Friday, January 26, 2024

Solved the Worlds Problems

Waking up with Cooper.  Oh yes, this is an every day thing at 4:30 am.  I actually found a box of EIGHT balls in the pantry.  He got his pick, and as you can tell, it's a squeaky one!!  Yes he rolled it under the chair, and yes I had to go get it.  Thank you to whomever invented the extra long kitchen tongs. 

After having my first cup of coffee, Mr. Cooper and I wandered outside for the sunrise.  It's pretty amazing to watch these almost every morning.  It's very cold as the morning air is around 45 degrees.   I never seem to know what to wear.  One day it's windy and freezing, the next it's hot and sunny.

There were no coyotes in the bushes on this morning, but there sure was fire in the sky.

It just got better until we were both shivering.  After warming up a bit, it was time to head off to poker pool.  It took all of two minutes to tell them I would be missing in action.  Neither Patsy or I felt all that great.  I was coughing quite a bit ... normal for me in the mornings ... but didn't want to make anyone nervous.  There seems to be a lot of crud going around.

I hung out with Cooper, mostly on the floor, until after lunch when we headed off to another RV group committee meeting.  The agenda .... solve the worlds problems.  Even Gibbs got to come along.  Uh yeah, he's sitting on my lap.

It's okay though, because he is just the sweetest puppy EVER!!  You can't help but smile when he's around!  He's just so happy!!

FOUND THEM!!  Some times that's a pretty tall order when there are six roads to choose from.  Luckily, Bill drove right to it.  This is a picture of Deb taking a picture.

Look who's here!  Yuma the wonder dog, along with his personal chauffeur Doug!!  We seemed to be able to solve the world's problems, but not Doug's engine problem with the White Lion.  We came up with lots of suggestions, but none of us are diesel engine mechanics.  We sure hope he can figure it out, because camping out in his jeep can't be all that comfortable.

We started out by the rig, but couldn't decide if it was hot or cold, so we moved a few times.  

Mr. Gibbs the lap pup kept Patsy and I warm with snuggle sitting.  Yuma tried to wander off and smell the smells a few times.  He so wanted to play with Gibbs, but Gibbs wasn't interested this time.  

We did solve the problem of the guy next door who kept driving his Class A back and forth.  I noticed when he came in, it looked like he had an air bag with no air.  I think he drove out and back four times before parking next door.  What's more fun than people watching!!

It was a great afternoon while we all discussed our plans for the next few days.  Everyone is going every which direction, just like the weather.

Back home in the late afternoon, I was presented with some fabulous peanut butter pie ... my favorite!!  I balanced it nicely with a rather anticlimactic green salad for dinner.  That pie however ... was delicious, Thank you Patsy.  And yes, that is two pieces.  I shall devour the second piece today!

I'm sure there will be another trip to Tyson Wells before I wander off further south.  Surely there is something here that I can buy other than my electrical hookup and propane.  Maybe a coat for Jonathan, since I looked up the weather at my next location.  53 degrees and raining, 38 at night.  That should be fun!!  Come on Mother Nature ..... lighten up please!!  


  1. It sure looks like Doug is out for his last Winter...hard to hang up your boots knowing you won't be putting them back on again.

    1. That's it exactly. It's a tough decision when you like this lifestyle so much.

  2. Good group to solve the world's problems. Did Yuma get a chance to show off his jumping skills?

    1. Not so much this time. He did come running over to greet us however. That kid likes scratches!

  3. The weather is goofy here too. Supposed to be 76 today yesterday it was cold all day.
    That pie looks fabulous.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. This is the coldest I've ever seen Q. I sure wish it would warm up a bit, but I think that's not going to happen until next month!!

  4. It was a wonderful meeting yesterday. It was great to chat with Doug and see Yuma again.

