Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Bingo Bingo Bingo!!

B I N ... G O,  B I N ... G O, anyone else remember singing that song on the bus?  I rarely EVER went to away games of any kind when I was in high school, but when the occasion arose, so did the awful songs we sang at the top of our lungs.  The poor bus drivers!!

At any rate, it was Bingo time again yesterday.  It wasn't a full moon, but close enough to cause some havoc in the building. 

But first ... while the landscape crew is working in the back yard, I decided it was time to get back to quilting.  Having finished the baby quilt top, I knew I would need a little practice before actually quilting it.  Luckily I had one in the closet to practice on.

Turn up your volume .... or maybe not.  This is one of the most obnoxious sounds on the planet I think.  Imagine listening to that for three hours!!  To be honest, I was just glad that it turned ON!  It's been some time and I was afraid there might be a glitch.  

Well there was!!  After the first row that went GREAT, I forgot one teeny tiny little step that messed me up for the rest of the quilt.  Needle down when I was moving it.  Good grief!  It's GPS went out completely and it didn't know where it was.  

Add to that the fact that I read ONE small word wrong in my instructions and it kept trying to stitch the first row over and over again.  I struggled row after row until I had one left.  It's a good thing this quilt wasn't tagged for someone's couch!  At long last I was at the bottom, but I then didn't have enough room for the last row.  

Cropping in Photography I get.  Cropping in quilting is another whole animal.  

I almost had it until I ran out of thread while running outside to the call of the landscape guys!  By sheer luck, I got it to start back in the ALMOST right spot, but then had to hold the fabric to keep the needle going along the same holes it had already punched because the thread broke!  ARGHHHHH!!!

Amazingly, and I truly don't know how, I got the cropping to work for the first time since I've had the machine.  At least it all reminded me of how it is supposed to work and how to get UN-lost before tackling the baby quilt.  Hopefully that goes a little better.

At last ... I was off to the wonderland of Bingo at the Magic Castle.  Little did I know what was about to raise its ugly head.  There I was minding my own business BEFORE the games even started, when there was a ruckus in the room.  

Apparently someone has been talking about someone else in bad terms of which my mouth does not want to repeat.  Someone took offense.  Oh the yelling and screaming that ensued.  I was sure it was going to come to fisticuffs ... Castle style ... so I went out to see if I could stop it.  

Like a Referree in the ring with Mohammed Ali and George Patterson, I sent both of them to their corners.  Ooooweeeee tempers did flare!!  I felt bad because it was totally uncalled for, but as any good Ref would, I kept my distance so as not to get a slammer in the jaw.  An hour later, they all played nice as Bingo commenced, although I could see the daggers flying across the room.  

Suddenly all the workers bailed on us around 8:30, leaving only three of us to handle the crowd of 107.  Thankfully cool heads prevailed and I was ALSO able to get out of Dodge before any more problems arose.  Well almost anyway ..... there was one, okay two more ..... but those will have to be addressed next week.  I don't know why folks just can't play nice and get along.  Name calling only gets you suspended.  

At any rate, it was a good day.  I will start on the REAL quilt today, with my fingers crossed that it does not turn into a doggy blanket.  The Landscape guys finished up and I'll have pictures tomorrow.  I even found an electrician.  Turns out they are good friends with the landscape guys!  Wow ... I'm on a roll with good handymen getting the jobs done.  

I'll be on the couch for a couple of hours recouping and practicing my "I'M SORRY, BUT NO I CAN'T" speech ... you know, just in case!!


  1. While you have the electrician, have him look at the gate opener. Changing the limit switches is a simple job for him.

  2. Sounds like you are on a roll with your yard. Glad you have an electrician coming to fix your problem.
    That quilt is going to be beautiful.

    1. The yard is getting there, but what a lot of work it is!!

  3. Did not know there is a "Bingo Jail" much like "Facebook Jail"! LOL

    1. Oh yes .... it rarely happens, but we have been known to expel troublemakers. They have to be REALLY bad though.

  4. Great colors with the fabric on your quilt...very pretty.
    Have a great day Nancy !

    1. Thanks Sue. That was one made from leftover scraps. I'm trying to use up some so I can actually walk into my sewing room.

  5. I have learned to say, "Sorry, I have other plans," even if those plans are to stay home and do nothing. It works!
    Linda Sand

    1. SUCH a good idea. I'm practicing that every day in the hopes the words will actually come out of my mouth.

  6. A Yuma High bus entering Phoenix to see a football game. "We are the Criminals...mighty mighty Criminals...everywhere we go people want to know who we we tell them" . We sang that over and over and over. The bus driver had the patience of a saint.

    1. Right? Yuma Criminals ... that's pretty funny! Bus drivers are another breed altogether. I for one, could not do that.

  7. Things seem to moving along in a nice way, hope it continues

    1. Thanks Joanne .... I just keep plugging away at it.
