Sunday, September 24, 2017

I Talk To Animals

Mostly because I'm alone in my rig with two puppies and a talking parrot, I talk to animals all the time.  I even talk to myself in the grocery store, but I won't go into that.  The critters at the West Coast Game Park Safari are no exception.  While explaining how it all works to some new visitors, this little guy kept butting my leg with his head.  These miniature goats are just so darn cute!!

I gave him lots of chin scratches along with a good ear massage, which seemed to satisfy him as he went about his way looking for grain.
They are all kept in a huge corral out back until 10:00 when they are released into the public area.  They come on the run in a big long line for a bucket of grain tossed on the ground.
They really do keep this place clean, raking up everything in the mornings and washing down concrete areas.  Goats and sheep will be goats and sheep however, so watch where you step.  Not that it will help because it's everywhere.  Boot brushes are provided for cleaning.  This happens to be Miss Patty Chance's favorite kitty place too, so I told her I'd gather some in a baggie so she wouldn't feel left out.
Here's Lexi again, just because she's so magnificent!!!  She really likes it here but would give anything for a chance to get one of those goats.  That feather on a stick is fun, but she'd like something she can sink her teeth into.
I talked to the Queen of Beasts who stayed up too late last night.  Although there was a tasty Foster Farms chicken in her enclosure, she was saving it for a mid morning snack.  Along with other things, raw chicken is a staple around here.
You can really get up close and personal with the sheep by buying a few ice cream cones full of grain.  These first time visitors had a blast until one sheep grabbed the entire cone and scarfed it down.  Not that they need more since they are as fat as little piggies, but she bought more anyway, just so she could feed them.  Pretty good fun!!
This huge elk wasn't up and around yet, still snoozing in his paddock.  These brutes lose their horns every year and grow new ones.  I think these are the biggest I've ever seen.
Got grain?  No, but there's a hay rack full of alfalfa behind you, along with a couple of lamas.  All of the critters running around inside as you walk the grounds can be petted.  They are all very good natured and sweet as can be.
Even the donkeys love being petted.  This guy came up and gave me a head butt too.  Being a horse woman, I pretty much know where they like to be scratched the most.  Not on their face, but under their chin and down their neck.  Be ready to get your hands dirty.  I wouldn't tell anyone to try it unless you understand animal language, but they also love to have their ears stripped ... meaning sticking your finger inside their ears and rubbing all the way to the tip.  

Occasionally they don't appreciate that, it just depends on the animal.  Most LOVE it, but you need to be able to read their reaction so you don't get bit.  These guys are just so sweet they even let a tiny little girl kiss them on the face.
You can't pet the Wallabies, but they sure are cute too!!  There's more ... camels, peccaries, capybara ... and a whole pond full of huge geese.
Finally you come to the nursery of babies you can pet.  Although Todd is the King of Foxdom, this new baby is learning the ropes while he gets breakfast.  He loves pieces of apple and carrot, which he eats while you pet him.  They also have a skunk, two ferrets and a baby possum that is the softest ever and loves to snuggle.  Try it ... you'll like it I promise!!
My usual wonderful homecoming has turned rather sour.  I've had a couple of disasters happen immediately ... like four months of my mail and packages disappearing and major repairs to my truck.  It's not been a fun day at all.  That and a very early dentist appointment may make for a late post tomorrow, but I'll get to it because I have to tell you about my latest Indian acquisition from Eureka!!


  1. People don't realize they can communicate with the animals as well. Animals recognize the tone of a person's voice and your body-language.
    Hope your travels improve before you get home.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Nothing quite like talking to the animals and your self, no arguments doing that very often, lol, Great photos again.

  3. There's nothing worse than asking yourself a question🆗
    and then answering it for 🆓 Some 💊Street people do it all the time

    1. I'm always talking to myself in the grocery store. I'm sure people think I'm crazy ... sometimes it's fun to see their reactions! LOL
