Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pizza and The Dead

 Well well well ... it's Tuesday once again.  Who knew that time would fly by faster the older you got.  I can't believe it's already MAY!  At least April ended with some nice weather, except for the wind.  It has just kept up every single day.  It makes laying out trying to get a little tan, a tad bit easier with the breeze.

And of course it's BINGO time once again.  I was EVER so determined this time to have a fun night with NO bad apples, including me.  

But FIRST ... my poor little old man of 14 really needed a bath.  There's smelly, and then there's stinky!!  Obviously this is NOT his favorite activity.  He acts like he's being tortured.  I can't blame him, since my constant hot water plumbing never works like a hot water heater would.  

Anyhoo ... we got it done, dried him off and hit him with the scary hair dryer.  Yeah, that never goes over so well either, but in the end, he was quite fluffy and smelled MUCH better.  Good for at least six months, or so he hopes.

Here's my solution to the food problem.  I forgot to add this to the food picture.  Why?  Because Nancy left it sitting in the truck for about four hours before she remembered it.  Duh ... it's a FROZEN $6.00 pizza.  It will last three meals for me, if I don't die from it being spoiled before I baked it.

Four hours in the hot truck, two hours in the freezer and 20 minutes in the oven.  Dinner is served.  It doesn't exactly look like the picture since there was hardly ANY toppings.  I added chopped onion, olives and the leftover shredded cheese from the mashed potatoes.  I can't say it was delicious, but at least there was no poisoning going on and it was cheap.

Since 2:00 is my new 4:00 when it comes to Bingo, I was off early to sign checks and deal with the latest problemo at the lodge.  There's always something that requires a consensus and a decision, my least favorite thing to do.  I think the glass of wine helped.

And we were off!!  All my gals showed up this time, so it was easy peasy to get into the swing of things.  I was determined to smile at everyone and not let the Infernal Machine get the upper hand.  I waited patiently for the one who goes through every single card on the table looking for the WINNER.  

Can you believe it?  She picked her cards out in record time, paid quickly and was gone.  It was probably my big smile!!  We took a chance and paid out the max on all games, hoping I would not go in the hole. Sure enough, Bingo made all of $100 on the cards.  I even coerced the infernal machine into balancing to the penny.  What a night!!!

There are those slow times however, when the phone comes out to find the weird and wonderful.  Here's the latest and greatest in burials.  Yessirree ... you can have your family member close at hand for the rest of YOUR life too!!  Bury them in your plastic coffee table in their Sunday best.  Positioning is all important.

That's my laugh for the day ... I hope yours is a good one!!


  1. Your pizza looks good!
    Burials in plastic...yikes!

    1. Honestly I'm not sure if that's a joke or a real thing!

  2. I just had to comment on the burial in plastic coffee table.
    That is just creepy and I couldn't do it, but for sure there are
    people that will do it. Give stinky no more, a scruffle on the head, and tell him my 16yr old Chloe says hi. We sure love our pups alot. Glad bingo went well for you, one out of a hundred will do, eh. Melynda.

    1. Hi to you and Chloe Melynda!! Mr. Cooper definitely rules the roost around here!! Umm yeah I'm glad I don't need a coffee table!

  3. My 15 year old acts like Cooper when he gets a bath. He acts pitiful but when I put him in the bathroom sink to blow dry him he comes to life with the hot air blowing on him.
    You had a great night at Bingo and good to hear all went well.
    Have a good day !

    1. I think Cooper hates the hair dryer just as bad as the bath, but it's a necessary evil!! LOL

  4. Have you heard this news about your Gov???

    "California is getting its own one-dollar coin in 2026, and the state’s Governor asked the public for design ideas. Gavin Newsom solicited submissions on his X account and said the coin should honor California’s innovations.

    However, some of his critics were quick to post their ideas, including coins depicting tent cities and homeless encampment fires.

    More suggestions for putting a homeless encampment on the coin were suggested on X, while another suggestion included a coin with the state of California, electric batteries and a mask symbolizing the governor’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the bottom of the coin, it reads, “In Newsom we trust.”

    The state has spent 24 billion dollars on homelessness, yet the homeless population continues to swell."

    Find some of the pictures of what people have submitted, they are very funny...

    1. I'll look it up Dave. Haven't heard about it. So I'm curious, just WHAT did they spend that money ON? Oh wait ... old motorhomes to park on the roadside and tents.

    2. Don't forget the $1 Million Toilet in S.F.!!!!

  5. Nancy have heard of Scrubzz bath alternative rinse free bath sponges? For whole body and shampooing. You just wet the sponge, great for elderly, campers etc. Mr Cooper might like them. No rinsing. Dee

    1. Haven't heard of that Dee ... I'll look it up. Great idea!!

  6. The pizza looks good and so does little Cooper. Handsome boy, er little man.
    those coffee tables are freaky!!

    1. There will be no new coffee tables in MY house!
