Friday, June 19, 2020

Now THAT'S an RV!!

For when I downsize, this is on my radar.  Is it not cool?  It's put together by a guy I found on Facebook and YouTube.  He and his crew beef up trucks to allow for more offloading and boon docking.  There's all kinds of cool stuff added to the chassis to make it worthy of the desert.

No pictures of the inside, but it's pretty much a miniature Class A.  It has everything including quite a bit of space, easily sleeping me, two dogs and a parrot!!  Ok, maybe I'm too old for such a beast, but I love it!!
I spent all day yesterday, after admiring this rig, getting ready for the Magic Kingdom meeting.  Of the 26 people contacted, only eight showed up.  The best news is one of them was our Sheriff.

I imagine you've heard our King Newsom has determined that everyone in California must now wear a mask no matter where you are.  Gosh, it doesn't seem like we need a mask to PROTEST.  Why do we need one to go to the grocery store?

That being said, it means we can OPEN BINGO!!!  YAY!!!  If everyone has to wear a mask, then we do not have to comply with the six foot rule.  That means we can fit 100-110 in our building, making it lucrative enough to turn on the machine and call those numbers!!  Our problem all along has been the number of people allowed would not make it worth the payouts ... we would be losing money.

SO ... in that light, Bingo will resume July 14.  I won't be there.  Yup ... I'm off to Arizona.  Sadly, timing is everything.  Depending on how you look at it, that could be a good thing!!

Thirty minutes later we were off to a Mexican Restaurant for dinner.  Here I've been trying to be so good and not overeat.  In fact, lunch was two small ribs.  That's it ... just two smoked ribs.  Looking at that huge menu, my self control went right out the window.  Oooooooohhhhh Mexican food!!

We were the only ones in the place.  How sad that businesses are trying to stay open, yet they have no patrons.  Two carne asada tacos, rice and beans.  You probably know my pain.  I was miserable all night long from eating WAY too much.  I guess I spent too many hours at the table trying to FINISH EVERYTHING ON YOUR PLATE!!!  I can hear my mother's voice in my head every time.

I topped that off with two spoonfuls of my homemade ice cream.  This isn't your normal ice cream, it's a Scottish recipe full of sugar and cream.  What could make your stomach feel better??

Whip up two cups of heavy cream until soft peaks, dump in a can of sweetened condensed milk and beat until stiff.  Add in whatever flavoring you wish and there it is .... calories in a cup!!  You have to have a sweet tooth for this one!!  The good news is a little goes a long way and it's inexpensive ... ok, cheap.
3:15 came VERY early this morning.  I didn't HAVE to get up.  I could have stayed in bed and tried to sleep a little more, which would have resulted in weird dreams where I married two guys I had never met before.  Yeah, those crazy dreams happen often, so it's better to just get up.  

By the way, if you watched the news about the DACA decision, don't believe a word they say.  My good friend the corporate attorney actually read the decision paperwork and it's not at ALL what the news is telling you.  Very basically, the decision says they just didn't write down these specific things (which they noted).  Write those things down and you're good to go.  Just throwing that out there.  I have no opinion one way or another, I'm just furious at the news media for always lying to everyone.

Since I won't be cooking for awhile, I'm hoping for a road trip today ... somewhere that doesn't involve my living room!!


  1. That appears to be a Class C with Off-Road capabilities.
    Know how it feels to eat more then you've become used to.
    Wishing the Magic Kingdom well.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the Road trip.

    It's about time.

  2. Replies
    1. It's not what the news stations are saying at all. They will do anything to discredit the President. Honestly, there's so much else to worry about, I don't pay much attention to that stuff.

  3. Yeah, no surprise that they didn't report the whole story on the DACA thing. The news just wanted to jump at the chance to say something negative about Trump!

    1. That is so true. I don't know how they got so far away from telling the truth like in the old days. Now you just can't believe anyone!!

  4. Ya, I saw that DACA was more of a "paper work not completed properly" ruling than anything else. I feel for these people, but on the other hand, the law is the law.

    I am NOT looking forward to wearing a mask inside the grocery store when we get to the Sacramento area...that is for sure.

    1. So here's the thing Dave ... if you are hearing impaired or have a medical condition (like claustrophobia), you are exempt!! I looked it up and took a picture of the ruling. I'll give it a test today! LOL

  5. Nice single or couples rv for sure. I'm not ready yet. :)
    I'm going to have to try the ice cream, of course I am!

    1. That ice cream is pretty sweet the first day. Leave it in the freezer for a day, then give it a shot. It's really quite good!!!
