Tuesday, January 16, 2024

More Laughter!!

I'm still in beautiful downtown Yuma this morning, enjoying the wonderful weather.  Boy am I glad it decided to be nice for a week or so.  I discovered two things ... heating pads (which use very little electricity in a boondocking rig), shut off after an hour.  That doesn't bode well for Jonathan.  Being plugged in is a big plus!!  Today I'll see if I can figure out a way to keep him warm without the heater running all night long!

Why?  Because maybe the KID would sleep in a bit longer.  Here we are every morning at 4:30 playing the ball game.  Yes ... I am on the floor.  This goes on for about 30 minutes.  No wonder my Levis have holes in the knees.

Then Cooper gets his treat.  If he gets one, "I" get one.  Believe it or not, this is a freeze dried ice cream sandwich.  The things Cindy and Ray can do with food are just amazing.

After breakfast, more playing ensued.  Did I mention I forgot all of Cooper's toys?  Since Miss Penny has an entire basket full, Ray grabbed one for Cooper to play with.  He LOVES it!!  That meant we had to play for another hour!!  You don't need to exercise, you just need a buddy like this one!

At last I was off to visit another wonderful RV friend.  I met Elva and Jerry Shannon in the laundromat in Yuma several years ago.  Where else would you meet RV folks?  The drive to where their rig is parked is short and the view very interesting.  I love how the mountains get worn down by the rains.

This is farming country.  Who would think ... in the desert?  It always surprises me to see that beautiful purple lettuce growing on the side of the road.  

As I pulled into the little town of Wellton, Elva warned me about the "cow" smell.  There's a feedlot several miles away.  You know me ... COW smells don't bother me one bit.  It just smells like home.

I can't believe I remembered how to get to their place.  These two ... they would do anything for you.  Two of the nicest friends I've ever met.  We reminisced and chatted for well over an hour before heading out for lunch.  The Naked Date was our goal, but after going about a mile, Elva realized it was a holiday and they were closed.  I just followed along blindly as we pulled in to the Hive.

I took this picture because this is the HIVE ... as in BEE HIVE, but when Elva asked for honey for her tea, there was none to be had.  We laughed.  I thought maybe there might be some on these shelves.  I have to admit though ... they have great food!!

Yessirree ... I ate the whole thing, but that didn't stop us from talking for another hour.  Time sure flies when you're with such nice folks.

Before I knew it, it was time to head out.  I had all these plans along the way home, but the only one that happened was fuel.  I guess I can't complain about California fuel too much ... it was $4.69 and Yuma is $4.29 at the same Circle K stations.

Once home, I was greeted with enthusiasm by my four legged friend, which required a 30 minute walk.  Then Cindy and I talked quilts until WE went for a 30 minute walk to get a list of the places for sale.  I just love this little community, and for years have thought about buying a place.  Yeah, I'm still thinking about it.  

There was no dinner on this girl's plate after having eaten that entire burger at lunch.  Cooper and I watched a little TV while I fiddled with the satellite dish.  I have apparently lost contact with the local channel satellite which of course Dish cannot fix ... and WON'T fix because it's on an RV.  I don't know if I can get someone in Quartzsite to take a look or not, but that means NO FOOTBALL!!!  

I did get to watch last night's game with the Eagles, only because it was on ESPN.  Hopefully I come up with a solution SOON!!!

In the meantime ... we are off to Mexico!!!!


  1. A laundromat? Really? Makes perfect sense to me! So great that you were able to see them. Great people! That Coop would wear me out for sure!

    1. I can't say I've met anyone else at a laundromat, but I was sure lucky this time!!

  2. Never know where you will meet great people. So glad you got to meet up with your friends.
    Be safe out there!

    1. Even in grammar school. Hope we get to meet up again this year.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit. That is a great picture of Elva and Jerry. To bad about the Naked Date being closed though it sounds, and the picture looks, like you had a wonderful lunch. That is funny about no honey at the hive...lol All the fields filled with vegetables still amazes me when we are out here, especially in Yuma. I am looking ahead at the Mall and to my right is a field of lettuce.

    1. You are here? Well for Heavens sake. Really looking forward to catching up with you two.

  4. Sure hope they let you back into the states! lol

    1. It's never a problem if you are legal. Seems you can even get in with just a driver's license now.

  5. Great folks the Shannons. I always enjoy their company. Good luck with the hunt.


    1. I found two of the places you guys hang out ... not that I could ever find them again!

  6. I'm sure you are now back from Mexico. I hope you found everything you needed there.

    1. Yes we did!! Almost gave up, but we persevered!!

  7. Your adventures always make me chuckle. I can tell you are having fun!
    Nice to see Elva and Jerry again, i bet. Great people for sure.
    Have fun in Mexico.
