Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Good news!  My flag is still hanging on the wall.  I did try to get a cool picture with it lit up at night, but it appears the yard light guy didn't turn the lights back on after his visit.  He gets ten lashes!!  I'll try again tonight. 

I really had nothing on my schedule ... I'm so busy you know ... so when my friend Kathy invited me to her house for lunch, I responded with a resounding YES!  She and her husband ran a catering business for years, so I knew the food would be good.

This was actually a meeting of the Elks Honor Guard that held a very nice ceremony at a local cemetery early in the morning.  Afterwards, they all met at her house to toast those who did not return from the war ... ALL the wars.  

There were lots of stories ... both sad and funny!!  These guys ... they do know how to tell stories and had us in stitches most of the time.

Lunch was a combination of the weird and delicious.  We had chili beans, barbecued tri-tip, Italian macaroni salad, potato salad (that came from a store ... it was delicious), jambalaya (hot and spicy) and cupcakes, along with anything and everything you might want to drink.  Lucky for us, no one fell or got thrown in the pool.

We did however, have STRICT instructions NOT to feed Charlie, who promptly fell asleep on the couch.  After eating all that food, I wanted to join him.

Several hours later, I wandered on home, but not until I stopped off on the way to buy a lemonade at a roadside stand.  They also had lemons and cherries.  In my book there's not much better than three kids out trying to make a few bucks.  Not playing video games and not staring at their phones ... but out having fun selling stuff on the side of the road.  

I dropped a quick $20 because they didn't have any change, and wiped out half their stock.  They deserve every dollar.  Besides, cherry pie sounded quite nice.

Once home, I lit my dirty barbecue and let it self clean.  Time for a little pork loin in my diet ... and Cooper's.  He loves this stuff, no surprise!!  It was quite tasty, but I was too full from lunch.  

That's it for today because very early this morning the Kwik Kerb guys will be here to gussy up my back yard.  Yes you are right ... I thought it was LAST week, and now it's THIS week ... the same day as my gardener shows up.  At least the front yard will look nice!!!  

And THEN it's on to B I N G O!!!


  1. I cook up pork for Indy and that is her breakfast every morning. She likes it when it is a little pink still...if it is too cooked it is drier and she lets me know that I need to do better next time.

    1. Right? Cooper is the same way ... so demanding these guys! LOL

  2. Pork looks yummy!
    Glad you had a nice visit with your friends.

    1. Thanks Frances .. though I admit it was a tad bit darker when I took it off the bbq! Like burnt on one side!

  3. Great to hear that kids are out doing stands. I too would have stopped!

    1. They are three go getters for sure! I think this is the third time this month!!

  4. I suspect there would be some who would complain about the lemonade stand because such people are around. I am not a fan of pork I will eat it but not my go to meat

    1. I agree Joanne ... but I'll support them every single time.

  5. Lots of fun in your neck of the woods. Was the lemonade to cool your jest after the jambalaya?

    1. Yes ...... yes it was!! Woohoo that stuff was HOT!
