Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What Time Is It???

 It's BINGO TIME!  But first, let's gear up for it on this beautiful 50 degree day.  Here's Mr.-Mr. hanging out on the carpet.  Everywhere I go, he provides his guard dog services.  Always ALWAYS with his back to me, keeping watch for any intruders.  No one gets to make any noise either, or he begins a barking campaign.  Yes, that's a doggy gate, keeping him off the carpet when I'm not home.

So when THIS guy gets off the perch and tries to break out of jail, Cooper is at the ready.  Sometimes I actually have to go check to be sure it really ISN'T a person!!

By the way, anyone else having trouble with Blogger?  I can't load videos and it's slow as can be.  I never know if it's my WiFi or Google ... or maybe a gremlin in my computer.  So lets get even MORE frustrated.

Let's drive my truck down to my local CHP office and see if I can get the VIN signed off.  Note ... this is NOT my local office.  I copied this picture from the web.  

So I walk in the door with a fist full of paperwork, hoping they will have someone there.  Apparently there WAS someone there, but no help was forthcoming.  You cannot just walk up and ask for verification.  You have to EMAIL the office first, in order to get an APPOINTMENT (here we go again) to have someone meet you here and verify that yes ... this is the exact same truck that was registered here for ten years.

What about my fifth wheel I asked.  What a dumb question.  Yes, you have to send an EMAIL to get an appointment to get that one looked at too.  I asked the man very politely if they could possibly come to my house.  With my back the way it is, I cannot turn enough to see the hitch in order to make a connection, nor can I lift the stairs.  He said NO, they don't do that.  Send an email.  Big sigh!!!  There is just NO SERVICE these days except for the tree cutters.

I got back home and threw some ingredients in the bread maker.  The smell that comes out of that machine calms me down.  I composed an email requesting service at my house and sent it out.  We'll see what happens.  So far I have not received a response.

The bread .... oooohhhhh the bread.  It's a loaf of English Muffin bread.  Doesn't taste like English muffins at all, but it sure is GOOD with a capital G.  In case you were wondering, that wheat bread with sunflower seeds was NOT my favorite.

At last, it's time for some Bingo at the Magic Castle.  I delivered an ice cream maker to my Fairy Godmother and three quilts to one of the nicest ladies there.  When you downsize, you end up with lots of extra stuff that won't fit in the cupboards.  I mean really ... I've now got FOUR instant pots in one house with only ONE person to cook for.  

AND WE'RE OFF!!  I had to deflect the first complaint at the table in the turret before I even BEGAN to work.  One of our "workers" began to rant and rave about how I opened the door and let the players in EARLY to buy their cards.  She was railing so much, it took me ten minutes to figure out what she was talking about.  

She kept yelling, SHE had come in at 1:45 to "work" and therefore was the first one in the building, so SHE should be FIRST in line to get her cards.  That's not how this works.  Whoever is at the door when I'm ready to go, gets first dibs.  She was mad as a hatter that she had to be TWELTH in line and WAIT for all those OTHER people to go first.  I was unimpressed.

Thirty minutes later I was tired of hearing the noise which was still forthcoming.  Look I said .... I've been doing this for THIRTEEN years.  One lousy night I open all of FIVE MINUTES EARLY and you rant for an hour.  She finally shut up, but she made sure she was FIRST in line.  She's a volunteer for the kitchen ... I don't care how early she comes in.  Maybe I'll even open early again!  Ha!!!

Otherwise, the night went fairly well.  We had a new caller of the numbers, so things went a little slow.  We had a couple of red tickets that disappeared, which amazingly appeared like magic in their pocket along with their change and receipt.  It's funny how nice they become after being so rude about that ticket.

My helper wasn't there for half the night, so the Knights came to bail me out.  They don't count very well, but all the Bingo ladies are happy to see them.  It made for a fight-free night.  My dinner of one corn dog hit the spot.  Five aspirin might have been better.  My back was yelling at me like that volunteer was.

The BAD news, or maybe it's GOOD news, is there will be NO Bingo next week.  Personally, I think it's the perfect night for zombies and crabby people at a Halloween Bingo Fest ... but alas, we will be closed.  Gosh ... what will I do with two whole weeks off??


  1. Great news no bingo next get a nice break !

  2. Nothing more frustrating than trying to get a vehicle smogged.
    Rest up today if you can.
    I sitting still is not in your DNA...mine either...must be the farm life?

    1. I think you are exactly right Frances ... it's the farm life.

  3. Another day in the life…..
    You know the screaming lady may tone down if you explain that only dogs, cats and small rodents can hear her when she screams! In order for you to hear her she must be two blocks to the south, the wind must be at a speed of 2.1 knots, and it must be on a Wednesday night. Lol. Think that might work? Good luck.


    1. I laughed out loud Deb!!! I'm going to remember this for next time!!!

  4. I too was having problems uploading to Blogger. In my case, the problem was for standard still (.jpg) photographs.

    I use the Brave blogger on a Windows 10 laptop.

    Solution: go to the upper right on the screen when you have Blogger up and running. Click on the Lion symbol. Then shut off the Shields. Problem solved.

    I don't know if this will take care of your video-uploading problem.

    1. That's interesting. I'll see if I can do that. Seems it get sick for awhile, then gets better.

  5. No problems here with Blogger but then I've not been able to download videoe for a long time.

    1. I can usually get videos to load, but it's slower than dial up!!

  6. Your bingo posts never fail to bring a smile...:)

    1. Awww that makes me feel good. I love to see people smile! Thanks Deb!

  7. What happened to the days when the DMV walks out to the parking lot and looks at the VIN??? Oh ya, must be a "Union" thing. As Freddie Prinze use to say, "It's not my job man..."

    1. That's exactly what I thought!!! Why couldn't they just take 20 steps out the door?

  8. You are a glutten for punishment Nancy. We have to make appointments here in illinois for DMV. Hope I remember when time to go.

    1. It's just crazy how bad the service has become. Even worse, none of the employees care one little bit.

  9. Mr. Ed said, why don’t you just come to Florida register your vehicles here when you give the girl the title she’ll walk out the front door wherever you park your car verify it and go back in deal done Did I tell you it was 97° then? If you have a vehicle or RV trailer that doesn’t move but you want to register it you call the sheriffs department they’ll send a guy out to verify the Vin deal done. I guess California doesn’t know how to do a done deal

    1. In actuality, you should’ve taken the lady to the DMV with you she would straighten them all out you’d be in and out Faster than you can sign your name

    2. Right? Used to be you drove to the CHP office, they came out, signed it off and you were done. I don't know who is in charge, but they sure have gone to the dogs.

  10. Nancy
    Keep forgetting to ask...did you get my email? Hoping it didn't go to spam.

  11. You would think that the CHP could hire someone, pay them a 1/4 of the salary of an officer and have them check VINs. But that makes too much sense so it will never happen.
