Thursday, May 16, 2024

My Last Hurrah!!

My view out the back window gets worse every day.  You cannot imagine how disheartening it is for a ranch girl to wake up to this.  The picture doesn't even begin to show you how big it is.  BUT ... there is good news.  IT'S A ONE STORY!  

Though I have wanted to hang out on my patio, it feels like five guys are staring me down, and waving.  Oh yes ... hello there.  It's uncomfortable, so I just stay inside.  It appears to be a party house with a patio across the entire back side.  It got sheeting yesterday, so hopefully they will move on to the other side.  It's just sad for an old ranch hand to see this.

It cheers me up however to have this kid hang out on my lap.  There's nothing like being unable to move due to a sleeping scruffy puppy.

Enough of that ... it was time for Walmart Returns.  It's definitely NOT my favorite thing to do.  The line is always long.  Who buys eleven pieces of clothing (I counted them as they went on the counter) and then returns them the next day, all still on the hangers?  That would be the lady at the counter, four people ahead of me.

I was returning this.  I have ten boxes of papers that need to be shredded.  My estimate was over $300, so I thought maybe I would buy an industrial sized paper shredder and do it myself.  This was obviously not cheap, but CHEAP it was.  It said it would take up to 100 pages at a time.  It lied.

I put in about 20.  It took three tries to get it loaded correctly for it to work.  It sucked in all 20 at once and jammed.  Once I got it unstuck, I tried again with the same results.  After shredding about 80 pages, it got very hot and quit.  I gave up and emptied the bin.  Most all of the paper shreds were BEHIND the bin instead of IN the bin.  That's it ..... back it goes.  I think I'll have to buy a burn barrel ... they sell them at Home Depot.

Oh look ... right across the street is HABIT BURGER!  I had one final meal left on that fabulous gift card from Barb and Jim.  My LAST HURRAH!!  It's diet time once again, though I feel like I don't eat much at all.  I downed the burger, but saved the fries for breakfast.  

Dinner was my first salad of many to come.  Truly, I do eat a lot of salads, so I should not have a problem with weight ... but I do.  It must be all that sugar!!!  From now on it's meat and veggies!!  

I actually got outside late in the evening to do a little pruning and weed pulling.  I love working in the garden, just not alone.  My excuse is my age, but really it's just not fun unless you have help.  Of course my timing is all off too since we are ramping up the heat to the 90's every day for the next ten days.  Won't THAT be fun!!  A horse trough full of water is sounding better and better!


  1. I'm with you returning stuff is not my cup of tea.
    I'm glad the house being built is not two story. Looks like a large home from the picture.
    Have a happy Thursday.

    1. It's huge Francis. Definitely the biggest in the entire small subdivision.

  2. Buy a dozen Italian Cypress Trees about 4' three years they will be over 12' tall. Plant them along that back fence as close as you are able (ask the nursery). The thing is that about 5 years down the line they will start shedding and "THEY" will end up with at least half (or more) of the mess. The good thing, plant them close enough to each other and you will have a wall to hide that house. Of course, there is a high cost to it...

    1. That sounds like a GREAT idea. At least trees of SOME kind.

  3. Hurrah! That last one looks delicious! Hopefully your new neighbors are an old quiet couple who travel all the time and are never home.

  4. Second what Dave said. (At least some kind of tall hedge)

    1. My neighbor has some great trees ... I'll see what they are and post a picture.

  5. I love the onion rings at Habit. I would plant 6 or 8 Mulberry trees or Oleanders.

    1. I thought about oleanders ... those things grow like weeds here!!

  6. Regarding your paper shredder. Cannot remember when & where, but we have a home office shredder that is adequate for our needs. Few sheets at a time & no problem. I accumulate papers & place them in the shredder container. When ready I take all papers out & slowly shred, monitoring the "heat". If it is hot, I stop & wait to cool...probably an hour & continue. No problem. When the bin is full I empty. No problem. You need patience Nancy & I thinking you do not. Lynn Cross

    1. I wouldn't mind being patient, but I have TEN legal sized BOXES full to the brim of papers to be shredded. Doing it a few at a time just isn't going to work. It would take a year!! LOL

    2. I know you will Lynn, but enjoy your summer in Wyoming.

  7. I hear you about the shredder, the one we have says it will take 20 pages it will not only 3 at max, so when Tim had a bloody lot to dispose of he lit a fire in an old thingy can't think of what's called at the moment but anyway he burnt the lot.

    1. We call it a burn barrel and I think that's what I'm going to do. There's just too much for using a shredder.
