Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Crazy Skies of Arizona

 Sunrise .. sunset .. sunrise ... I bet you can't guess which is which!  Even I have a hard time telling and I'm HERE!  This is the sunset from the day before.  The different levels of clouds are really visible.

It was weird on this day since there was no color.  Another sunset here.

Sunrise ... finally a beauty to appreciate.  It's colors were fleeting and didn't hang around very long.

This is also a sunrise, but looking the opposite direction of the picture above.  You get 360 degrees of color in this little town of Quartzsite.

And then there's this ... this FACE!!  I have never seen a dog so happy to see just about anyone!!!  He got some rubs and scratches before his Mom and I started off on our morning walk.

Patsy has an app that will record bird sounds and tell you what it is.  It's pretty amazing really.  We walked the back roads looking for a particular bird she had found before.  All I got was house finches and wrens.  If you take a picture of a bird and upload it, the app will tell you what it is.  Sort of.  It described that morning dove as an owl, so there's that!  In their defense, it was pretty much buried in a tree.

Back at the clubhouse, Patsy and Susan were working on the latest puzzle that I'm sure is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the hardest.  I didn't stay long ... ice cream was calling my name.

I made a quick trip to Coyote Fresh for some Tillamook chocolate peanut butter.  Nope ... not today, so Roadrunner was next.  I like that store MUCH better.  

After a couple more walks with Cooper (who would not be deterred), I was invited over for dinner.  I'm getting completely spoiled by the Richards family.  Barbecued bacon cheeseburgers??  Yes please!!  I'm beginning to feel like I have my own personal restaurant next door.

This RV park does many things to keep you busy.  Puzzles, poker pool, pokeno, jam sessions ... and even fires in the fire pit.  This was the first time in a long time since the weather has been so bad.  On the way over, I noticed the moon ... barely visible above the rolling clouds

This time there was a little more color to the sunset as we sat eating popcorn by the fire.

More and more people arrived to enjoy the smoke and flames.  I'm the kid of a man who LOVED fires.  Every time we went camping, all of the cooking was done over an open flame.  I learned really quickly exactly where to sit so as not to cough and choke from the smoke.  I quickly picked my chair and settled in.

All of a sudden there appeared a bag of marshmallows.  You know what that meant ... S'MORES.  You won't believe this, but I passed on the sweets.  I was way too full from that huge burger!!  I must say there were lots of flaming white things in the air!!

I finally gave up my seat as I headed back to the rig and Mr. Cooper.  The moon was really putting on a show.  It was definitely a weird cloud day, reminding me that I'm glad I stayed a few more days.

There are now tornados forecast for the San Joaquin Valley (mostly North of me), rain, hail and 40 mph winds.  That doesn't sound like much fun.  I hope my fence stays upright and my roof doesn't leak.

Oh ... and you'll be happy to know I found a replacement Bingo cashier for the night.  Lots of happy players showed up to throw their money away!  The Elks Lodge thanks them!!


  1. Sunrise ~ sunset......clouds, color.......Let the show begin!!
    That burger looks tasty!

  2. The sunsets are what I miss the most about the SW. I have never of Coyote Fresh, is that a new store?

    1. Kind of new ... maybe 5-6 years?? Smaller than roadrunner.

  3. Our sky last night was different but interesting. I don't like "real " fires but a neighborhood fire gathering sounds like fun.

    1. You guys should do it where you are. Even if it's just a "fake" fire! It was nice to smell a real wood fire.

  4. Looks like you have had a great time with all your travels and visits this winter. Your cloud pictures are pretty and Az. is an interesting state.

    1. I have had a great time. I'm already planning the return trip.

  5. I just love those areas out there where you see sunsets (I rarely do sunrises) that cover the skies from east-west-north & south.

    1. I rarely see them at my home. If it's cloudy, it completely covers the sky with no color.

  6. Now I want a homemade burger! Glad you are having a good time.
    Be well!

  7. You got better pictures than i did of the sky changes. And the fire!

    1. I was just in the right spot when the light was right. The moon was fabulous! Saturday will be a full moon!

  8. Gibbs has claimed you as his friend. Careful, Cooper will get jealous.
    Roadrunner is well established, while the other only started Five Years ago.
    Maybe the weather is saying to stay a while longer.
    Safe Travels and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Gibbs and Cooper have become good friends too, so I don't think he cares. They are funny, those two.
