Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Northern Lights

 Ooh-weeee Mother Nature turned on the heater.  I'm lucky my house is so well insulated, plus I do my best to bring in cool air in the morning.  It's quite comfortable until I step outside.  We are heading on up to the 90's in the next day or two, so I'm digging out all my shorts and tee-shirts.

I know you have been waiting on pins and needles for my fabulous shot of the Northern Lights.  Here it is!!!  AMAZING, YES??  Yeah well sorry, I had only the tiniest inclination to get up at 1:00 am and apparently did not set my alarm correctly.  

I am way too far south to catch much of anything anyway.  

Here's the thing about lights in the sky.  Basically you cannot really see anything with your naked eye unless you are right under it.  You have to have a camera of some kind or other that can take long exposures.  The camera can pick up the lights like no other.  

Much farther Northeast, like on the East Coast, you probably saw quite the spectacle.  But still NOT the bright colors you see on the internet.  Those are mostly photoshop city.  This image was taken a few miles North of me with a very long exposure.  The photographer said she saw no color at all in the sky, but her camera picked it up.  So if this happens again ... set your camera for a LONG exposure and you will get fabulous pictures.

Surprisingly, I wasn't a complete mess Monday morning.  No sore muscles, no burned arms to attend to and not really all that tired.  On the other hand, I wasn't motivated to do ANYTHING!!  I did notice I forgot to run a drip line to one of the three flower pots I planted, and it was rather sad about that.  I drowned it and a couple of hours later it was a happy camper.  Gosh these gazanias are gorgeous.

After spending ONE HOUR AND 12 MINUTES on the phone trying to contact the garbage folks, while typing on their website what TERRIBLE service they have ... I found out three months ago they raised the prices without telling anyone.  I pay in advance and this time my bill had extra charges for PI.  What the heck is THAT?

Come to find out they back charged everyone from the first of March.  I'm now paying $50.00 a month to haul off four cans of garbage.  I'm thinking it's time for a burn barrel.  Everyone else in the neighborhood does it, I might as well join in the pollution.

Dinner was about as simple as it gets.  In a weak moment at Costco, I purchased two bottles of this creamy tomato sauce.  It's actually quite tasty!!  I boiled some tortellini and dumped on the sauce, adding a few more tomatoes.

Super fast ... super easy.  Too bad the tomato sauce completely overpowered the BACON.  It was food, so there's that, but next time I'll try a white sauce.  I rarely eat pasta, but these were on sale for $2.99 a package and could feed FOUR.  A bargain in todays market.

This is my kind of Northern Lights ... happening at around 8:00 pm, so no alarms were involved.  Also no tripods or heavy cameras.  Sadly there's a house in the picture now, so no more pristine views in my back yard.  I'll report on that later.

BECAUSE ..... it's BINGO NIGHT!!  That means an early arrival at the lodge to take care of business first.  Then on to the Magic Kingdom of Bingo!


  1. Northern Lights at your house = one of a kind!! too funny! :))
    Love the colors of plant! Not dead so you're doing a good job!
    Your sunset looks like mine over here! Happy BINGO NIGHT!!

    1. It was the best I could do since really I didn't want to get up at 1 am and take pictures!

  2. I laughed out loud when I saw the Cali. northern lights at your
    place. Good humor so early in the morning.
    Hope Bingo goes well !

    1. I kinda thought it was better than nothing! LOL

  3. Pasta and Ramen are big NO NO's around here. The low carb pastas taste like twice chewed gum. I have some lasagna noodles that come in a can that are low carb, but have not had the nerve to try it yet...perhaps soon. Thank goodness for Mission Low Carb Tortillas, so we can still have Enchiladas now and then, and they are good to make roll-up with (Egg roll-ups, Chicken, Beef, Cheese, combinations of them...)

    1. I found zero carb tortillas here and they are terrific. I use them for lots of stuff too. Lasagna noodles in a can? Ummm no thank you!! But let us know how they are.

  4. Your flowers are sure pretty. Northern light picture is a kick.
    Enjoy Bingo tonight.

    1. I don't think I have ever seen those flowers before, so I'm very excited and hope they survive.

  5. Ha! When I read your title, I thought to myself; ""They were visible down there?". Yes, yes, they were. Absolutely stunning photography!

    1. I figured you would like it!!! Mesmerizing for sure.

  6. Jerry's been talking about canceling our garbage service. But it's thru the city so I don't know if we can cancel. I guess we will find out.

    1. Burn the paper, haul off the crushed cans. I'm just not sure I want to be bothered. It is getting mighty expensive though. Waste Management has a monopoly around here.

  7. Thankfully our trash pickup is included in our rent.
    Great Northern Lights Picture LOL. We didn't set our alarm either, besides it was raining.
    Just getting caught up from yesterday. Great job at the Mother's Day Breakfast. Glad you came out unscathed this year.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Clouds ... well rats. It was basically covering Canada.

  8. Mr. Ed said, at least you can save money by not spending it in the garbage department, but don’t fret, California has another trick for u …. surprise… well… , not really U have another bill. You can pay. 👇
    Tax-💸💸aphone💸💸ya 👍

    Californians consumed 13.82 billion gallons of finished gasoline pr year or 38 million gallons per day. Times .50$. Per gal. Wow $$$$$$$$

    1. They have to do something, he's $1.6 trillion in debt, yes that's TRILLION.

  9. You're hilarious. Love your Northern lights. My brother's in Alberta were awesome but he also sees them often.
    I shouldn't tell you that we pay $4 /month, should i? That's $2/ bag and we only have 1 every two weeks. Composting and recycling helps. Sorry.

    1. Yup that's cheap!! They have a monopoly in California, so they charge whatever they want.

  10. Your 90's are our 30's so yeah bloody hot.
    Do you have to pay extra for garbage collection?
    Here it is included in you council land rates.

    1. Yes, we pay extra every month to have our garbage hauled off. It's $50 a month for garbage and yard waste.

  11. We have private trash hauling. I was paying $69 for twice a month pickup. I’ve now cut it back to once a month pickup, cost $60, go figure. Used to burn my trash but it got to be a pain. Doris from Pa.

    1. Wow Doris ... I guess I shouldn't complain. I figured it would be a pain to do it yourself. Thank you.

  12. My mistake that should be $60 a quarter. Doris from PA
