Monday, February 1, 2021

Mother Nature Must Be Having Hot Flashes

 You know how when you get overheated, you turn on the fan to high and stand right in front of it, hoping to cool off just a tad?  You don't care what your hair looks like flailing in the wind, you just want some COOL.  Well Tucson seems to be having hot flashes, because she has the fan turned on high EVERY morning.  

There's one thing in nature I'm not fond of and that's WIND.  The harder it blows, the less I can breathe.  Something about all that dust and pollen I suppose.  The evenings are fabulous when she finally cools down enough to turn the fan off.

This morning, she turned it back on!!

In spite of my plans to get "out", I didn't get far.  Here's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Patty's electric blanket took a long dive off a short platform.  Mine is a perfect blanket, lightweight, not made of that crummy material that sticks to your hands and it works.

Since it was finally wash day for the sheets and everything had to come off the bed, I took it over to her house so she could see ... and later order ... the same one.

I've never been shocked so bad in my life!!  These sheets may never get washed again.  I was SO careful about removing everything, then happened to walk through the bathroom door.  YIKES!!!  Apparently there is a metal corner under that plaster and paint that zapped me in the arm.  I wasn't even within SIX INCHES OF THE WALL!!!  

Anyway .... so here is the driveway, all done and gorgeous.  You really have to applaud this kind of workmanship.  I told Dan there were lots of footprints up at the top ... must be javelinas.  Not really.

So once Patty approved the blanket, I headed out.  Sadly, I didn't get far.  Yes, there is a Dairy Queen about a mile away.  I decided to stop in since I REALLY needed to use up that last bit of whipped cream.  The good news is I only ate half and put the rest in the freezer.

By then it was so windy I didn't want to go anywhere, so I went through the night's videos.  My coyote buddy came back by himself, looking a little worse for wear.  It's mating time in the desert and they have been pretty fierce, even attacking several dogs in the area.  Never let your puppies out of your sight, no matter what time of day it is.  This however is one of the two bunnies who take 10-12 videos every night.  I'm sure I saw them thumbing their nose at me.

I spent an hour watching television ... How It's Made ... and what a surprise, they had cowboy boots on the show.  It was pretty fascinating to see how they make my most favorite footwear.  Whoever designs and makes the machinery they use is a genius!!  

When it came time for dinner, the wind had calmed down a bit.  Mother Nature must have turned the fan on medium.  It was a distraction.  Again with the tacos ... and the last of them I will ever order.  I dropped a big glop of sour cream on my used-to-be-clean tennis shoes.  

Ten minutes later, I knocked the whole bowl over making a nice mess.  While cleaning that up, I burned the bell peppers and onions frying on the stove.  Who puts bell peppers on tacos anyway????

I had left the chicken out on the counter all day to thaw.  I throw that stuff in the freezer since I don't know when it will actually get cooked.  Wasn't I surprised when I dumped it into the frying pan to discover it was still hard as a rock!!  How could that be?

At long last most of it was cooked, some of it VERY well done, and I was ready to assemble.  I threw in the cheese because it didn't look all that appetizing.  What can I say, it was food and kept me from starving.

I did finally make a trip to the grocery store.  Surely late on a Sunday there will be no one there.  I was wrong.  It's a good thing I didn't have to drive far.  The entire parking lot was completely full of people trying to get out of the house.  I drove around the lot and went right back out the exit.  

In spite Mother Nature's morning hot flash, only to get worse as the hours go by, I'm determined to go for a drive ... after I hit the grocery store at 8:00 this morning when no one is there.


  1. If you wear a Mask it will block the Dust and Pollen so you can breathe easier. People will think it's because of the virus of course.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Trouble is, I cannot wear a mask because I can only breathe through my mouth. Broken nose many moons ago.

  2. Dan's driveway looks awesome! So does that Blizzard and your tacos look yummy to me! Nice that Patty liked your blanket and can now order one for her!

    1. Hopefully the concrete cures fast so I can drive down the driveway! LOL

  3. Tucson peeps sure love that ice cream. Dairy Queen on Saturday. Date shakes from Naked Dates in Sunday. I passed on both. But those tacos....oh yummy.

    1. Believe it or not, I have never had a date shake. One of these days .........

  4. I'm so glad there is no wind here. Didn't even secure my huge green rug. I hate the wind too. That driveway looks great. Dan knows his cement. I like Rick's idea of wearing a mask 😀 😀. Help with the virus too! You and I would make a good team in the kitchen. I'm always dropping stuff.

    1. FIVE SECOND RULE!! Unless the puppies are close by. They are faster than that!! I rather imagine Yuma helps you clean up!

  5. Years ago I bought some handmade boots in Tucson.

    1. Sadly, boots seem to be a thing of the past. Boot Barn and a couple stores in Tucson are the last of the Mohicans.

  6. Some of those "How its Made" shows are quite fascinating and you are right the machinery they use is as impressive of more impressive than the process itself!

  7. Those tacos look pretty good to me! I'm not pleased with wind either. Hope you get better weather soon.
