Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Truth Comes Out

I don't know about you guys, but I'm about fed up with all this nonsense and the lies being spread like wildfire, not to mention the burning and looting.  I had decided I would keep my nose out of controversy and just talk about the mundane side of life, until this came out.

There are just no limits to the things people will do, possibly even causing the death of thousands who might have been cured had they taken the medicine.  I'm shocked that a part of this country would stoop this low, just to defame the President.

There's more to the article, but enough said.  

So .... on with the boring and mundane things in my life.  With the Elks Lodge not up and running yet, the only exception being a dinner once a month, I'm officially going crazy staying home seven days a week.  

The appointment I made to get my truck's air conditioning repaired was cancelled.  They cannot fix it while I wait, so I need a ride.  No one was available to play taxi, so I rescheduled for Wednesday.

One tiny problem raised it's head.  I've pretty much been seeing words on the written page in a broken stereoscope.  Double the letters would describe it ... which makes it hard to read.  I need new glasses, but can't get an appointment until September when I'll be gone. 

I called the Doc who did my surgery and installed the experimental eyes nine years ago.  Lucky me, he can see me Wednesday.  Does that day sound familiar?  Yup ... same day as my truck.  At the moment, eyes are more important than air conditioning.  You do have to make choices in life.

Just to pass the time, I headed out back to my junk pile, deciding at long last to load up all those old pallets.  They've been out there so long they are now rotten to the core.  These were the base of my haystack, usually around 90 bales.  I have to say I don't miss crawling up on top to throw down a couple of bales here and there to feed the horses.  Nor do I miss paying $20 a bale to feed one horse three days.  No one said horses were cheap.

This morning I'll make a quick trip to the dump and dispose of this mess, including those 29 black widow spiders that live in the cracks.  Gloves are a must.  Add to that the broken microwave oven.
Silly me, I completely forgot about my so-so back, which quickly reminded me this morning that I'm older than dirt.  The truth comes out ... I think I'm getting close to the "old folks home"!!


  1. You are funny, Nancy. I'm commenting on your last paragraph. I don't read things with bigwords - ha ha - that's my excuse for no comment on your news article. I tend to float through the crap, I guess, oblivious to what I don't WANT to know/hear/read/believe. :)
    Good luck with eye test tomorrow, glad you got in!

    1. I was sure feeling my muscles. I really need to get back to a little exercise! In a nutshell, the articles says Lancet lied when it printed it's article about how bad the HCQ malaria medication was and that no one should take it.

  2. The wise choice is to listen to the Scientist but with all these so-called experts spouting their own thoughts it gets confusing. As for the pres constantly having to backtrack on what he says it does sound like he's being attacked.
    If your doctor will work on your eyes a dealership should be able to work on your truck.
    Nice to clean things up but remember your limitations.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I'm definitely hoping both appointments work out today!!

  3. I am so sick and tired of the media being biased and just spouting anything they think could hurt Trumps chances for re-election in November! I hardly turn on the news anymore and if it wasn't for my husband it wouldn't be on at all!

    1. I'm with you Jeanette. I'm tired of the whole affair.

  4. I hope you get some help with your eyes. My glasses are so bad I have to take them off to read. Good luck.

    1. Doug you are so funny!! I remember you saying that. Not sure it can be fixed, but maybe a new pair of glasses will help me.

  5. I think you need to get up, feed the dogs, grab your camera and head east to...to...WTH???? All three National Parks are STILL CLOSED! OMG, what has this world become? GATHER on the streets in the name of a Civil Rights Movement, but by God, you can't enjoy the great beauty up there in them mountains you are so close to!

    1. Too funny Dave .... to make it even more aggravating, someone is allowed to be in the park. They have been posting photos every day. Not fair ... but they did finally just open it back up.

  6. I saw that report about the author retracting the findings as well. Very frustrating we cannot get a straight answer on anything.

    1. Now that's the truth ... a word they apparently haven't heard about. It's hard to make decisions when everyone is lying to you.

  7. Can we just get back to the virus stuff... it's so much easier to deal with

    1. Hahaha Ed .... you may just be right about that!! I just hate politics and sadly, we are being inundated with it.
