Thursday, May 30, 2024

Kerbing, Chattering and Screaming

Good Morning on this sunny 90 degree California day!!  I'm trying to be cheerful, can you tell?  Nothing frustrates me more than computer and internet problems, and they have been getting to me every morning.  I don't know why, but my computer will NOT connect to my email address.  I'm thinking it must have contacted CoViD from someone in the Middle East.

My computer says it cannot verify the address or the password.  If I go to email from my browser, it works fine, but my computer will not download anything through MAIL.  I send all my pictures through email and download them to my computer ... so it's a problem!  I should probably delete the account from my computer and try to reload it.  That's scary ... what if it NEVER wants to come back?  Maybe it's time for a whole new email account.

So in the meantime, here's Jonathan to entertain you!  It works out good for me because my screaming over the email is covered by his chattering. 

The best news ever ... here's the Kwik Kerb crew of two that actually showed up on time.  The kid on the right is the boss ... and he is a KID.  Boy do I love seeing youngsters with initiative.  They dug out all the old curbing, leveled the line and hauled in sand for the base.

The guy on the left whipped up a concrete mixture in the trailer, then brought it over to the machine that lays it, conveniently hidden behind the wheel barrel.  This was not an easy job, and they only took ONE lunch break.  

I asked for some nice sexy curves, and even though I didn't get any, the LAWN did.  I can't tell you how much better this looks.  They went all the way down to the fence and around the corner of the house to the section of gravel NOT being held in place by a badly warped 2 x 4.  They even hauled the 2 x 4 off.

I suppose it's not really all that exciting, but I'm a happy camper.  It looks SO much nicer.  They moved and repaired sprinklers as they went ... a bonus!!  It took them eight hours to finish and I have not one single criticism.  It's perfect!!

Moving right along, look at THIS beauty.  No, not the flower ... my TRUCK!!  Yes, there are a lot of weeds in all the flower beds.  Yesterday I got out my small container of roundup and spent an entire TWO hours spraying.  I should have used my big sprayer ... next time for sure.  Mostly because I can spray a lot more area in less time and not get the really nice RED sunburn on my back because I wore the wrong top.  Hopefully the dying weeds will make me feel better!! 

Here's a hint of another thing I did yesterday.  I'm sure you can figure this one out.  Yessirree ... I went to Costco to get a new pair of glasses.  Little did I know, THAT section does NOT open at 9:00 when I was there.  

More on that tomorrow since I really need to slather my back in something to keep from shedding my skin ... you know, like a snake does??????

PLUS ... I need to do a quick house cleanup because the ELECTRICIAN is coming .. the ELECTRICIAN is coming!!!!  Who knew I would be so excited about mundane things!


  1. Love the new curb!
    You are on a roll!
    Enjoy your Thursday.

    1. I think so too Frances. First time in a LONG time! LOL

  2. Trade the killer forever chemical glyphosate for extra strong vinegar. Usually in the same aisle. Works good and is not liable to make you sick.

    1. 30% acetic acid in that vinegar. Get it at hardware store and wear gloves working with it. If it can take rust off tools, it can take some skin off.

    2. Interesting ... that's one I have not heard of.

  3. Going tomorrow to 'probably' put a down payment on our new 2024 Thor Sequence! Pre-approved at the Credit Union for half of the purchase price (our choice on amount). Fingers crossed, but this is looking real good...finally something to blog about real soon!!!

    1. OMG Dave ... I'm so excited for you!! Good luck and send pictures!!!!

  4. The curb looks great and you do have such a nice home and yard.

    1. Thank you Sue. I'm very lucky to have stumbled upon this house when real estate was in the dumps. VERY lucky.

  5. The curb looks awesome, those are some sexy curves!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Elva! I've wanted to fix that for a long time.

  7. Wow what a nice job on the curbing. I'd like that too in my garden. As to the mail problem all I could suggest is to reboot the computer and see if that fixes it. Hope you get that resolved.

    1. The curbing sure keeps it nice and neat. As for the computer ... I think I need a new one!!

  8. Ok I live in Australia a country with so so internet, mine has a habit of dropping out which is so annoying. Thankfully my computer problems have stopped since switching to this newer laptop.

    1. That's it Joanne. I think I need a new computer!!

  9. Sunburn treatment that works: when the burn is new, apply white vinegar to stop the process so the burn does not get worse. Then apply Noxema which was originally developed to treat burns. It soothes, cools, and moisturizes to prevent peeling. I have successfully used this method many times as I burn easily.
    Linda Sand

    1. Oh I remember Noxema!! But vinegar? I haven't heard of that one, but I'll try it today.

  10. Curb looks GREAT!! Nice curves!
    I had to go into Windows - System - Focus Assist to change the time my computer would....sleep. I had it set for 11-7am but didn't work when I tried to get into it before 7am. Changed sleep time to 10pm - 4am. Much better!! Hope that might help.

    1. I love my curves!! LOL. That's interesting about sleep time. I'll look it up.

  11. I agree with everyone, that curb is great. I'd say your curves are sexier than you think.!! Those guys worked hard for you!!
    I can't even describe Gibbs hilarious reaction to Johnatons video.

    1. Thank you Patsy! They did a great job. I love it when that happens. I imagine Gibbs has never heard anything like Jonathan before! LOL

  12. So fun to hear from Jonathan again. Doris from Pa
