Sunday, September 5, 2021


Well that took forever!  I do not have good internet service in California, even at 4:00 am when everyone is still in bed.  It just took over 30 minutes to upload this video.  It's worth it though!!  Look who came to visit me!!!

I was pretty surprised when I saw this guy, fully expecting to see my not-so-favorite black and white buddies.  This does not explain the three SMALL holes under the fence, but it does explain the big holes dug all around the perimeter.  I just cannot complain about this guy.  You never see them around here any more, so I'm really happy to see they are still hanging out.

Here's another reason I came back to California.  RECALL NEWSOM!!!  Let me tell you, there is no one who has damaged this state more than this guy.  They are spending a ridiculous amount of money on a bullet train that will go nowhere ... maybe from Merced to Fresno (at the moment it only goes through Fresno) at a cost of billions ... while our Veterans remain homeless and our homeless camps expand on a daily basis.

Add to that his RULES FOR YOU, NOT ME attitude and California has become the laughing stock of the nation.  Businesses are moving out right and left.  SO ... my ballot (which arrived at my P. O. Box, not my mailbox where it would get stolen) is filled out and I'm hand delivering it today.  

The not so good part is there are (believe it or not) 47 candidates running to take over.  That doesn't bode well for California.  Hopefully enough people will vote FOR the recall and we'll have another election for the runoff.  

Just a note:  Newsom's response is that this is an unwarranted recall due to President Trumps hateful attacks on California.  He says he is addressing the housing and homelessness problem, as well as a solution for the wildfires.  Really?  Almost the entire state is on fire right now!  He says Trump and his dangerous agenda are trying to divide America.  Are you kidding me?  His response is as big of a joke as his leadership.  Then he says California's police officers and firefighters support him.  That is DEFINITELY not true.  

I've lived here all my life, and this state wasn't in as bad a shape even when Jerry Brown was in office!

Enough of that ..... I've decided to pare down my collection of quilts by selling them.  I took a couple of pictures, but decided I needed to show the entire quilt.  There won't be a big price tag attached, probably most of which will be shipping if anyone is interested.

If I can possibly squeeze them into the one-price-box at the post office, shipping will be cheaper, around $15.00 I think.  So when I get my act together, I'll post everything.  

In the meantime, I hit the grocery store, only to be shocked by the prices.  Look at the price of this should-be-89-cents-a-pound tri-tip!!  Remember when it was the cheapest thing you could buy?  Yes it's marinated, but really ..... $27.11???  AND it's from Richwood Meats, not the best supplier in town.  Don't you wonder what they do with all this meat when it's past the sale date and no one buys it cuz it's too expensive???  Anyone know?

So I went for the cheap chicken, although if you think about it, you're paying for all those bones you will throw away.  My air fryer needed a workout.  How simple is this!  Spray with a little avocado oil (because it can take the heat and not smoke like regular oil) and toss on a little garlic salt pepper mixture.

Twenty two minutes later .... VOILA .... really tasty crunchy chicken wings.  At this point you can slosh them around in any sauce you wish, like barbecue or hot sauce.  I rather like them plain, so no sloshing for me.

While eating entirely too many wings, I found what I think will be the answer to my skunk problem.  I'll post pictures tomorrow.  Let me just say it requires a big sledge hammer!!!


  1. Voting, I despise it only because no one is better than the other BUT in our case too - our prime minister has called an election 2 years early because he had a minority gov't. He thinks by calling it early, in a pandemic, he thinks he'll get the majority. We hope not, just get the jack a** out of there! Sounds like yours is a similar opinion.
    Love that you're selling your quilts. We definitely want to buy one and maybe pick it up this winter. If not, of course we'll pay shipping. What size are your quilts? These two are lovely, but we'll wait and see the whole selection. :)

    1. Yup we do have the same problem with leadership. There is none! Hoping it changes soon, but I rather doubt it in our case.
      I'll post pictures and sizes of the quilts. Most are of the lap/couch size with a few queen size.


  2. I never thought I would say this, but I would take Jerry Brown back in a heartbeat if it meant getting rid of Newsom.

    As far as the election goes, if he is recalled,which is the first part of the ballot, whoever gets the most votes of those on the ballot is elected governor, at least that is what I understand. For sure, it will not be a majority as is usually required.

    1. So we really could have Bruce Jenner or whatever he is calling himself now, as Governor. Shaking my head!!!

  3. Back in the mid-70's, in my 19-21 year old stage, I did vote for Jerry and two years later for Jimmy. MISTAKE!!!! I swear I never did it again...please don't block me Nancy! lol

    Even pork ribs are ridiculously high in price too. Sams has three full racks wrapped up together and it was $50!!!! Yet the pork loins, which I get for Indy more than us (her treats are cooked pork which I make up in batches and freeze), were not that bad in price compared to last $12 instead of last year's price of $11.

    1. Ummmmm I'm going to tell you voted for Jerry!!! Trouble is there are too many people on welfare around here that will vote just to keep it going. I doubt this recall will work, but I'm praying it does.

  4. I joined a Facebook group "cooking for one or two". Air fryers are very popular in that group. We love tri tip and I remember how cheap it was. Not anymore! Recently, at Raley's, a lot of people were hanging out at the meat department. I stayed back until the crowd thinned out. People just looked but not one person put any packages of beef in their cart. Sad. "Yes" on the recall! Elva

    1. I probably wouldn't feel so bad if they price of beef went to the cattleman, but it all goes to the middle men and the grocery store. I wouldn't buy any at all, but Cooper loves it!!

  5. The wings look killer good!! I love mine like yours, seasond,fried, and consumed hot. I bet your fox would like a plain cooked chicken breast ha ha . Have a great Labor Day.

    1. I'm not sure about the fox ... I offered him canned dog food and he said no. I was surprised. Maybe you are right about the chicken!

  6. Every agricultural section has gone up from vegetables produce to meats It’s hard to complain about 10.50 your about your buck and a half or two bucks cheaper Than most outlets …You find any meat in a single digit price (except hamburg )you’re lucky even the price of your chickens going higher do an online search You technically got a good deal

    1. Don’t feel too bad SSI is going to send you a ? 6% increase in 2022 To offset your cost of living so don’t buy anything expensive you’ll just have to wait till January??

    2. How can we get an increase in SSI when they keep telling us they are broke???

  7. Looks like the Fox could hear the Camera running.
    Good luck on your Quilt Sales.
    Food Prices have skyrocketed all over.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I'm sure he could hear it and maybe see the lights.

  8. I bet you get such a demand for you quilts you will have to start your own quilts business .

    1. Oh I don't know about that, but it's a nice thought!! We shall see how it goes!!

  9. You just never know. It's politics. Not much we can do one way or another.

  10. The next few weeks in California will be interesting for sure but something has to change. Very cool video on the critter cam!

    1. I just told Barb that you were parring down on your quilts and she said she would be interested. Our email address is jimandbarbsrvadventure@ gmail.

    2. That fox was a cutie!! I'll send pictures, maybe in a week or so? Thank you!!
