Dave, I thought you were referring to Pots and Pans.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the warmer weather.

    It's about time.

    1. I should have said flower pots! There's a name for that pottery ... it just escapes me.

  8. The medication prices are crazy but crazy good!! I have a drawer full of my shingles needs at a fraction of the cost. As you know!
    Love the pots, they'll look nice on the wall, you're a trooper for carrying one out.

    1. I've ever double checked test results to find the meds here work exactly the same as the U.S. meds. Same bottles even. Someone is making a killing on medications in the U.S. Doctors? Insurance Companies? Pharmaceutical companies?

    2. Big Pharma paying congress bribes. Ramaswammy is a pharma con man, too.

    3. Don't forget about the expensive media ads they pay for . . . . brought to you by Phizer.

