Saturday, April 9, 2022

Shrinkage ... It's Happening All Over

Too many late nights and early mornings have taken their toll.  I actually slept in until 5:00 this morning, so it's time to shake off the fairy dust and get back to normal.  What could be better to start off the day than a French toast casserole!

Knowing I would never finish off the 9 x 13 pan it asked for, I used a smaller cake pan, with mixed results.  As you can see, it exploded in the pan, eventually shrinking back down to normal.  I'm not sure what I was expecting with this recipe.  I think maybe more of a custard-like consistency.

As it turned out, it was truly just like a slab of French toast, but with a very crusty top.  As usual, I poured on a big slug of syrup.  Syrup makes EVERYTHING better!!  I wasn't feeling that this recipe was going to work until I took that first bite.  Yaowee!!!  This stuff is delicious!  I quickly decided this would be recipe #1 for the RV rally.  If you would like to try it, look up Pioneer Woman french toast casserole

Speaking of syrup, while scrounging around in the fridge for that little bottle, I happened to see a couple of pull dates on my condiment stack in the door.  Good grief ... there was mustard from 2018.  I know it lasts forever, but even that's a little too long for me.  

A further check found four bottles from 2019, and some very suspect ketchup dated 2020.  I cleaned house ... well not the house, but at least the fridge door.  Now I've got room for so much more!!!

That's when I remembered on my last foray (Wordle word) to the grocery store I had picked up some Easter candy.  Self control was never my best attribute!  These are perfect for when I need something sweet, but would never eat an entire bar.  Body shrinkage has never been in the cards for me, probably because of that awful sweet tooth!

I tried my first one yesterday.  I was shocked!!  Look at this teeny tiny piece of candy!!!  It has shrunk by 50%.  Just like toilet paper, I'm telling you they are diminishing the size of EVERYTHING, yet charging the same price!  So much for the good feeling from eating only ONE ... now I have to eat TWO!!

With nothing scheduled for yesterday ... on purpose ... Cooper and I hung out on the couch discussing the thing I caught in the back yard yesterday morning.  Honestly, I have no idea what it was, I just saw two big eyes when I flashed the flashlight around.  I do that now every single time he goes out in the dark.  I want no repeat of the skunk festival.

I rushed back to shut Cooper in, then found it slinking away .... not running, just sneaking off.  Weird, it's back end was almost on the ground.  A kitty?  It was big enough to be a fox, but I've never seen one walk like that.  I really couldn't say what it was, so I set up the game camera last night.  

Due to lack of shuteye, we both feel asleep on the couch and napped for over an hour in the evening ... a rare occurrence for me, not to mention Cooper.  He's usually begging me to throw the ball.

Oh and one more thing ... Arizona sent the title for my Jeep.  Now I wonder what I'm supposed to do with it.  I've got my plates and registration.  I think I'll just stick it in the safe and see what happens.  I'll probably get arrested, but at least the horrible food in jail would help with MY shrinkage problem!!


  1. We pulled into the Campground in Pine Bluff (Arkansas) where I lived for 6+ years when I worked here. As we drove around (only about 25% of campground has an occupant) what did we see??? A SKUNK (Hog Nosed Skunk) crawling into a drainage pipe...needless to say, we stayed away from that part of the park.

    1. Oh no!!! I'm with you there ... stay very far away!!

  2. Oh my goodness, stop that!!! Your French Toast Casserole looks delicious!! It looks like bread pudding, another of Bill's favourite items. I'll have to search it when we get home and things fixed. ♥♥♥
    I guess I missed yesterday's post about the slinky critter, you usually recognize most crawly things. Hope your game camera picks it up, could just be a kitty, they can be sneaky and low to the ground.

    1. That's what I thought ... kitty ... but I think I was wrong. I feel so bad for you guys. Maybe you can work that into eating out!!!

  3. I agree that casserole looks yummy! I love Pioneer Woman! I have to agree with you about the shrinkage going on! Winco I bought sandwich bags, used to be 100 in the package, now 90 and a few cents higher pricing.

  4. That is the recipe I used to use for the French Toast Casserole, so delicious and so much easier then making actual French Toast. I am all for

    1. I was surprised since I thought it would be much different. Perfect for Sunday morning breakfast!!

  5. Now I am in the mood for French Toast this morning. Or perhaps Blueberry early, so many decisions!

    1. Go with the French toast!!! I know, it's WAY too early for making ANY decisions!
