Thursday, February 8, 2024

I Have Questions!!

 Good Morning 34 degrees!!!!  I have no doubt it's going to snow in the next 3 or 4 days.  Temperatures are plunging right and left.  It's okay though, I finally found my little electric heater.  It sounds like a jet engine, but it's keeping us warm without propane.

I bet you know what the forecast was.  Rain, rain and more rain, all day long.  Surely this will make for some flash floods.  I think we are okay here, but we did have two nice rivers running the length of the park.

First things first ... I needed a vet for Cooper.  I was definitely disappointed when the emergency vet I go to said ear infections were not considered emergencies, and they would not let me take him in, in spite of my offer to pay the emergency fee.  It may not be an emergency to them, but it certainly is to me when my kid is shaking his head constantly!!

Instead, they gave me an appointment for tomorrow at 9:30.  I'll be at the door at 9:00.  I just feel awful that I didn't catch this sooner.  Even though it rarely happens with him, I need to be more vigilant.

In the meantime, I was out of his ear cleaner, a particular variety that I couldn't find around here.  Amazon is pretty good about next day delivery, so I put in an order.  I was sure I changed the delivery address, but when the email came, they had sent it to California.  RATS!!

I immediately placed ANOTHER order to be sent to the Chance house.  Hopefully it arrives tomorrow.  Of course that will be AFTER we get to the vet.  I have to admit the drive to town was gorgeous.  I just love the clouds.  We were actually pretty lucky since most of the bad rain seemed to split and go right around us.

TJ Maxx lives right next to the pet store, so I slipped in for a quick look.  Don't ask me why I was looking for knee length Levis.  I think I had it in my head it was going to be warm here.  The shorts I brought are only acceptable for the back yard.  It was a big score ... 2 pair for $12.00 each.  

The purse?  Yes, my good old western one is completely falling apart. This $85 one only cost me $29.  I swear, TF Maxx has better stuff than all the other stores in town!

Back home, and it's still raining, I encountered two problems I can use your help with.  This is the back of my Dometic fridge.  I've never seen it drip and freeze like this.  Is this normal?  It's going into a tray, so no mess ... I've just never seen it do this before.

Next one ... and I called Mr. Chance for this.  I've been really lucky in my life to have good jobs to pay for vehicles.  It turned out that for whatever reason (and it usually involved pulling horse trailers) I got a new truck about every ten years.  

THIS truck ... my beautiful white Silverado 4WD 2500 diesel ... is 19 years old and still running like a champ.  But this was my question.  It's going to get down to 30-32 degrees.  Do I need antifreeze?  She has always been parked in a garage.

Don't laugh!  I've never EVER done anything to the radiator.  I mean what maintenance am I supposed to be doing for a truck this old?  Is there anything else I'm supposed to be checking?

An oil change is scheduled for next week, so I'll have them flush the radiator and put in more "stuff".  

In the meantime, I cooked up one of those delicious hamburgers, poured in tomato sauce and made hamburger helper, smothered in parmesan for dinner.  It was actually quite good.  I stole the recipe from Patsy 's blog. 

THIS was dessert.  I haven't mentioned that Deb and Tom gave me some wonderful candy from their home town.  This my friends is a Yooper Bar!!  OH YEAH!!!  CHOCOLATE!

Almost two ounces of delicious milk chocolate that I ate in one fell swoop!!!

The last problem of the day turned out to be me panicking.  You know I listen to everything.  The heater, the fridge, the truck engine, Cooper, Jonathan, my phone ... my ears are always going.  Suddenly I heard the dreaded DRIP DRIP DRIP.  NOOOOOOOO my house is leaking somewhere!!!

I followed it to the bathroom, but didn't find anything wet.  I looked and looked.  Suddenly it dawned on me ... big rain drops were beginning to fall on the plastic cover over the shower.  Boy did that sound like water dripping into the rig.  

It was a big relief as I put my earplugs in for the night.  NO MORE LISTENING!!!


  1. I'm sure Mr. Chance told you that your truck has anti freeze in it. It is needed for both cold and hot weather. If you have never had the system flushed, you have done well. The owners manual well tell you how often to have the system flushed.

    1. Owners manual?? Just kidding. I must have one somewhere. Thanks Bill ... I guess I've been lucky. Never have had the system flushed.

  2. My Wranglers shrink a little after 300 washings! I cut them off just above the knee.......shorts!! (I call them cut-offs) I like the frayed edge after washing.....takes me back to the 60's!!

    1. I have done the same. I just needed something a tad bit nicer to wear to town. These things last forever!!

  3. P.S. T J Maxx is about 1/2 mile from me - GREAT purse selections! Sometimes shoes also!

    1. Exactly. I've gotten a few purses there and several shoes. Kitchen stuff ... bedding ... all nice but much cheaper!

  4. Coolant is a mixture of antifreeze and water, usually 50/50 so I wouldn’t worry about it. However that is only my opinion.
    Mr. Cooper is like any other kid, every once in a while they get sick, we do all things necessary to make them healthy again. We can only do what we can do. You are an awesome mom, stop beating yourself up please.
    The fridge isn’t freezing up on the fins, stop fretting. Perhaps the temp is a tad too high or too low. In my other rig, the wind played a factor making it drip like that on occasion.
    I like the purse, very cute.
    We too missed the weather yesterday but not the wind. It is raining now as I type this comment! Smile and enjoy the day.


    1. I do beat myself up when my kids get sick. It's hard not to for me! I raised the freezer temp just a bit after sticking a thermometer in it. Seems it was pretty low. Thanks Deb!!! I sure appreciate all your knowledge!

  5. The fins on our refer do that too...use it long enough, some ice will build up, which is when you need to defrost it. (Our last trip was 9+ months and by the end of trip, some ice had built up on 3 fins). Don't worry about 32 degrees on the truck, as others have said, you can't run just straight water in these radiators anymore. Should it be flushed? Well, if it ain't broke, don't mess with it is my theory. And I have heard that same drip...and took a bit of time to realize it was the dome in the bath area.

    1. That's it ... that dome!!! Interesting about the freezer, because I've never used it this long before. That's why I've never seen it freeze up like this. Okay then ... all is good!

  6. Nancy sorry Cooper has an ear infection. Glad you are getting him to the Vet.
    You take very good care of your animals don't blame yourself.
    Stay warm!

    1. I hope all is well at your house ... no flooding ... and no house falling off the cliffs. It's been crazy this year.

  7. Love the new knee length shorts. I haven't bought any in a few years, but will be looking again. Poor Cooper hopefully he gets relief today.

    1. I'm too old to be wearing short shorts, so those knee length not only work well, but look nice. Today Cooper should begin healing up!!

  8. Mr. Ed suggests As for Mr. Cooper Go to Walmart CVS pick up a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide // eyedropper it has many uses ears are one of them
    As for your antifreeze, leave it alone even if you have 5% antifreeze you’re good at that temperature as for having the antifreeze flushed that’s a waste of money unless you’re having a higher heat issue under normal conditions…
    If you’re going to have the oil changed, tell them What they need to do ((((when the vehicle cools down never ever ever hot )))))is run an antifreeze Hydrometer test. That’ll tell you where your freeze point is and if the antifreeze is cloudy, you’ll see it on the tester That hydrometer Is very small and looks like a glorified turkey baster
    When it rains, it mainly should stay outside. Raining inside is not a fun thing. Do you have a slide out on the left side of your bedroom? I’m going to assume that’s the same side as your shower it may be a possible leak under the top of the slide out running to the shower. If you have a skylight in the shower, you need to check and make sure the decor seals are not cracked.
    As you said, it was really windy and a lot of rain Both good possibilities. If all else fails, post a picture

    1. Raining inside is not good. Turns out it was just the big rain drops falling on the dome over the shower. Nothing inside thank goodness. I'll talk to the shop mechanic about my truck next Tuesday.

  9. Well, if you had gotten that new truck, you wouldn't have that problem. The new ones have coolant that seems to be good forever.

  10. All rigs today have antifreeze in them. You don't need a flush, but they do recommend replacing it once in awhile as it has anti corrosion stuff in it. Just drain and replace will do.
    Good to hear you are on the mend.
