Friday, October 20, 2023


 The house is sold!  I haven't seen hide nor hair of any money yet, but they tell me the house is now in someone else's name.  I am feeling both happy and sad.  Mostly happy of course that I don't have to worry about all the water coming down the hill and creating problems at the front of the house, and happy that I don't have to pay for the leach line replacement that will probably happen fairly soon.

I also don't have to clean out the gutters in front that are completely full of twigs and leaves from the palo verde trees, or chase the rats around the house.  There's no wondering if the 25 foot long dryer vent is packed full of fluff or if I'm going to get stung by another mega wasp, not to mention my scorpion friends.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVED this location, it was just too much to take care of by myself, not to mention the last few years have made it too costly.  It was a good time to sell since property values are about as high as they can be.  I will however ... miss this view and my wonderful neighbors!   If prices ever go back down, I may just be back.

It was a lazy warm day here in Cali with the temperatures on the rise for one last hurrah before cooler nights prevail.  I expected to have some GREAT foxy videos, but alas, for the first time ever, I neglected to check the SD card.  It was probably the best night ever of frolicking foxy freeloaders, and I missed it.

I really didn't want to get into anything complicated while I contemplated just how I'm going to celebrate with that moola.  Let's face it, I'm too FRUGAL to just blow it.   So I cut out the fabric for four more squares on the latest quilt.  In eight hours I got one whole square finished ... the top one.  This is definitely NOT a quilt-in-a-day pattern, but boy do I love it.  As usual, since my last upgrade on my phone, the images it takes are not true to color.  It's much prettier in person.

I had yet another Elks meeting last night, this time involving lots of accounting.  We're trying to make it less complicated, but getting everyone to agree on HOW to do that has been problematic.  That's because they aren't accountants.  Sometimes the process can get very convoluted.  Hopefully I'm able to sway them over to my "easier" fix.

That goes for quilting too.  You have all probably heard of the double wedding ring quilt.  There's no way I EVER wanted to make something that you had to sew in circles.  It's extremely difficult.  On the other hand, you KNOW how I love a good challenge.  

So when a sweet lady at Bingo asked me to make one for her son's wedding (who finally decided to man up at the age of 47 I think), I said I would look into it.  I found the perfect easy-ER pattern and began figuring out the yardage.  I think I've said this before ... quilting is not CHEAP.  Just the fabric for the TOP (not the backing, binding, batting or quilting) will run about $350 for the king size she wants.  We'll see if it fits in her budget.  If not, I may just have to try and make one for myself!

While still thinking about the cash soon to grace my bank account, I got a call that my living room carpet would be installed THIS MORNING!!  I did a little happy dance.  I can't wait to be able to start moving some stuff back into this room and get my longarm up and running.  No worries, I won't be moving anything.  They are providing me with two big strapping guys just for that purpose.  Pictures tomorrow.

In the meantime, I know I'm weird, I skipped the rib eye steak at the lodge and downed this lovely Crunchwrap from Taco Bell.  There's two meetings a month that always have steak for dinner, so I'll partake NEXT time.  I know ... born and raised on a cattle ranch and I'm skipping the beef.  It's a travesty!!

Carpet guys are coming soon, so I'm off to sort of, kind of, clean up the obvious messes.  No use letting them think I'm a HOARDER!!!


  1. Mr. Ed said with the extra three dollars in your pocket why don’t you splurge on a Wi-Fi game camera no more running out to the camera to check the SD card You could do it right to your phone or your computer and enjoy being lazy. Or you could always try 🪂

  2. Sounds like a GREAT DAY at your house!
    New carpet and $$$ into account ~ YEA!
    Might go to Taco Bell today- getting hungry!

  3. Congrats on the sale of the Az. less thing to be concerned about. Being a homeowner always keeps us busy.

    1. Isn't that the truth? There's always something that needs fixing.

  4. Excited to see pictures of your new carpet.
    Wedding ring quilts are beautiful! I know you can make one!

    1. I think I'll have to open a quilt store and sell a few first, but that quilt does look challenging.

  5. Lots of good news today...and with lower temps starting tomorrow I think it is going to be a good end to a good week!

    1. I think you are right Dave!!!! That was a great picture of your Mom and your grand baby.

  6. Congratulations! I can feel the stress lift off your shoulders. I agree with Mr. Ed, a cellular game camera sounds like the perfect present for yourself!

    1. I'll have to look them up. I don't have any decent internet service here. Don't they connect to that or is it by blue-tooth?

  7. Thank you Cheryl. I'm looking forward to seeing just how much money I can save now. Maybe I can even get a decent internet service here.

  8. Nancy,
    I tired emailing you two times and it comes back.
    Are you having email problems or maybe it's just me?
