Friday, May 31, 2024

Can You Smell It???

Hello 92 degrees!  Mother Nature is having a hot flash and I expect that won't change for a few months.  I'm still as tight as ever when it comes to electricity ($$$), but I had to turn on the air yesterday.  Even though I try to work only in the cool mornings, I was forced outside for way too long. 

This however ... this makes it all better.  Can you smell it?  Oh my goodness these chickens are just amazing.  This had to be at least a 6 pounder!!

I'm betting you know where I am!!  Yessirree ... Costco!!  I went because I needed a new pair of glasses.  Little did I know THAT part of the store did not open until 10:00.  I had all of three things on my list, so hanging around for an entire HOUR just wasn't going to happen.  

Right off the bat I spotted this crazy bright display.  There must have been a sale on SPAM.  I mean really, who eats this stuff ... and if you do, how in the world could you ever use up THIS many cans in one purchase?  Anyone wonder what they do with all the food that does not sell?  I have never seen a sale bin in Costco.

That's when I made the mistake.  Look at this beautiful jar of fire roasted Hatch chili sauce!!  Perfect for green enchiladas or chili verde.  I was so excited to get it home and start cooking.  Actually not cooking, the plan was to add the chili sauce to some of that roasted shredded chicken. 

What a surprise it was when I opened the jar to find it was ONLY chilis with NO sauce.  WHAT?  It was in the spaghetti sauce aisle, so I expected SAUCE.  Woohoo baby!!!  This stuff is HOT!!  I have no idea what I will do with the rest of the three quart jar!!  Just kidding, it's not that big, but it's at LEAST half a gallon!!

On to the second reason for going to Costco.  One of my friends said she got these GREAT peanut butter cups ... only 2 grams of sugar ... which have taken the place of candy and helped her lose 24 pounds.  DANG!!  I want some of THAT!!

Just look at the picture!!  It's like a mega Reeces peanut butter cup!  Well ... look at the bottom of the picture.  That's the REAL size ... barely a teaspoon full!!  All individually wrapped to make it even harder to get at when you are having a sugar attack.

But wait ... it gets even better!!  That chocolate is so dark when you take your first bite it sends shivers down your back.  Mamma Mia!!!  By the third bite it was better ... there were only three tiny bites ... but the peanut butter part missed me completely.  There was peanut butter in that?  Where is the "LOADS OF PEANUT BUTTER!!!  I called my friend to tell her I had a bag for her ... CHEAP!!  I'll try another or two, but truly, these come no where near satisfying a sweet tooth!!!

On to yesterday ... it was a good day in Cooperland.  He spotted the electrician WAY before I did.  A very nice looking guy in a starched white shirt ... I was impressed.  I had found five outlets that were not working.  One outside front, one inside, two outside patio and one in the garage.  

Doesn't sound like that would be on one circuit, does it?  He brought out all his expensive toys and went on the hunt.  It ended here in the garage.  Yes, I have reset this GFI a few times, including recently, but it didn't help.  

So for whoever said it was the GFI, you win the prize.  It would reset, and about four minutes later, pop off.  He installed a new one and everything came back on, with all the plugs working just fine.  Whoever wired this circuit must have been drunk.  At any rate, though it took over an hour to find the problem, we are all fixed up now!!  Yahoo!!  

That was quickly followed up by the landscape lighting guys showing up out of the blue.  He said he called me twice and left two messages, plus a text message.  I got nothing.  I'm struggling with my computer email and now my phone is acting up too?  

That turned into a long story, and I've no pictures to back it up, so I'll tell you about it tomorrow after the steam quits coming out of my ears!!  Gosh computers can be frustrating!!

Dinner was fast and not so tasty.  I had two of those frozen burgers in my fridge that needed to be cooked, so I made them into a mini meatloaf.  That was a mistake I won't make again.  I don't know why, but this was a bad idea.  I thought maybe adding taco stuff would make it all better.  I'm here to tell you, NOT SO MUCH.

BUT ... any meal can be made GREAT again if you add a piece of lemon pie at the end of it.  This is my usual key lime pie recipe, but I didn't have any limes.  I DID have those lemons I bought from the kids, so I substituted and held my breath that it would be good. 

OH YEAH!!!  That made up for the price of fixing the electricity, the no peanut butter bites AND the bad meatloaf tacos.  

And so I'm off this morning to do yard work once again, and plant those two beauties I found at the nursery.  With a long sleeved SHIRT ... I'm wearing a SHIRT so I don't get burned any more!!


  1. Turn your phone off count to 10 and turn it back on again shed. Reset everything back to normal

    1. Yup ... did that ... more than once! LOL. I finally figured it out!

  2. Should reset everything back to normal🤳

    1. I tried over and over ... but I think I finally found out what it was.

  3. Great news your electrical problem was fixed quick.
    Pie is always good any day of the week !

  4. Glad your electric is back to normal. Yes pie makes any day a good day!!

    1. Me too Frances ... me too!!! Now I won't worry about the house burning down.

  5. When I first read your title, I thought; "Oh no, the skunks are back!" Glad to hear all is well in Cooperville. And no, I have never had Spam!

    1. Well ... I did smell one two days ago, a skunk that is, but he didn't grace my corrals, so I think I'm good.

  6. The flowers your friend sent still look beautiful.

    1. Aren't they something? And they STILL look like they just came in the door. I keep changing the water, but I've never had one last this long.

  7. So, you didn't eat that delicious smelling chicken?? I love those but don't get them often because i like it warm and we are an hour and a half from Costco.
    I was thinking like Elva. The flowers are lovely and that pie, oh my.

    1. Ps, just buy some dark chocolate and spread peanut butter on it. Yum!! 🤣

    2. I think you have an idea there Patsy ... least I would get more peanut butter!!!

  8. Everything looks tasty to me, and I have to limit my intake.
    Might be wise to install Outlet Covers on the outside plugs. The more the GFI pops, the faster it will need to be replaced again.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. That's the weird thing ... they ALL have really tight weatherproof covers. I'm glad it got fixed.

  9. The smell of a roast chook is always nice, I have never been to Costco but my daughters and Tim have they feel it would be too much walking for me. Lemon pie without meringue doesn't sound as nice to me I like mine with meringue.

    1. Oh Joanne ... my mom used to make the best lemon meringue on the planet. I love it too, but have never made one that didn't melt.
