Monday, July 18, 2022


My morning routine has become stuck in concrete.  With my eyes still half shut, I whipped up a delicious cup of hot water in which to pour those lovely granules of sweetness.  A quick stir and I'm in business.  I turn the AC on and head out to the cool air of morning.  

Although I think I'm not being billed for this coolness, or so the contractor said, I'm not going overboard with the AC.  I don't want PG&E to hit me with a huge bill while I wait for them to set the new meter.  In the meantime, I did swelter quite a bit yesterday with this temperature.  

I don't remember it being this hot since I was a kid.  I think the earth tilted yesterday ... weird things began to happen!!

Take for example I never have any warning of it being NATIONAL ICE CREAM DAY!!  Now that's a holiday I can get behind, but every year I miss it.  Finally, after all these years, I saw someone make the announcement.  That was enough for me .... after all, who doesn't want to celebrate THAT day!  Why it would be unAmerican!

But first ... maybe I'll have a little breakfast, although ice cream for breakfast is not beyond the imagination.  I scanned the fridge for fodder when the light bulb in my brain went on.  There is seriously something wrong here ... I actually thought a veggie omelet would be great.  That thought hasn't entered my mind in 20 years!!

Ahhhhh I forgot to take a picture.  There is definitely something wrong though, since that even sounds good for a second day in a row.  What happened to the bacon?  The hash browns?  The butter smothered toast?  No kidding, I had a veggie omelet for breakfast.  I know the world must have tilted overnight.

And then it was NOON!  Time to head out for that delicious Cold Stone treat ... my all time favorite ice cream ... Coffee Lovers!  Coffee ice cream full of Heath Bar chunks and caramel sauce.  I did make one big mistake ... I ordered a LARGE.  I never do that, mostly because I can't eat that much!  

With temps over the roof, I sat inside their tiny shop and at least TRIED to eat the entire thing.  I won't do that again!!  HOWEVER, unlike that half a muffin I ate, my stomach LOVED this treat!!  Lucky me!

The rest of the day found me in front of the TV with Cooper snuggled up alongside.  The Calgary Stampede ... the biggest rodeo in the world ... had their finals shown on the Cowboy Channel.  You could feel the tension right through the screen.

I admit in the old days, rodeoing was more drinking and partying than riding.  There were lots of times when the guys just couldn't sober up enough the next morning to ride.  Nowadays, it's become a sport of amazing pro athletes, most of whom thank God for their success.  Good looking athletes I might add!!

By 4:00 I was again contemplating vegetables (there's definitely something wrong here) when I spotted the Amazon driver delivering Jonathan's seed.  I opened the box on the kitchen counter and grabbed the first bag.  Ummm there's a hole in the top.  I pulled out the second bag when I felt something on my hand. OMG ... the box is FULL of ANTS!!!  What the heck?

Then I got bit not once, but three times.  I grabbed the box and threw it outside.  My counter was now covered with fire ants.  I was slapping and smashing trying to kill all of them before they hit the floor running.  This picture was twenty minutes later when I ventured back out into the 108 degree heat to see if any were left.  How does this happen?

I went straight to my phone and called Amazon.  They were not the least concerned about the bites I got, but they did say to keep the two bags for free, both of which have holes in them.  I'm not sure if the ants are in the bags or just in the box, but I'm not about to try and find out.  They are shipping two more bags.  Hopefully those three huge red, now swollen spots on my wrist will go away at some point.

With temperatures still in the OMG range, I chopped up some veggies for dinner.  I'm pretty sure this is a first.  I haven't had a veggie wrap in my LIFE!!  It did need something with a little flavor, so I whipped up some homemade teriyaki sauce for the dressing.  I'll probably have another one for dinner today.  This is just unheard of in my house!!

It's going to be another 108 degree day ... swimming pool weather.  Since there's no pool, maybe I'll just run through the sprinklers.  That reminds me, another weird thing happened, but I'll tell you about it tomorrow!!  Enjoy your day ... I'll be on the couch scratching my ant bites!


  1. I also crave lighter veggie food in the heat. Meat’s just too heavy. We’ve been subject to a brutal heat wave for over a month, although we haven’t gotten as high as 108F yet where I am. We have hit 100 on multiple days, though, and once we break triple digits, I’m not sure our bodies can even tell the difference when it’s higher.
    One of the odder treats I’ve been indulging in during all this misery are those Slurpie/Slushie/Icee-type frozen drinks which I haven’t had since I was a kid. Felt kinda weird at first to be rolling up to a convenience store or fast food outlet in my car to get one instead of on my beloved childhood Schwinn, but even us older girls gotta do what we have to do to cope. And although the ice cream headache can be intense for a few seconds (NB: don’t start the car til after it passes), the payoff the rest of the way down is sublime.

    1. Now that's an idea I can get behind Leilani!! Now I'm on a mission to find a Slurpie supplier!!

  2. Make certain to wear Latex Gloves the next time you open those boxes or sort through the existing one. You might be able to Sieve some of that seed to be certain the ants are gone.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Ice Cream.

    It's about time.

    1. I haven't even opened the bags yet, but the sieve idea is a good one! I'll try it.

  3. So the Amazon package did not sit on your porch for any extended time period, which means the ants were either there when shipped, or an Amazon Warehouse somewhere in the south has a huge problem!

    Have your tried the Low Carb Tortillas from Mission? The have regular, spinach and wheat...I don't like the wheat one.

    1. The package was on the porch for about 15 minutes. It was also had not only fire ants, but those great big huge ants! I use the low carb ones ... the others have too many calories.

  4. Oh believe me, there is still plenty of drinking going on at most horse shows and rodeos. I bet unlike us, they just wait until after they ride!

    1. Yeah, that's probably true. In the back seat of ever truck sits J B and Tequila Joe.

  5. I don't know if I recommended this before but keep a jar of Blue Emu in your kitchen at home and at the Elks. Slather it on for bites and burns. Almost instant pain relief. Keep rubbing it in every so often and in no time you can't see the bites.

    1. Guess I better find out what Blue Emu is. My wrist is driving me crazy with the itching.

  6. I use Benadryl cream on bites since I think my swelling has to do with allergies.
    Linda Sand

    1. I'm sure that's me too ... it now over an inch around and red as my face when I eat a quart of ice cream!!
