Stuff happens ... I get it. Mother Nature sends skunks to my back yard, Amazon delivers my packages to California when I'm in Arizona in spite of what my order says and scorpions can get in your house no matter what you do to keep them at bay.
THIS however ..... this is a first.
It was a nice cool morning ... something not usually seen in California in the summer. Since I know my recall ballot is in the mail and I definitely want to check that little box ..... as soon as I unloaded the truck, I went straight for the locked mail box.
As I pulled everything out the back, I noticed something left inside at the front. WHAT? Oh good grief! Someone put eggs in my mailbox, breaking them as they stuck them through the slot. Why would you do that? The joke was on them however, since it had long soaked into the massive amount of sale flyers and dried up.
I know from my neighbors that the mail stealers have been running rampant. Guess they were mad they couldn't get in my locked box? Who knows.
Next on the list after my neighbor delivered those two Amazon packages that should have gone to Arizona (Patty now has SIX cans of quilt spray) I went out to hook my battery back up in the Jeep. I've never done this before, and as easy as it sounds (and probably is), I was pretty hesitant. I've been badly shocked before and I didn't want another occurrence.
I grabbed one of Jonathan's sticks to move the cable back to its rightful place. With my trusty ratchet wrench ... bet you didn't know I had one of THOSE ... I tightened it back down. Then came the test. I turned the key and what do you know ..... it started right up!!!
I know ... this is such a simple hack, but I've been plagued with dead batteries for years, so I'm a happy camper I could actually do this. Even the radio stations stayed in tact, but it did take me ten minutes to figure out how to reset the clock.

Next up, wade through 259 junk emails I had received over the last two days. It's a dead giveaway when you get 18 that confirm your loan request for $9525, all to the exact same email address. Come on guys, can't SOMEONE just sit there and delete duplicate email addresses? Obviously I made no such request.
Add to that the 22 that requested I contact them regarding my exposure to weed killer. Makes you wonder who they are buying all those email address lists from, doesn't it? Delete delete delete!!
With that done, I played with Cooper a bit. He's not too thrilled being back on that slippery wood floor. Although I have a rug I could use, the cleaning it received from the professional resulted in a smell I cannot abide. I'll go check for a new rug today. Cooper is too old to be slipping while chasing the ball.
I unloaded a plethora of quilting material so I could finish the borders on three of my quilt tops. Too bad I couldn't find the actual pattern for this one. I sewed the borders on before discovering it should have another small black border around the squares before adding the final one. BIG mistake.
No, I'm not tearing all that out to fix it. I don't have enough of the border material for that. It's okay though, this will be one of the first trials I put on my new longarm, so if I mess it up, I won't care.

Here's another rotten egg I discovered. It probably smells even worse. As I was wandering the back yard, I smelled it. First by the fence where the big hole was, then by the garage and soon the entire back yard was filled with eau de peux!!! Ohhhh the peeeee-eeewwwwww!
I checked my fence line to discover not one, but THREE new holes with ankle-breaking holes dug around the perimeter. Apparently they don't like digging in tall dry stickery grass. BIG SIGH. I'm never going to be rid of these guys, am I.
So the trap is set and the camera up. We shall see if I caught anything later this morning. Apparently that's the price you pay to live in the country. Why we never had any of these problems at the ranch is beyond me. That cute little face hides a devil!!
Wow! Eggs in the mailbox?!! Jerks! I hate all the junk emails I get too. Such a waste of time to delete them. Your quilt is beautiful as are all of them! Oh darn those skunks!
ReplyDeleteI have to say the skunks keep me occupied, so that's a good thing. I just don't want one talking to Cooper!!
DeleteProbably going after your ballot...they have already caught a couple of people with stolen ballots, makes you wonder if we will EVER have a 'true' election again.
ReplyDeleteYou know I didn't think about that. You may just be right! Fooled them though, it came to the Post Office Box.
DeleteAbout that quilt....take the Navajo approach in their rug making. I can't remember the details, but it needs a little mistake, or a person could be in spiritual trouble. So you've got your little mistake.
ReplyDeleteYou are right about the mistake ... I'm pretty good at having one in EVERY quilt!! So apparently that's a good thing!! Thank you!
DeleteYou should start a reality show called Skunk Wars!
ReplyDeleteNo kidding .... it would be a hit, I'm sure! LOL. But I would have everyone ELSE catch them!