Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Robots ... WHAT FUN!!

 Oh my goodness these spring mornings are gorgeous.  It's so cool (weather wise) that I can get a lot done in the mornings before hanging out with Cooper and watching ... what else ... RODEO.

On this day however, I was waiting for the landscape lighting repair guy.  I hit a few more spots with Roundup to kill the weeds and cleaned out a couple more boxes from the garage.  It seems I've done more work out there than I thought because there was a pile of boxes eight feet high.  I don't want to get rid of them ... I may need them if I move.  

You know the drill ... I moved stuff from here to there and back to here.  I spent an hour trying to move a table out of the way so I could even GET to the stuff.  I reorganized a bit, then spent another hour cutting up boxes for the recycle bin.  

This is the only thing they recycle around here ... cardboard.  Why you ask?  Because it ended up costing them more than it was worth.  That wouldn't be true if they had not shut down the burn facility.  

Lunchtime found me looking at the dirtiest BBQ ever.  Apparently I never cleaned it after that chicken I roasted last year.  Ugh ... I decided to try the air fryer instead.  I will be the first to tell you it did NOT work.  Oh it cooked it alright, but it came out pale as a ghost and kind of rubbery.  It was BAD!

The lettuce wrap thing didn't work so great either.  That first one came off the head easy as pie.  The next three came off in small pieces.  I piled them up to try and keep my hands UN-greasy, but it fell short.  I ate it ... most of it ... but the beef really didn't taste all that good.  It definitely needed the CHAR of a BBQ!

About that time I spotted someone on my porch.  Gee ... they didn't even ring the bell.  It was the lighting guy who didn't remember that he put this system in about ten years ago.  He looked it over, finding even more cut wires and splices that were not waterproof.  What a mess.  

He also suggested a new kind of drip irrigation ... the latest and greatest I guess ... that has no 1/4 tubing that can get cut by weed-eating the hedges.  I really didn't want to go there because of the cost, but he made me a deal I couldn't refuse ... mostly because I can do a lot of the work myself.  

Of course that won't happen for a few weeks.  In the meantime, my next fun project arrived at the door.  There wasn't time to play however, I had a 6:00 meeting at the Lodge.  You would get a big laugh out of this one, but I can't go into it.  I wasn't laughing when I left however ... it seems there's just one human problem after another.  Why can't people just be nice and get along?  

NOW it's time for the fun!!!  When I saw just how cool Barbara Westerfield's floor vacuum was, I wanted one.  Especially since I'm NOT the Queen of Clean.  I hate vacuuming with a passion.  You can tell by the dirt on the floor in this picture.  

Too bad for me, all the directions for this thing come in the APP, which you can't use unless you are hooked up to the internet.  They forgot to tell me that part.  As you know, my internet is my phone.  I spent over an hour trying to get it to hook up, but it refused.  It would get to about 60% and say SORRY CHARLIE!!!

I finally just hit the button ... and it said CLEANING.  Okay then ... I just let it go.  Obviously SOMEONE didn't think it was so great!!  No kidding, it scared him a LOT!  He chased it around, jumping back at every turn.  

Here's how it works ... if you don't have internet.  It goes until it finds a wall, then follows that wall all the way around.  When it thinks it has gotten far enough, it starts a back and forth motion to clean that area.  Then it goes BACK to where it stopped and continues along the wall until another large space has been mapped out.  Then it cleans that.  

The BEST part?  Watch this!!  I was laughing like crazy.  It went in under the couch, kind of got lost for a minute ... then WAIT FOR IT .... came right back out.  IT CLEANS UNDER FURNITURE!!  At least it does if the furniture is high enough, which both my couches are.  

I watched in fascination as it went around obstacle after obstacle for TWO HOURS, listening to barking the entire time.  Cooper finally decided it wasn't going to eat me and stopped about ten minutes before it did.   It announced it needed to recharge.  

It went back to the station and docked, whereupon it uploaded the dirt to a container that it says I don't have to empty for up to 60 days.  That won't happen around here with all the dirt, I'm sure.  It said it was done and shut off.  No kidding ... this thing talks to you and is a kick in the pants.  

Now if I could use the app, I could tell it exactly what area to clean and when to do it.  I'm not sure it's worth getting Starlink at a cost of over a hundred bucks a month, but not having to vacuum?  PRICELESS!!  Well, except for the corners that it can't get into.  

This thing is a kick in the butt!!!!  I can finally enjoy VACUUMING!!!  Robots ... WHAT FUN!!


  1. We are on our second iRobot, the first with the ability to self empty. We got our newest one about 2 months ago. With Internet, it will map out your house, then you can divide the house into areas and tell it to go to the area(s) you want it to clean. Best thing, it is on a schedule of our choosing...which is every Monday while we are at Marcia's Bible Study. Only thing I found is that it does not always suck the junk up into the bag...but it has always been an easy fix when that happens (too much hair...not sure if it is Indy's hair or mine!)

    1. I'll keep trying, but I think I'm Wi-Fi out of luck.

  2. Nancy you will love your new vacuum robot. I love mine! Glad you bought one.
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. If your phone provider is Verizon, and you have "unlimited" usage, check with them and you may be able to get their internet service at a fairly reasonable rate. We live out in the weeds a ways, and only get one or two bars, but the internet works like a charm. If you have Verizon service, worth checking out for internet.

    1. I have a Verizon MiFi, but am too far from the tower. I only get 1-2 bars. It might work if I ran it at midnight!

  4. I sent you a text message several days ago. Lynn Cross

    1. I got it Lynn. Thank you for the info. So far I haven't been able to find anyone here for under $350. I have TEN legal size boxes of papers. If I did it with my small shredder a few at a time, I would be sitting here for over a year! LOL. I'll keep looking.

  5. Nancy, that does sound like a hoot! We all need a good laugh, right? :) Our 'home' isn't big enough, it would get bored, pack a bag and probably say 'sayonara' and let itself out the door!

    1. I don't know Patsy ... Gibbs would certainly have fun with it!!

  6. PS, too funny about Cooper's reaction. Gibbs would do the exact same thing. He chases the vacuum head for a while and just gets the heck out of the room. Same with my dusting hand mitt, he thinks it is hurting me. ♥

    1. Oh that's funny! I think that's what Cooper was doing ... protecting me from the people eater!!

  7. I used one at the Yuba City house. I loved it because it could go under the bed. Surprisingly Cindy Lou ignored the vacuum.

    1. Oooohhh the bedroom. I haven't tried that yet. Hopefully it was 4-wheel drive to get through the dust under there!!!

  8. Who has a house that is big enough for all their stuff, no one I know that's for sure. I don't mind running the vacuum over the floor each morning but do think those automatic robot type vacuums are good for people who either really don't like to vacuum or those who are just not able to vacuum.

    1. It's funny how I collected so much stuff over the years and now want to get rid of it all. LOVE that little vacuum. You are right ... perfect for those who are disabled.

  9. So glad you got your "Higgins ". As you remember it is the perfect solution to my not wanting to vacuum every week or twice a week which "Higgins " does. That and a Swiffer has changed my life. Time for knitting for me.

    1. Higgins ... I couldn't remember his name!!! Boy do I love that guy!!! Thanks for giving me the nudge in that direction Barbara!!
