Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Seven Photos ..... Seven Days

You've all probably done it.  Someone challenges you to post seven photos of your life in seven days (no people), then every day you have to challenge someone else to do it.  I am NOT a fan, but it was a friend, so what are you going to do.  While I really wanted to post some of the great shots I've gotten over the years of wild animals, those don't really show anything about me.

It was then that I discovered I don't really HAVE any photos about me.  No wonder I don't like these challenges!!  In scrolling through everything else on my phone, I finally posted Cooper, Jessie, Jonathan, cowboy boots and my bestest horse, my Shook kite, one bobcat from the Lost Horse Ranch and a dinosaur from the pumpkin patch.  I challenged no one.  It's how I roll ... always the black sheep!!

That pretty much sums it up, except for this ..... quilting.  I would say this is a pretty big part since I sew almost every day when I'm home.  I try very hard not to do this too early in the morning.  All those squares become blurry.  Thank goodness this pattern has an exact placement .... it wasn't me trying to make this happen.

What it IS, is 12 rows of 10 squares, each of which are two different patterns.  Add that up!  Where are the corners you ask?  That extra fabric is in the mail to me as I type because Nancy got carried away and cut it wrong.  I will not be making another one like this.  Every single one of those 120 pieces has TWO seams to match up ... a feat that I'm not so good at.  It will be okay however since this one is going on my bed at Lost Horse Ranch.
Thankfully, none of those photos I posted were of snow.  It's cold enough to snow however.  Winter has finally arrived with 39 degree overnight temperatures, getting up to only 60 during the day.  WOW ... that was fast.  Somehow FALL was skipped right over.  

That meant yesterday morning was my first fire of the season.  To equal out my PGE bill, I turned OFF the sprinklers and turned ON the gas fireplace.  This probably should have been one of my SEVEN.
It was another early morning, which means nappy time for me since it's that time again .... MAGIC KINGDOM OF BINGO!!  Woot Woot!!!  It will be interesting to see all the changes they have made while I'm gone ... knowing of course that I won't put up with things like opening the doors early or allowing credit card bingo.  

On the other hand, it will be fun to see the King, Prince Charming, the Castle Lawyer and the Court Jester, along with all the other peasants, including the newest addition ... a Cook with purple hair that attends the fires.  Not just any purple, but BRIGHT purple!!  This should be fun!


  1. Sounds like you are off for more fun. Enjoy!

    1. Well I'm not so sure Bingo is more fun but it keeps me occupied for a piece! LOL
