Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hunter Farms Pumpkin Patch

Did you ever have one of those days when you were so far behind you couldn't catch up with your feet?  It was like that most of the day.  The Pumpkin Patch is officially open!!  I knew there would be much to do, so I went in at 2:00.  We opened at 3:30.

The first order of business was to clean the bounce pillow.  That should have been done the day before, but we grabbed the mops and buckets and went to work.  There was a bit of a mess to clean up when the 17-year old didn't know how to turn the garden hose faucet off.  No, I'm not kidding.  It amazes me every time!!  

Next up I headed to the Corn Chute (the slide) to train the two girls how to hand out the rugs people ride down on, how to set them up and keep the line going.  Lucky for us it was a slow opening day.  Getting people up to the top of the slide in a timely manner is an art.  They did pretty well considering just how hot it was.

Then came the bad news.  I ran off and left my phone at home.  No pictures, other than what I can snatch from last year.  That didn't work out so well for me when the Boss called and I didn't answer -- THREE times!!

So here's a scary Halloween image I took a few years ago (okay, ten years ago) at Raisin Hell Ranch down south.  This was a scary Halloween experience where people chased you with chain saws.  That was to get you moving at the very end to make room for more people.  The screams were hilarious, but only because I knew the whole scenario from being inside taking photographs.

They didn't stay open very long.  It was like a Hollywood movie set where actors, costumes and props were required for every performance every night.  What a kick in the pants it was to be there.  The photographs were used for their advertisements around the state.  

Next up was extracting the wad of hornets who built their nest in the paper towel dispenser.  Thankfully one of the guys had already sprayed it generously and killed everything, but not before getting stung.  I got the easy part of pulling them out and adding new towels.  

Although slow to get going, the snack bar works a little better because it's twice the size as previously used.  It was also staffed with eight girls instead of the normal three.  Attraction Supervisor works SO much better for me than Snack Bar Supervisor.  

Luckily, there was only one glitch with electricity, which was fixed almost immediately.  It's too bad the rest of the new equipment didn't show up.  They ordered the new tractor car ride last year.  Apparently it's sitting on a ship out in the middle of the ocean and won't be delivered until October 23.  It's doubtful it will get set up in time to be used THIS year, but we are keeping our fingers crossed.

The mums are blooming like crazy and ready for pickup.  Anyone know if these are annuals?  I have to admit, they make beautiful table decorations.  I might have to bring one home.

And so it was a very hectic day.  I'm hoping it gets better, but alas, the first week will be all about training all the new kids.  Out of maybe 45 employees, we only have 5 who have worked before.  At least I will remain busy.

Miles walked:  6.76 on the first day.  My feet talked to me until about midnight!!


  1. Don't you feel naked without your phone?! How did we ever get along before? The mums are beautiful and perennial, Karen's next door are gorgeous and bloom a couple of times a year, growing bigger and bigger each year. They do trim them after they bloom.

    1. Totally addicted to my phone. I hate it when I forget it!!

  2. Didn't know how to turn the water off??? I believe it! Once in the library I was visiting my favorite branch location, a lady walks in and screams and nearly faints. She saw this young gal vacuuming (gal was performing community service for shoplifting, or something stupid like that). You see...the gal was the daughter of a pair of doctors...the lady was their maid...she said she NEVER saw the young gal do ANY WORK, let alone operate a vacuum. The staff member replied to her, "She said she had never vacuumed before, I though she was just trying to get away with something..." She was SO SPOILED you got to wonder why she needed to shoplift...

    1. Apparently that's it .. yup never turned on an outside faucet in her life. That's so foreign to me! LOL

  3. Sounds like busy times ahead. Enjoy training the new ones 😆

    1. I'll trade you jobs Doug ..... you train, I'l play with Yuma!! LOL
