Sunday, February 27, 2022

Now You See It ... Now You Don't!!

Some times you just have to cut things out of your life.  Such was the case after the sewer line failure, which was entirely the fault of the oleanders against the fence.  I'll leave out the name of the owner (not me) who planted them.  There were three big plants twice the height of the fence.  Now you see them .......

Now you don't.  I used my handy dandy chain saw on a stick to cut them down.  Boy what a lifesaver that little gadget is!!  In no time at all, I had them out of the yard, waiting for Dan to arrive and do the hard work.  He used his little battery operated chain saw from Harbor Freight to cut the stumps down to the ground.  I think I need one of those.

Next he used it to dispatch the palm tree.  I don't know what it is about having palm trees in the desert, but they have a lot of roots heading straight for the fertilizer, so it too had to disappear.  I was rather sorry to see it go, but the alternative is bad bad bad.  It's so weird to see them gone, but it sure opened up the view!!

I moved a few things around here and there because I have no idea what to do with that wall.  The sunflower thermometer (that is always at least ten degrees off) and the kitty cat, mark the cleanout along with what else, a terra cotta pot turned upside down.  At least I put this one at ground level.

Here's a closer view of my whirligig that I moved, which included much beating with a big rock to get it back in the ground.  I have another one under the bed in the rig.  If it's still there when I get the rig back, I'll put it here too.  Maybe I'll make it a rootless whirligig garden!!  I hear Mexico calling my name.

After all that hard work, I sat back with my version of a beer.  Time for a little rest and relaxation!  

I still have to drill holes in the root stumps and apply roundup for the next ten days or so.  I've no idea if that will work, since practically nothing will kill an oleander.  The good news is I will no longer have expensive septic system root problems.  Yahoo and HALLELUJAH!!!


  1. It would be sad to see the palm tree go, especially, but it opens up a great area for garden decor! A Whirlyjig garden, I love it! Your tall one from Q will look great in there. ♥
    I love the view too and the best news is no more septic problems.
    Warmer weather is on the way!

    1. I do like lots of green things, but in this case the tree had to go. Definitely the one from Q will look great. I can't wait to put it up.

  2. I love the view too! That would make a really cute small patio area using patio bricks so they could be removed easily if needed. Love the whirligig idea! Dan and Patty are such good friends!

    1. Great idea Shirley ... oh yes, Patty and Dan are the BEST!!

  3. Have you ever tried Mike's Hard Lemonade Seltzer? Comes in four different flavors, has 100 Calories, 1 Carb, low on Sodium and this brand, unlike other Seltzers I have tried, does not have that 'bite' to it. It is smooth, and tastes yummy, and is 5% alcohol. Find it to be a good dinner drink, and occasionally (when I want two in a day) I will add frozen berries into a cup and pour it over the berries for an after dinner dessert.

    1. Wow ... that sounds pretty good. I'll see if I can find it here. Love things that can do double duty!!

  4. Love the view! Maybe add some Talavera pottery onto the wall - give it some color. Should have a large selection in Q.
    I have a whirlijig in my backyard also!

    1. You and Patty think alike. The first thing she said was a trip to Tubac for pots!! Definitely a good idea!!

  5. That is a nice view you have! When we moved into our home 6 years ago, there were 2 tall palm trees (over 50 feet). I worried what would happen if we got a monsoon with high winds so I had them taken down a few days after we moved in. While I haven't seen a big palm tree topple in a storm, I have seen the fronds all over the ground. I've never regretted having the trees removed. I know you won't regret the oleander and palm trees you removed :)


    1. 50 feet ... wow!! I have one other very tall one. They never fell over in the wind, but they sure do sway about 6 inches each direction. And the fronds have lots of very sharp spines!!!
