Thursday, August 27, 2020

Some Time With The Critters

It's actually cooling off a tad bit in Arizona.   It's been overcast and weird with little spits of rain here and there.  My heart goes out to all those in the Houston and Baton Rouge area getting hit by the biggest hurricane of the century.  The forecasts have been devastating.  Prayers to everyone.  I hope most people evacuated.

There is one good thing to say about Arizona in the summer.  There are no hurricanes, tornados or earthquakes.  Since it's cooling off to the high 70's at night, there are dozens and dozens of hummers showing up for breakfast.  So many that they empty one feeder per day.  I've gone through 12 pounds of sugar keeping them happy.  Better they eat it than me!


This guy is Mr. Piggy.  He refuses to allow anyone else to eat, sitting atop the biggest feeder and chasing everyone else off.  I fooled him though, I switched feeders, leaving him the smaller one with no place to stand on top.  Now everyone gets to eat.  Yesterday I counted over twenty at one time.


These guys seem to be out in force also.  I'm guessing this is a wolf spider.  Pretty smart guy really.  He's been parked on my front porch for the last week, gathering up dinner all night long right under the yellow bugless light.  I have to admit, yellow light is better than white which attracts every insect within 20 miles!!


I haven't switched out the halogen light yet, so it's attracting these huge 3" long guys.  They literally cover my garage door.  The spiders and lizards should be over here!!  It's like a gourmet buffet!!


I haven't seen my big guys for some time now.  In fact, it was so hot, I was sure they all went back up in the mountains.  One day about noon, here he came, sauntering by for a drink.  Sadly, he looks a little worse for wear.


After emptying the water station, he slowly walked off down the hill.  Such magnificent creatures.

 And here's my favorite ... the critters of the night.  Mom and three babies showed up to cool their feet.  They come around about every three days.  It seems all the critters have a different schedule.


Patty and I went on a short jaunt yesterday to find some fabric for her and some ink cartridges for me.  My timing was perfect when the ones I needed had just come in and were sitting in a basket at the counter.  I also learned something new.  Printers are cheap ... $80 in some cases.  Ink is expensive ... $50 on this trip.  That's just crazy because if you don't use them even in my 80 degree house, they dry out and require replacement.

My last two cartridges didn't even print out 100 pieces of paper.  The guy at the counter said when not using the printer, put the cartridges in the fridge ... it helps.  I don't know, sounds weird to me, but maybe worth a try.  

Joining the critters in dinner, Patty whipped up a tasty delight.  Thin sliced beef with loads of veggies and a package of Ramen.  Who knew??  I'm definitely trying this one.  I think the secret is lots of garlic!!


I'm off to gather up my game camera this morning and see what I can see.  It's always exciting in the mornings, although sometimes a letdown when I find nothing but my fingers on the video as I open the door and turn it off before extracting it from the post.  

I have a new resident critter, spending his days and night on my screen door.  Pictures tomorrow.




  1. Stop with the spider pictures! That is the last thing I need while eating breakfast. Barb is the spider killer in our relationship, I go running.

    That mottled look on the buck is not too unusual in the heat of the summer.

    1. I'm with you ... I HATE spiders. Sadly, there are more to come! LOL
      I was wondering about the buck. I've never seen that before.

  2. Did you ever find another critter camera, or are you using the same one?

  3. Took a summer trip in 12 to a place in Missouri. There were a dozen feeders but one Hummer tried to hog them all.
    Interesting about your critters.
    My teacher taught the class the same about Film in the Fridge and Freezer. He had Ten Year Old Film that still took great pictures. Have to try that with our cartridges.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your cooler weather.

    It's about time.

    1. It's funny how just one can hold off an entire army of hummers! I remember keeping film in the fridge, but never heard of cartridges. We shall see if it works.
