Sunday, May 26, 2024

Unfinished Projects .....

 We are looking at a gorgeous 79 degree high in Central California on this Memorial Day Weekend.  That sure makes it nice for barbecue!!  I didn't realize until yesterday that I have nothing in the fridge or freezer TO barbecue.  I should have thought this out a little better.  Actually I'm hoping most people remember WHY they have three days off.  We are blessed by the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.

And so I decided it was WAY past time for me to fly our flag.  I would love to have a flagpole, but installing one is beyond my skills.  Why not hang one outside the front door?  So I bought this beautiful flag ... extra sturdy for years of service.

It was then I realized I had no place to hang it.  No kidding ... the front of my house is rock and plaster.  I tried drilling a hole to hang something on the patio.  What a disaster.  I ended up with a big hole that cannot be used.

No problem I thought ... I'll use the facia board.  Well that won't work either because the gutter attached to it sticks out too far.  Good grief!!  My only alternative at this point is to attach the holder to the wood piece between these two windows, as high as I can get it.  I'm still contemplating that.  Maybe I'll just have to stand outside all day Monday and hold it!!  

You would be proud though ... I was out early in the day to dig up this flowerbed.  I had asked the gardeners (two ago) to dig out all the grassy stuff here so I could plant something else.  While I wasn't looking, they cut it down with weed eaters and sprayed roundup.  

Here I am a year later digging up all the roots, hoping that the roundup doesn't still work, killing my new shrubs.  That brought up ANOTHER problem ... there's a landscape light fixture right in the way.  While seeing if I could move it, I found one more spot (I think this is four now) where they cut the lighting wires.  Big sigh!!  As much as I wanted to get those planted, they will have to wait until the light is moved ... maybe in two weeks??

All my plans and nothing is getting done.  BUT ... in anticipation of my new blower showing up, I headed out to the garage to charge up my battery.  The plug didn't work.  This time I grabbed the little gizzy from the RV to check the plug.  I'm not an electrician, but I'm sure OPEN HOT is not a good thing.  What the heck is going on?    

Putting on my electrician's hat resulted in NO magic solution, so I'll have to call an electrician.  I wonder if they can put up a flag pole?  Yes I googled it, and NO I don't want to mess with it.

About that time I realized I'm pretty allergic to something in the yard.  After having dug up and cleaned around the purple fountain grass, my arms felt like they were on fire.  What's up with this getting old and getting allergic stuff?

Slathered in cream after a good washing and I was back at it.  After numerous phone calls, Amazon gave me a credit for the dove food and told me to keep it.  Okay then ... I plopped a bunch in the water feature (that has no water to it) to see if anyone would eat it.  I have my doubts.

After a long day of getting nothing done, I decided to give it up.  I found some ground turkey in the freezer, not exactly barbecue material.  I fried it up, threw in way too much ginger and garlic, along with a big handful of Cole slaw and Chinese spicy things.  It didn't look the least bit appetizing, but it tasted pretty good.  It's diet material ... what can I say.

At 7:00 pm, Mr. Cooper went crazy.  There must be someone at the door.  They used to knock, or at least ring the doorbell.  Now they just dump and run.  Sure enough ... there was my NEW BLOWER!!  You guys know the feeling ... I got a new GADGET!!

At least it was pretty easy to put two pieces together and slap in a battery.  It works like a charm.  I was outside in a flash, blowing five year old dust off my patio.  WOW ... this thing is a BLAST!!  The best part?  It even blew the cobwebs off the walls and the ceiling.  How cool is THAT??

And so ended another non-productive day.  I have no idea who I might call to put in a flagpole, or should I just hang my flag between the windows?  I have at least another week (maybe more) before the lighting can be fixed and can't call in an electrician until Tuesday.

I'm dead in the water.  Let's see what OTHER project I can begin and not get finished!!


  1. Nancy husband says be very careful with your electric. Get electrician as soon as possible. Open hot means you do
    not have continuity on
    Your ground/common.

    1. I'm not touching it Frances ... calling an electrician tomorrow first thing!

  2. Are you sure you don't have a CFCI that popped? You might have one in the kitchen, or even in the garage...if it pops, all circuits "down hill" from it will not work.

    1. I do have a GFI in the garage ... and I reset it. It's strange the plugs involved are along one entire side of the garage and house, inside and outside.

  3. Nancy husband says reset your GFI in garage. Easy to identify it has a reset on it. If red light is lit it's tripped. Press all the way in until it clicks .
    Hope this helps.
    Be safe!

    1. I did try that yesterday. One plug worked again, but none of the rest of them. They are in weird locations too.

  4. Electrical stuff can be down right deadly if one doesn't know what one is doing and I for one wouldn't have a clue

    1. That's true Joanne ... and I'm not one to test the theory.

  5. You should be good to go regarding the Roundup, plenty of time has passed.

    1. Thank you!!! I'll get those planted as soon as the lights are moved!!!

  6. Open hot means the hot line is open, such as a circuit breaker needs to be reset or a GFI or the hot wire is broken some place. Not really dangerous, as open hot means there's no power there. Maybe the same reason your gate is not working, no power? Bobseyes

    1. All the circuit breakers are okay and GFIs reset AFTER I got the gate working. Yeah, I'm calling an electrician.
