Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Big Surprise!

 You never know what's going to happen to the weather.  We used to be able to predict if it was going to be hot or cold.  Now it's like ... start with shorts and a t-shirt, but cover up with a long sleeve shirt, a coat, your earmuffs and a nice Russian Fur Hat!!  We are back into the 40's at night.  I can't complain really, since that means it's only in the low 70's during the day.  I feel like Mother Nature says "let's spin the wheel and see what we get for today"!!

It was a very NICE day ... one that changed the number of candles on my cake.  Why don't I advertise that?  It's a SECRET ... because everything out there has my OFFICIAL date as January 1.  That's the way I want to keep it so scammers have a harder time hacking my credit cards!!  Did I do anything exciting?  No .. nope .. nada .. nothing.

I did dream of a HUGE chocolate cake, or at least a HUGE donut, but alas, there are no donut shops or bakeries around here.

I did however sit on the couch and snuggle with this guy.  We had quite the party, throwing the ball and eating snacks and treats!!

My present to myself was to head on out to the nursery far North of me and find one of these plants.  I've no idea what it is, but it's colorful, doesn't get too big and has pretty pink flowers on occasion.

I have a love/hate relationship with that nursery.  I want to buy everything there.  Can you imagine the beautiful garden?  The hate part involves the prices.  Hoochy Mama ... they are expensive ... but everything is guaranteed, so I guess there's that.  

They had two very nice ones that came home to live with me.  Hopefully they don't die in the process.  Today I'll plant them out front of the house and say a little prayer that they don't go to Heaven, or the garbage bin as the case may be.

I came home starving.  I haven't been this hungry in a long time, mostly because I eat too much.  I was thinking I would have a fabulous celebration lunch AND dinner.  The problem with that was I had nothing fabulous in the fridge!  I settled for an old stale FROZEN too-thick piece of homemade bread made into a grilled cheese sandwich.  It was awful.  I really couldn't even taste the cheese.  What's up with that?

I may (or may not) have mentioned that I was hit up by a Bingo Gal to make a baby quilt.  TWO actually.  It's been a struggle since I seem to have lost some of my motivation.  A quick stop at the fabric store where shockingly I didn't even LOOK at any of the new fabric ... resulted in the border material.  Hard to see, but it's a very cute polka dot fabric.  I whipped this out in about three hours.  

Don't cringe too much ... the fabric alone was $75.  It will be up to $100 by the time I add batting and quilt it, not even charging for my time.  That's why I tell folks it's so much cheaper to just go buy one online for $30.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.  I never have visitors, so I was a little surprised.  I wasn't expecting any deliveries either.   In fact, I was pretty suspicious ... a guy standing at the door with flowers covering his face.  

Lookie here!!  Aren't these just gorgeous?  I can't tell you how surprised I was.  

Good friend Cyndae from Sacramento had stopped by the day before after an appointment in town.  It's a long tiring drive, so I offered her the spare bedroom for an hours nap before driving all the way back.  It worked ... she felt much better and made the drive with no problems.  This was her thank you and my present.  How sweet is that!!  

And so ended another day that I'm very thankful for.  Happy to still be here breathing in the lovely scent of cow pasture air.  Remember the real reason for this holiday weekend ... our soldiers who gave their lives that we could live in a country of freedom and peace. 


  1. How nice of Cyndae, how nice of you! Nights in the 40's is just perfect sleeping weather!

  2. That was so sweet of your friend.
    Enjoy the cool weather.
    We had rain last night.

  3. Happy Birthday! Pretty flowers from your friend!

  4. A very Happy Birthday to you, Nancy!
    Never thought of doing the different date to protect from scammers. Did you do that way back when opening accounts?

  5. It wasn't the "January 1st" that we question, but trying to convince us all that you were born in THAT is a bit of a stretch! lol I have a fake email account (which I don't give out to anyone I know) that goes with a fake name (also don't give out), and since some websites that provide informational services, such as Family Search, or news sites like Gateway Pundit, require a birth date, I use the month six month before my birthday month, and give the real day and is easy to remember. Hope you had a wonderful birthday...

    1. That's a great idea Dave!! And it was 1967!! LOL

  6. Happy belated Birthday to you! I like that you treated yourself to some nice shrubs for the garden and I do hope they thrive and bloom to your delight. Here is cheers to many more BDs!

    1. Thank you Marlene. I'm hoping my garden will look as nice as yours!

  7. What beautiful flowers. Now I know why my phone called you. My smart phone knew it was your birthday. Dummy me didn't. My sister's birthday is the 23rd. I'll see if I can remember your birthday next year.

    1. Lately I have found a LOT of folks that have the SAME birthday. It's weird!

  8. Nice flowers from your friend Cyndae on your Birthday.
    Lots of people just figure you can do things at give-away prices.
    Be Safe and Enjoy planting your flowers.

    It's about time.

    1. That's true. They just don't realize how expensive things are.

  9. Nice flowers, sounds like you had a nice birthday

  10. There you go!!! I LOVE that idea!!
