Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Breakfast of Champions!!!

 What can I say.  It's COLD.  In thirteen years of RV'ing, I don't think it has EVER been this chilly.  That of course means the heater must run all night long to keep Jonathan warm.  It's like sleeping with a jet engine.  On the other hand, oranges need a good freeze to be sweet.  I think they got it.

The hardest part is trying to keep Mr. Jonathan at 80 degrees.  That means I start the truck first thing in the morning while I watch the sun come up.  All hail the sun, because it came up and stayed up all day long, keeping the rain and snow at bay.  Not so much for the ice on my windshield that I had to scrape off.

Yessirree ... off we went into the wild blue yonder (a rather boring drive I must say) until we got to Barstow.  Time to be shocked and dismayed at the price of fuel.  Actually, for a Flying J, it wasn't too bad at $5.00 a gallon.  Everywhere else along the highway it was $5.49.  

I do love this station.  Easy in, a nice place to park and rest, and an easy way out.  Since I didn't pack much in the way of snacks, I went inside to be regaled with Cinnabons (I didn't even ASK the price), dozens of packaged donuts and this.  PIZZA!!!  Breakfast of Champions!!  Yes ... yes I did eat the whole thing for breakfast.  Only my mother said you have to eat breakfast food.  I try to prove her wrong every day.

And then we were off down my now least favorite Highway 247.  I've not driven this since it happened.  As I got closer, I got really nervous.  This is the exact spot (going the same way) that guy was when he decided to pass two vehicles.  He pulled into the left lane over this double yellow line ... heading right into me.  I can see now why he didn't see me.  

My heart starting racing, but it's like getting back on a horse that bucked you off.  You have to do it.  At the very last second, he turned the wheel to the left and missed me by a couple of feet.  Yeah ... not much room there.  He made it past me, overcorrected and hit the berm on the right side of the road in an explosion of sand.  I don't see how he could possibly have lived, but I hope he did.  If he had frozen in fear, we would all be dead.  I called 911 who told me to keep driving, so I did.

With that now behind me, still a little nervous, I made it into beautiful downtown Indio.  It was a lovely 50 degrees.  I'm parked in a fancy dancy RV park for an outrageous amount of dinero, but it's an easy access and very safe.  

Now for the part where Bill Richards (of Patsy and Bill) is going to shake his finger at me.  I pulled in and parked perfectly.  Even backed up so I was perfectly straight.  I unhooked, leveled and plugged in.  All before I realized I was way too close to the pedestal to put the slide out.  Yeah, I said a bunch of bad words.  No I didn't hook back up and move.  It's tight, but we will survive.  This is one of the very few rigs that allow access to everything without putting the slide out.

Sadly, there's not much room in the recliner for Mr. Cooper, who insists on sleeping next to me.  He has an entire CHAIR to himself on the left, but would rather be next to Mom.  I'm squished, but it's okay.

Today I'll go wander a bit.  It looks like the 20-30 mph winds with 45 mph gusts will keep me here a couple of days before I head on off.  That gives me time to hit the Fisherman's Market for some great seafood!!  Can you imagine?  Good seafood in Indio!!!


  1. A Fisherman's Market in Indio? I have so many memories of driving thru ugly Indio in the 50's and 60's. It's changed a lot for the better. Enjoy!

    1. Yup and it's a good one!!! Check it out next time you are near here.

  2. We go thru Indio to visit my SIL in Indian Wells! I love the view from the Walmart, snow on Big Bear Mountain with palm trees and flowering bushes all in one picture!
    We have all done exactly as you have, and like you we all weigh the pros and cons. It will be a good reminder for the future and you will think of it as you back in next time! Enjoy your time there.


    1. Ha! You are so right Deb. I will definitely remember the slide next tine!

  3. I remember that near head on incident! Diesel prices here range from $3.49-4.49

    1. I was sure I was a goner. Thank God for small favors. Found the same fuel price here today.

  4. Glad you made it to Indio.
    We actually lived there for 5 years. Try a date shake if you haven't ...they are delicious!

    1. Really? You lived in Indio? It's kind of hard to get around with all the traffic, but there are some good restaurants.

  5. I guess you're on your way. Too bad it is so cold. Kinda ruins the fun of coming to warm Arizona. Should warm on Saturday to mid 50s. Drive safely and stay warm.

  6. We got hit with REAL BAD winds and rain and tornado warnings yesterday. The nearest confirmed tornado was about 30 miles south...the nearest radar indicated tornado was about 3-4 miles south of us, but there is no indication that a tornado really existed on that one...all is well. It has been a couple of years but I too have set up camp and then realized I could not get my slide out. Brain Fart is what I call it.

    1. I've been watching your weather. I know it's normal for you, but scary is all I can say.
