Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

It's hard to believe it's already 2024 when just last week the country was in an uproar over the internet and all computers worldwide falling off the Y2K cliff.  That was Year 2000.  Luckily we survived to honor our servicemen who have kept our freedom intact for so many years.

Unlike Happy Veterans Day, or Thank A Veteran, this is a somber reminder of the lives lost in maintaining our way of life.

With that in mind, I grabbed my ladder, my drill and my big girl pants so I could get my flag hung on the house.  I spent two whole hours trying to find a flagpole installation company, with no results.  Time to do it myself.  

The good news is that when the landscape lighting guy comes to repair all the lines, I'm going to have him put in a light that shines on the flag so I don't have to take it down every night.  I'm pretty proud of this project!

Here's to all the men and women that died in the pursuit of freedom for this country.  May we remember them always .........


  1. Empty Memorial Day, celebrating this veterans.
    Love the flag installation and i know one person in particular who is very proud of you!!! Bill loves his flags!!

  2. Great job on the flag! I was just thinking about Y2K yesterday, all the drama and work around it and what a non-event it was.

    1. I think we are getting used to government scares.

  3. You go girl on the flag!
    I showed husband your flag...he got choked up as a Veteran that made it back it was very touching for him.
    Bless you!

    1. Thank your hubby for me!! He deserves all the accolades.

  4. Awesome job on your flag and it looks nice. We have a flag pole in the ground with a solar light on top that does a good
    job of lighting up our flag.
    Wonder if you could find a solar light to light your flag up.

    1. That's what I want ... a flagpole. I just can't find anyone to install one. Solar light on my flag? I'm sure I can find one on-line.

  5. I have the same respect for this holiday as you do. Turned off the local news this morning as they were laughing and giggling about the fun activities they would be doing today. I don't think they had a clue as to what this day really means. Off my soapbox. Great job getting your flag up and flying on this day of remembrance.

    1. I totally agree. Everything seems to think it's just a three day holiday. They have no idea what it's really about.

  6. Good job Nancy. Watching Tora Tora Tora as I write this, sad sad day in our history.

  7. We had that 20 foot flagpole in Casa Grande and I do miss it. Our Ohio flag looks like yours. I got a solar light for the top of the pole that works great.

    1. You had a GREAT flagpole. It's how I found your house!! I'll see if I can find a light for the top of the flagpole.

  8. A day to stop and remember, sometimes I wish I an Aussie flag to display here at my home

    1. Yes it is Joanne. Your men went through the same things. Can you order a flag online? Maybe a small one? I think even one to put in a window would be great.

  9. Great job & flag, Thank you

    1. Too many of my generation didn't get the respect they deserved. I'm glad to see so many flags flying on my street.

  10. Good for you, Great looking Flag! A vet and fellow Elk.
