Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Good Morning Indio!!  At last Google got its act together and seems to be working.  I think they found out I downloaded Firefox and their life was going to be short lived, if only on my computer.  The morning sunrise was fabulous.  The cold breeze ... not so much.

Here's a couple more pictures from the parade.  Is this the queen?  I saw the yellow brick road way too many moons ago to remember anything but Toto.

This was the not so cowardly Lion.  He barked and barked ... on command of course.  A pretty tough customer he was.

On this morning, since RV rallies are all about the food ... we had a Manly cooked pancake breakfast.  That's because the men had to do all the cooking.  Almost anyway.  I decided it would be much easier if I browned the sausage inside.  

That of course led to fire alarms going off everywhere, scaring the heck out of poor Cooper.  When I finally got it shut off, the greasy griddle outside put off enough smoke to get sucked into my rig and set it off again.  Hey ... it was time for everyone else to get up anyway.

Mickey Mouse pancakes prevailed, along with jelly, butter, HOT syrup, sausages and fruit.  Shoot ... I forgot the juice.  Oh well ... they will survive.  This was the third and thankfully the LAST meal I have to provide.  Friday and Saturday are DYO days.  Dinner on your own.

With that out of the way, I went back to concentrating on ice cream.  I figured to have 28 boxes left over.  It's up to the mucky mucks to decide who gets it.  I went down Glitz row and got rid of about 15.  Next I decided to move the ice cream from the small REAL freezers, into the wannabe big freezer.  The ice cream from there would go into the small freezers.  I was hoping it would keep it all cold enough until today.

That's when for no reason whatsoever, I opened the freezer/fridge that was NOT turned on.  OMG!!  Are you kidding me?  Someone put EIGHT BOXES of ice cream in the freezer that wasn't working at all!!  I panicked.  I threw them in the big freezer.

Then I grabbed one of my guys and we rushed off to Winco to buy Dry Ice.  Who would have thought they would have it?  It cost $75.00.  For that money they could have rented a REAL freezer!!  Hopefully it works to keep the big freezer cold enough until all the ice cream is delivered.  It's been a comedy of errors that hasn't been funny to me at ALL!!

The other Nancy and I then spent an hour opening boxes to find the eight and throw them away.  They were way too melted to try and resurrect. 

I finally calmed down enough to hit the vendor building.  SCORE!!  The top glass is naked sugar cookies with a pile of frosting in the top cup for dipping.  Follow that up with a peanut butter and a chocolate ice cream cup full of cake and MORE frosting.  It soothed the savage beast who was mad about the ice cream.

I also picked up five of those dip makers.  Really, I don't use them.  You know the ones ... they prepare 25 dips and give you pretzels to taste test them?  When I told her I never make dips, she said I could use them to make pasta instead.  Are you kidding?  These flavors on pasta?  SOLD!!!  

By the end of the day, I was pretty tired, but ... dinner calls.  Did you know it was National Curry Chicken Day?  So the Painters and I went to a local Indian restaurant and chowed down.  This was just delicious.  It's not hot ... you get to choose from 1 to 10, how hot you want it to be.  Mine was a TWO ... I'm a wimp.  But I ate the entire thing!!!

They don't have restaurants like this where I come from.  However, I will pass on the next National Food Day ... It's kombucha !!!  That's a NO.

Oh ... and did I mention I got a golf cart?  Surprise surprise!!  And I'm taking mucho advantage!!  One more day of ice cream and I'll be free like a bird.  I can't wait!!  


  1. Ice Cream = a great story but too much stress. I would give the job to someone else or move on to sheet cake in the future!
    If ice cream is required - bring your own!

    1. Hahaha first year it has ever been this bad! And I AM giving the job up this year. YAY!!

  2. It sure seems like the ice cream isn't working out. I'd say it's too chilly for ice cream anyway?? Haha
    C u tomorrow! After lunch if you need Bill's help and before dark or they won't let you park. 😉

    1. Got it!! Ice cream usually goes much better than this year.

  3. Glad the day just melted away:) I think the day went pretty well and you're one more day closer to done. Keep having fun.

  4. Do you think maybe someone unplugged the freezer, maybe to plug in something else, and forgot to plug it in again when they were done??? Perhaps it is time to turn the "Ice Cream Coordinator" over to some other person????

    1. Now why did that publish as Anonymous? It is Dave...

    2. I don't know Dave ... two days ago it wouldn't work for me at all. Weird. Yes, this is my last year.

  5. I used to make my own kombucha. You only need to drink about 1/4 cup in the morning. Wish I had the ambition to find a mushroom and make my own again.

    1. I thought it was fermented cabbage? If I find a mushroom, I'll give it to you!!

  6. I agree with the first commenter. I love breakfast outside when we're camping! Nothing any better. Looks like a nice group you were with, but breakfast looks cool with jackets on. Enjoy the day!

    1. It was a little chilly for pancakes, but we survived.

  7. Probably a little chilly to eat ice cream. On the other hand, who is too cold to eat cake? Chocolate or carrot cake. Much easier to transport and store.

    1. It was WAY too cold for ice cream ... but those people are not going to give up that 50 cent bar!!

  8. It just might be that some of the mishaps is you have an excess amount of older people around and to top that off, most of them aren't real savvy about stuff like you are. :O) And even if they are, older people just make a lot more mistakes. Something to do with older age. I know I make a lot more mistakes and have mishaps now, than I used to, but hey, that's just older age, eh.

    1. So true .... old age sucks!! But I guess we will all be there.

  9. I think it’s time to pass the baton or ice cream bar on to the next person. I would try something different, you know like supplying the candy for the parade or treats for the dogs ( please don’t get them mixed up as throwing dog treats at people may be taken as being rude, and the dogs on sugar would be interesting. Lol), or even cake, it’s flat, it doesn’t easily melt, you don’t need a spoon, it won’t leak. I think these are all selling features that you may want to consider.


    1. It has been a tradition for something like 25-30 years, so I doubt they will change.

  10. I think I would have passed on the National Chicken Curry day as well. My spice profile is a -2!

    1. Hahaha ... but you know the words spice profile!!!!!
