Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Clowns Of California

 As I sit on the patio this morning contemplating the state of the State, I am reminded that when you put clowns in charge, you can end up with a big circus.  Trouble is, I'm not laughing.  In case you haven't heard, here's what's happening in California at the moment.  

This has to be one of the worst data breaches in history ... maybe in the entire U.S. ... perpetrated on the citizens by none other than the California Department of Justice.  They have announced through the local Sheriff's Department, that personal information was disclosed in connection with the June 27th update of its Firearms Dashboard Portal.  

Based on its current investigation, the DOJ added a "click here" button that exposed the personal information of every single person who was granted a Concealed Carry Permit (CCW) between 2011 and 2021.  It was actually a downloadable document, as seen by my own eyes.  No, I was not one of the many who downloaded it.

So just what was included?  Name, date of birth, gender, race, driver's license number and address.  They swear there was no social security numbers included, but I don't believe them.

Yessirree ... the State just published the names of everyone in the State of California that has a concealed carry permit for their weapons, this happening under the watch of recently elected Attorney General Rob Bonta of the democratic persuasion.

They have said they will notify every single individual whose data was breached, but that's like closing the barn door after the cows are out.  They have even asked that anyone who accessed such information, "please" do not share or disseminate any of the personal information.  Yup I'm thinking that will solve the problem.  Tell the criminals not to use this information for criminal activities.  I've no doubt they will comply.

But wait ... here's the kicker.  The solution to this disaster is simple they say ... it is the responsibility of the people whose information was stolen to contact not one, but all three of the big credit companies and have your credit report frozen.  Hey, I'm sure that will protect all those Judges whose names were on that list from the felons they incarcerated.  

The question has been asked, are police officers on that list too?  There's only been silence so far.  They have stated unequivocally they will notify everyone whose data was stolen and provide credit monitoring services.  I don't think ANYONE is thinking about their credit ... they are probably wondering just when their house will be broken in to in order to obtain those weapons or even if someone is out to kill them.

I've no doubt nothing will happen as far as heads rolling in the DOJ office.  It just goes to show how much respect the California government has for its constituents.  Bonta says he's "deeply disturbed and angered", probably because he won't get reelected.  I'm guessing he's not near as angry as the people on the list.  

Even this much information would not be known if it weren't for our local Sheriff.  As of now, I don't know of anyone who has been notified of anything.

What was that saying ... elect a clown, expect a circus??  And oh yes, as other states are not collecting gas taxes because of the outrageous inflation, THIS state is raising its gas tax.  In case you were wondering, here's an example of what the current gas taxes are:

Arkansas                .245
Arizona                  .18
California               .511  (this is probably more with the current increase 7/1)
Colorado                .22
Florida                   .19
Idaho.                    .392

The only state with higher gas tax is Pennsylvania at .576.  Gee ... California isn't the only one with questionable people in charge.  YAY!!!

It's just sad that this beautiful state has fallen to the lowest of lows.  I've lived here all my life.  It's just too bad the politicians are killing it one step at a time.  

I think it's a two-cup kind of morning as my mind wanders off to how much fun it's going to be selling fireworks at the Elks Lodge booth downtown!!!  The Fourth is arriving faster than a bottle rocket!!!


  1. Mister Ed
    Anyone Who lives in a high tax state do so because they choose to. And you pay for that choice. That’s why they have U-Haul companys.
    Here is a full breakdown of the added California fuel tax and fees cost:
    * Taxes:
Federal Excise Tax: 18 cents per gallon
State Excise Tax: 51 cents per gallon. As of July 1 it’s $.53
Sales Tax (estimated): 10 cents per gallon
    * Fees:
Low Carbon Gas Programs: 22 cents per gallon
Greenhouse Gas Programs: 15 cents per gallon
Underground Tank Storage: 2 cents per gallon
    California has the highest gas prices in the nation, according to AAA.

    Another word your California gun permit database has been hacked… That’s not the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Now the Chinese secret police know where you ALL live🔎

    If you don’t already have a freeze on your credit reporting companies you’re not protecting yourself …… Do it it’s free

    1. The database was not hacked, the office of the DOJ put a portal on their main website that allowed entry into that database.

    2. Easy for everyone to say just move. Maybe not so easy if you walked in my shoes.


    3. At least any Californian that has a concealed carry, an has an issue, now knows where they can place a lawsuit .. and yes any move is unique however 41 Companies Hi tech found a U-Haul an Left California In 2021 That just adds to the list of the 200 that I already have left

  2. And, of course, it is/was just a "coincidence" that this breach happened the same time the Supreme Court gives a death blow to California's rule on nearly making it impossible for a person to get a concealed carry license. Not that California, nor New York which was at the heart of the ruling, will follow what the highest court in our nation says. Both Governors have openly stated that they will not follow the ruling.

    1. Yup ... just a coincidence. Yeah, we all think it was on purpose!!

  3. I'd say it is unbelievable but sadly things like this are happening more and more often.

    1. I think you are right. The only good thing is our Sheriff disagrees with them.
