Friday, February 23, 2024

That Was A LONG Drive

Morning came once again.  This time with clouds and beautiful colors.  Suddenly I spotted a dog running loose at the end of the road.  OH NO!!  Cooper and I made a beeline for him, hoping to snatch him up.  Suddenly Bill appeared from behind a palm tree.  It was GIBBS!!! (and he was on a leash).

It just got better as I began the takedown.  Time to pack up and hit the road.  I got all of maybe two feet before Cooper began going crazy.  One thing he doesn't want, is to be left behind.  So first things first ... he goes in the truck.  THEN I can begin putting stuff away.

There were too many pictures yesterday to post this beauties.  All day long the clouds floated over our RV park.  How can you not love this!

There seemed to be three different layers.  Mother Nature sure can put on a show.

It looked like you could just reach up and touch them.

Finally just before 8:00, we were all loaded up and ready to go.  I said sad goodbyes to Patsy, Bill and Gibbs and headed out.  This isn't Cooper's favorite part of traveling.  I think he gets rather car sick.  Some times he will sleep, but mostly he lays with his head up ... my poor baby boy!!

Under beautiful sunny no-rain skies, we headed off toward Needles.

It was a very long 4-1/2 hours of driving as we headed to Barstow.  Traffic wasn't bad, so we went along at a good clip.  If you've taken Highway 40 before, then you probably know what this is.  This crazy long train is stopped, I think waiting for another train to pass.  It's much longer than what you see here.

I wish you could see the colors of the hills.  Some are grey, some purple, some black ... the colors are just amazing.

At long last we hit Barstow where I stopped for fuel.  $5.39 was the price for today ... not the most expensive I've found here.  I was hungry and Cooper needed a walk.  He got to smell the smells and stretch his legs while I got another piece of this most fabulous wondrous pizza.  Mostly I wonder what's in it.  If they added more sauce, it would be much better.  $4.00 a slice I think.  No matter, the slices are 8 inches across and it filled the hole in my stomach.

Off we went again ... this time with more truck traffic.  I followed one trucker down Tehachapi Pass for a ways.  He was going really slow ... and every time he hit the brakes, huge clouds of smoke came out from under the truck.  YIKES!!  

Eventually we made it to our favorite Orange Grove RV Park.  I grabbed my envelope taped to the front window and headed to my site.  

Look what I found on the table!  Someone left a big pile of oranges along with a nice painted rock.  I appreciate the thought, even if the oranges aren't the least bit ripe.  I kept a few that I hope will ripen, and am leaving the rest on the table for the next person.  There actually are still some good oranges at the tops of the trees, but I'd rather pretend I'm a rock in my chair.

Oh LOOK!!  CUPCAKES!  I wonder where those came from!!  Just ONE made an excellent dinner!!

Which reminds me ... I have ice cream!!  And so ended the longest travel day.   


  1. We all like those nice quiet travel days. My favourite ones. Safe travels as you roll on homeward.


    1. Thanks Deb ... you are one of the experts at long hauls!

  2. Pizza and cupcakes made up the menu for the day...good choices! Cute rock. I'm praying you have a safe travel day.

    1. Thank you Elva ... it must have worked because I'm back safe and sound.

  3. Wonderful sky pictures! Comfort food always good after a long day! :)

    1. So very true ... especially if it has lots of sugar! My favorite food group.

  4. Beautiful sky pictures. Glad you are buzzing along with no problems. Safe travels!

    1. It's always a big relief when you get where you want to be with no problems!!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Marlene. I hope the weather gets better for you.

  6. We always go from Needles to Orange Grove, or is always a long haul, and you added a few hours to that ride coming from Q. We have picked up their oranges like that before, and after sitting around in cool (not fridge) environment, they taste pretty good. One more travel day, and then you have 4 days before your BINGO night.

  7. If you added Static Straps to your truck, Cooper would not get motion sickness.
    Glad you're Safely making your way home. Enjoy your pizza.

    It's about time.

    1. What are static straps? Never heard of it ... I'll do some research!

  8. Get Cooper a car seat so he can see out the window. Then he may feel less nauseated. Many varieties on Worked well for my little Bichon years ago. She was also safer carseat was belted in and her harness was clipped to seatbelt in case of accident or sudden stop.

    1. Cooper is harnessed and chained to the seat! LOL. Mostly so he can't lock the door when I get out! LOL. I'll look up car seats. That just might work.
