Friday, October 15, 2021

A GREAT Day???

 Sometimes you just need to boost your spirits and jump start your body.  It was time for the breakfast of champions ..... ICE CREAM!!  If ever you wanted a good bit of vanilla covered in chocolate and nuts, THIS is the bar for you.  Besides that, you get 18 for $10.00.  There are still bargains to be had!!

I've decided I like Wednesdays and Thursdays best.  I don't have to be there until noon, get to leave early at 7:30 and the crowds are light in nature.  Add to that the missing Mrs. off running errands and picking up her kids, and I have time to actually take a break.  

I found this picture on my phone.  I had no intention of taking a picture of my feet, but apparently they were communicating with my brain.  I'm pretty sure they were telling me to sit my butt down!!

And so I did.  After completely stocking the entire front with new pumpkins, I actually got to sit down for the next hour when we opened to the public.  We had two big parties coming in, complete with caterers. All I had to do was point my finger ... go West folks ... to the barn!  

Then the charge iPad went down, forcing two of us to actually use our brains to figure out how to get it working again.  Our internet isn't the best, causing lots of question marks to fly over our heads.  Soon I was scrambling for change since everyone seemed to have $100 bills.

I ended up calling the Boss three times, but did it all while seated on a lovely stool.  My feet thanked me.  

At last it was off to give all 14 stations a break.  Everyone gets a ten minute reprieve from the adults.  The good news is I have found two new locations to sit down and hang out.  My legs are great, getting stronger every day.  I can even run up the slide without requiring oxygen at the top.  Yes we sell this beautiful squash, which makes yummy soup!!

The days end wasn't quite as fun.  We supply all these wagons for customers to gather up pumpkins they want to purchase and haul them to the front for payment.  Nine times out of ten, they haul their kids around in them.  It seems their location completely escapes everyone leaving the property.

I spent the last hour gathering up wagons and relocating them here.  I warned the very large adult trying to ride in it, pulled by her boyfriend, to no avail.  These are made for pumpkins ... not your sweet little pumpkin.  The front wheels came off the ground and she landed on her head.  

Doing my last full sweep for closing, I spotted two kids sitting on the very top of the large wagon.  These are not made for climbing.  Pictures yes ... climbing, that would be a big no.  I asked them to please get down.  The kids and the parents just looked at me.  

Please come down ... it's not safe.  Nothing.  I finally walked right up to them to have the mother start screaming at me "WE ARE GETTING THEM DOWN".  Okay, I appreciate that, but I've asked you three times and they are still up there while you are just looking at them.  This time they were removed from the wagon.  

So all in all, it was a GREAT day!!  I'm hoping for the same today with 400 children coming in at 9:00.  OH THE FUN!!!

Total miles walked so far:  94.2    Pretty crazy when you think about it!!


  1. Those miles are really adding up! Some of it sounds like fun, but 400 kids? No way!

    1. And it's going to get better with 400 more each day for three days in a row!!!

  2. I can't believe you're doing this! I guess they are paying you big money for your time and patience😁 When does it ever end?

    1. I do get paid ... it's my RV play money and lasts the entire year. It's only for 30 days, thank goodness!!

  3. WHAT? You mean little Billy can't climb up the windmill so that I can get a picture of him up there??? My goodness...what happened to our society?

    1. That's it exactly. And those are the ones that would sue!!!
