Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Hospitals and Fire Alarms at Bingo?

 It was a nice cool breezy morning, perfect for patio sitting with my cup-O-Joe.  Sometimes I have to guess what's going on in the neighborhood by the smells.  The garlic plant was up and running ... LOVE that smell.  There were no skunks that I could detect, but they would have been MUCH better than the lovely aroma of chicken manure being distributed over all the orchards that surround me.  

Ever smelled it?  Let me just say there is nothing as rank as that smell ... and since we have dozens of big chicken farms around the country, they have MORE than enough product to stink up half of California.  That smell and coffee don't exactly go together, so I came inside.

I have a long list of honey dos, so I decided to get to it.  I called Grand Design for a replacement handle for the grey tank.  I picked one up in Yuma last year, but didn't realize it required threads, which I found out 200 miles down the road, this does NOT have.

It must be held on with a set screw.  Here's what the nice serviceman told me.  They added the last parts to this rig when the "killer outbreak" began.  They used whatever cheap parts they could find to finish the last rigs on the line.  Not only do they not have a replacement handle, they don't even know WHERE the parts came from and they have nothing that will work because they all have threads.  I'm stuck using pliers if I want to dump the gray tank.  Anyone have any amazing ideas about how I could stick a handle on this?

Well that was it ... I didn't get anything else on the list done, so I headed for the sewing room.  I stacked two quilts up on my chair in an attempt to raise me up so my back wouldn't complain quite so much.  Two more squares appeared on the wall.  Not much progress, but the accuracy on these complicated quilts has to be perfect.  And so at last I was OFF TO BINGO!

Yes ... this is an ambulance.  Luckily it was not for me ... or any Bingo player, thank goodness.  It WAS however for the husband of one of my favorite gals.  She came running up before the games even started and said I HAVE TO LEAVE.  

Come to find out her husband had been using a grinder of some kind.  It slipped and tried to cut his leg off.  It was a nice 6" long slice to the bone.  YIKES!!!  She had pictures, but you don't want to see that.  He got lots of stitches and she got her money refunded so she could go to the hospital.  Sometimes the excitement doesn't exactly come from Bingo.

Little did I know, it was only the beginning.  About 8:00 my phone started blowing up.  It was my neighbor saying my fire alarm was going off.  WHAT?????  I tried to call her, but she didn't answer.  Next thing I know, she says the alarm won't shut off ... it's SO annoying!  I'm in panic mode now.  IS IT MY HOUSE????  She wasn't sure.  GO OUTSIDE AND LOOK!!!

Then I think ... but you really can't hear a fire alarm outside ... it must be the main alarm, and I didn't set it.  So how could it be going off?  DO YOU SEE SMOKE?  No she says, but she finally went outside to find it wasn't MY alarm after all.  It was my OTHER neighbor's house.  The one that got flooded.  

BIG sign of relief!!  Turns out NO ONES house was on fire, but someone had set the alarm next door.  When the painter showed up later, he set it off.  Apparently there was lots of screaming and yelling after that!!!

As for Bingo itself ... there was one tussle over "you didn't give me my change", which I put the kibosh on when I asked for her receipt ... which she provided without thinking.  The money came out with it.  I can't believe they come up with so many different ways to deceive you.  

There was one slight altercation in the kitchen before everyone finally concentrated on the reason they were there ... to play bingo and lose their money.  The new fry cook in the kitchen (a normal person, not a real fry cook) couldn't get the food out fast enough.  He was a very nice guy, but a one-thing-at-a-time guy.  

I thought they were going to beat him up, so I volunteered to help him cook.  The Stepmother of the Castle Kitchen shooed me away ... they will just have to wait.  I thought there was going to be a riot, but the King happened to walk by and soothed the savage beasts.  He has the gift of gab.  He also has the power to kick them out, so cooler heads prevailed.

I'm a little worse for wear this morning, so another round of French toast is on the breakfast menu.  Then maybe I'll see if I can get at least ONE more item off my to-do list.


  1. Exciting day! I feel for line cooks, high expectations, fast paced, and no rewards. There is no way I could do that.

    1. AND ... he's a volunteer, with no experience. They work one Bingo night a month. Kind of like shanghaied!!

  2. You sure had the excitement!
    French toast is exactly what you need!

  3. You need to find an "Arny" down there who will figure out a "MacGyver" fix. My thoughts are that the shaft can be threaded so that a screw-on handle will work, or that a handle can be forced onto it and then have a cotter pin put through it, which would require a hole drilled through the handle and the shaft so that a pin could be put through it. The new handle that is forced on there would probably have to be bored out. Regardless, a METAL handle would be needed with either fix.

    Did you get an Earthquake alert this morning like we did here is Sac? Never felt a thing, but that piercing sound coming from both cell phones at the same time was enough to give you a heart attack!

    1. I DID NOT get that alert, but practically everyone else in California did. It was weird.

  4. I have to say that I really look forward to the BINGO report. So many antics to hear about. My life must be a bit boring, so I thank you for the updates. Hope you find a resolution for the handle. (KathyN)

    1. It's amazing how "different" Bingo can be from one week to the next! Happy to provide updates! It keeps me going back every Tuesday!

  5. Bingo sounds so exciting! Glad your house was okay.

  6. I have some ideas. What size is the shaft. To start with, hardware stores have cabinets in the nuts-and-bolts section with lots of drawers full of stuff like what you'd need. Handles with set screws would be the easiest for you. You should be able to find something with set screws in it to fasten it to the steel shaft. Give me the diameter size of the shaft and I can have a look when I go to the shopping center next week.
    I can think of lots of ways I could do it, but most of them wouldn't be easy for you to do, like weld it. :O)

    1. Drilling a hole in it was my first thought ... then I actually thought about calling a friend that has a welder. I'm just not sure what the shaft is made of. Could be pot metal for all I know. I think it's 1/4", but I'll go measure it.

  7. Another exciting night in the castle! Glad it wasn't yours or anyone rides house on fire but whose is in the picture?
    You have 2 Mr. Fixits on the hunt for handles so 🤞one of them can help.
    Feels good crossing things off the list.

    1. And I can't thank them enough. I mean I can just use pliers I suppose, but it would be nice not to have to go looking for them. The house fire picture was just one I pulled from the internet. LOL.

  8. I have to agree with Jim I could never be a front line cook, or any other cook for so many people!!
