Sunday, March 31, 2024



It's that time of year when we all look at each other and ask GOT EGGS?  Probably not if you shop Save Mart or Safeway, but Costco has them by the dozen for a respectable price.  I had to hit up Walmart.  Though twice the price of Costco, they are half the price of local grocery stores.  

Did I color any this year?  Sadly, the answer is no.  I do remember as a kid, we did the hot water/tablet trick after writing on the hard boiled eggs with crayons.  We got to dye one dozens eggs, which were eventually diced into the colorful potato salad, since the dye always ALWAYS seeped through the shells.  

The eggs were hidden by the Easter Bunny (while we were at church) in our 2 acre back yard.  There are probably some rotten ones still hanging out at the ranch.  One time we were lucky enough to get a chocolate Easter Bunny and thought we were in Heaven.  He was smashed and make into cookies!!  So much for eating the ears first.

Here's the scoop on the prescription I got from the Nurse.  She prescribed Benzonatate.  I have to agree with blog reader Judith ... it works.  I didn't cough at all most of the day, but by 5:00 it began once again.  That's just so weird.  So I took ONE pill.  Within an hour the coughing stopped.  In two hours I was dried up like a raisin in the summer heat.  I mean that's good because I wasn't coughing all night long, but I was awake from the dryness in my head.  Oh well ... it was worth it not to have that racking cough!!

This is my BEFORE picture of the "incident".  Truly, it probably isn't a bad thing because most of this green isn't grass at all, but weeds.  I'm pretty sure only about 15 feet got wet, so in the end, it won't be a big deal.  

I am very sure however, to keep Mr. Cooper WAY away from the grass AND the concrete.  It's the side yard in front, where he is never allowed to go without a leash.  He's a runner don't you know ... he'd be around the corner faster than a speeding bullet.

Here we are out on our evening walk.  I have to walk really fast because he runs the entire way.  I guess it's to come in contact with as many smells as he possibly can before I head back home.  Sometimes it's hard to keep up with him.  

Another weird thing this year ... we rarely EVER have clouds that look like this.  It's been really nice to look outside every day and see the beauty before the black clouds and rain show up.  

Besides that, we get to check out all the pretty pink flowers that are in bloom for Easter.  Cooper is well acquainted with every .. single .. bush.

More sewing ensued in the afternoon.  I'm now half done with the center section and ......

I'm starting the second half.  There are 192 squares that have to be marked diagonally before sewing them to another square.  Those are cut in half before you can even BEGIN to put things together.  No one ever said making quilts was simple.  Turns out it is much more time consuming than I ever thought.

SQUIRREL .... tired of that project, I actually put the vacuum away and moved on to finishing up the binding on this one.  TA-DA!!  Another one bites the dust.  My plan was to try sewing the binding by machine, but alas, I already cut and stitched these ... not wide enough for machine finishing.  

Which brings me to THIS one ... a queen sized behemoth that will be ... you guessed it ... hand sewn also.

And so ended my very long day after no sleep.  I'd love to catch up with a nice nap this afternoon, but then I won't sleep once again.  On the schedule .... cooking, eating and sewing on this Easter Sunday.  Hopefully sleeping will follow because I have a 9:00 alcohol inventory to do at the Elks Lodge EARLY tomorrow morning!!

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!  I hope your day is wonderful and filled with Blessings.


  1. Louise from Brandon ManitobaMarch 31, 2024 at 7:40 AM

    I love the quilt you are working on - could you please tell me the name of it. I have made a few quilts, but am not very good at it. Love reading your Blog - it is the best. Have a Happy Easter from Snowy Manitoba

    1. Hi Louise!!! You could make this quilt ... it's an easy pattern. It's called Hunter's Star Simplified from Calico Carriage Quilt Designs, Debbie Maddy. I purchased it fairly recently, so it should be available. If not, let me know and I will get it to you.

  2. After church one Easter Sunday, around 1993/94, my family and I come home from church to find our yard full of plastic Easter Eggs. My Children's Librarian, with a few of her cohorts, had done this for my 3 kids without asking or letting us know....BIG surprise. She continued to do this until my youngest turned 8 or 9. She was the best...I miss her dearly, she passed in 2005.

    1. Oh yes .. they were pretty BIG plastic ones. I think maybe we found two or three ... full of jelly beans.

  3. Happy Easter Nancy!
    Didn't mean to scare you about the spray yesterday just wanted to make sure you are ok.
    Enjoy your day!

    1. No problem Frances ... I think it looked worse than it was, but I'm being extra careful just in case.

  4. Happy Easter Nancy
    Love the quilts you are working on and your work looks so nice. A favor Please could you open up the quilt that has the purple material and take a picture of that quilt.
    Thank you

    1. I will post a picture today Sue!!

    2. Thank you Nancy and the quilt is beautiful . You have such a good eye for the color and designs.

  5. For sinus problems, try Breath Natural. It is Chinese. My acupuncture doctor, Dr. Young Ki Park recommended this. It works without making ones nose feel like it is about to shatter.

    I did not leave off the e. It is Breath Natural. It is available on line for less than $10. a bottle. WARNING the tablets are green and they stink. But it is the best I have ever had. The tablets are about the size of an M&M. And years ago, they were candy coated and looked like an M&M. That is how I ordered them from Dr. Park by calling in for green M&Ms.

    Happy Easter and please get well.

    1. Your product you recommend? Is partly a derivative from (rice extract) It claims to fame is Sinus clear up and dietary properties

    2. Well that's an interesting one Rex. I've never heard of any thing like it. I'll see if I can find a bottle!!

  6. Mr. ed said, happy Easter with that out-of-the-way …. What you’re taking is an antihistamine type drug it’s in the same class as (over the counter) Mucinex. It’s basically designed to dry your sinuses out.
    What you’re probably getting is a tick were your sinuses drain into your throat?
    The more common side effects of Mucinex and benzonatate oral capsule include:
    * drowsiness
    * dizziness
    * headaches
    * constipation
    * nausea
    * upset stomach
    * breakouts
    * nasal congestion
    Also, what plants or flowers or trees are coming in bloom? …
    Also, IF you want to stay away from pharmaceutical prescriptive medication‘s.
    look under holistic medicines, (as long as you’re not allergic to bees ) you’ll find bee pollen tablets Are great for drying your sinuses out. Along with other Beneficial properties. (Check your Google research) …

    1. I read all of the side effects, but luckily I didn't have any of them. They would have been worth it by killing the cough. HAPPY EASTER!!!!

  7. Seeing your Hunter Star quilt project has inspired me to make another one, which will be my third.
    I always hand sew my quilt bindings. It just seems cleaner looking that way.
    Thinking of you, I turned on the PBR this morning, televised from Nampa,ID. My back hurts just watching them. I enjoyed the commercials also.

    1. That pattern is a pretty simple sew, with such great results. Glad you are inspired to make one more!! I'm pretty sure I will be doing the same. PBR is fun to watch. As the announcers say, you can do that when you're YOUNG!!

  8. No eggs here, no young children to enjoy an egg hunt, just me and Tim hope you are having a good Easter

    1. Same Jo-Anne. Last year I dyed a few with natural things like red onions ... just for fun. It didn't turn out well at all, so this year I didn't have ANY eggs.

  9. Hope you and Cooper (and Jonathon) had a great Easter!

    1. It was my usual dinner disaster, but it was a very nice almost sunny Easter Day.
