Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wineries and More Horns!!

For all those that read the winery story, I removed all of it due to the disparaging remarks from the wineries.  The information I posted came from Wikipedia and wine growing sources.  They said all of it was completely false.   In the meantime, I won't be going back as I had planned to actually taste their wine.  There's nothing like those kind of remarks to kill patronage.

So ... on with a more interesting topic ... pronghorn antelope!!!  After passing by the wineries, I headed off to Empire Ranch to check out Doug Laning's favorite parking spot.  In all the times I have ventured there, I have never seen any antelope, although Doug has posted several pictures.

There I was, just driving along and what should I see but this guy!!  I hit the brakes and jumped out for a picture.  He wasn't the least bit concerned.
I sat very still in the car while he wandered across the road.  What a beauty!
He stopped on the other side, not looking at me.  I'm not going to look ... I'm not going to look.  I scanned the hillside, thinking there must be more, but he was the only one I found.  He wandered off as I headed on down the hill.
After traversing the washboard gravel road, I finally made my way back to the boon docking area.  There was no water in the creek, but the road was very rough from monsoon rains washing across the gravel.  Big mud puddles were everywhere.  At a warm 85, this is probably not the time of year to camp here.  Doug's site is just to the left.
With no more critters in sight, it was time to head back to the house.  It happens I had a couple of slabs of ribs left over from the huge Costco purchase and Mr. Chance has agreed to smoke them today.  

After thawing them out, I rubbed mustard all over every square inch.  It doesn't add flavor, but it does help the rub mix stick really well.
Lots of brown sugar, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper and an overnight in the fridge and voila!   Ribs ready for the smoker.
It's going to be a fix-it day while the ribs cook.  Or maybe I'll just snuggle with the puppies on the couch.  

By the way .. it's almost D-Day for the RV cover!!


  1. I haven’t had a lot of success with putting sugar on something I’m going to slow cook because it crystallizes it’s like chipping paint but here are two recipes you might like to look at
    Personally I like number two I think this is the best one and probably the quickest
    If you’ve ever heard of a Orion cooker (my son and I have one and love it BUT it takes a lot to clean it up after). Or a trash barrel cooker The only difference is you’re using a Dutch oven if you make a smaller batch you can use your round Dutch oven


    1. Brown sugar mixed with spices and smeared on ribs is yummy. Takes 5 hours to cook in a Bradley smoker. I’ll check out these recipes!!

  2. Well that was an interesting conclusion to wine tasting. No problem. I'd rather see the pictures of the antelope.

    1. Me too Elva. I guess the University of Arizona isn’t correct either. No biggie. They can keep their wine.

  3. Wikipedia is put out by 'anyone who wishes to add to it', although they have editors who 'try' to keep the information correct. Years ago when it had just started, someone edited the Pine Bluff Arkansas page to add stuff such as "Crime Capitol of Arkansas" and "If you can stand the smell of a paper mill, you will love living here" type of remarks. This was being done to all sorts of sites, so Wikipedia allowed for entities to "own" the information about their sites, keeping people from adding and deleting. So essentially, the information in Wikipedia is only as good as the person/people who put the information into it.

    1. Most of the info came from a grape wine source in Arizona that I won’t name, besides the University of Arizona. Good luck with their wine. They are going to need it with that kind of publicity.

    2. Well then you completely and utterly misunderstood what was written because no monies was used illegally or anything. You didn't even try any of our wines and didn't even ask one of us anything. You didn't try to call to actually get real people but please here is a link to our amazing history: https://www.sonoitavineyards.com/about/ and https://azwinegrowersassociation.com/about/history/

      No where does it state anywhere anything you said once not once. This is a really horrible time and for you to write yellow journalism is completely and horribly wrong to ever do a small business. Especially with out even tasting their wine. Where does that even make any sense. You really didn't think we were going to circle the wagons and protect each other. I received your blogs link from a local in Sonoita and Elgin. Have a great day.

    3. I never said any money was used illegally. I only repeated almost word for word, what was written on another website regarding the wineries in Sonoita. I had planned on coming back to taste your wines, but after your attack, that's not going to happen. By the way, your website says $15, glass included, or $10 bring a glass from another winery, so you can't say that was incorrect. No worries I won't be visiting.

  4. Wow! I missed the fireworks. I had caught your original winery post, but not the threats to sue. Yikes!

    I've pretty much forgotten what you even said about the wineries of Elgin [what can I say, I read blogs for the photos ;-)] but I doubt now I'll ever forget their threats to sue a blogger who just took a day trip out there with her camera to check them out.

    From a public relations perspective, their wildly disproportionate reaction was...um... very poorly thought out on their part. Now, I can see where their business could crater fast if the wrong info would spread out there - even in the best of times, I imagine their profit margins aren't very good - but they would have been *much* better served by calmly clarifying their side of the story & correcting any errors they believe existed or, better yet, inviting you back for a 'back of the house' tour on the house to change your mind.

    But, alas, they didn't so I'm guessing they never heard of the Streisand Effect. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. Crazy response, right? I was going back out to actually try a taste, but scratch that. I didn’t post anything not found on generally reliable sites. Oh well - I know where NOT to spend my money. Lol

  5. Exactly, it's their problem now, not yours, because everybody here is now left to wonder why the heck they are so wildly defensive about information available to everybody on public websites.

    Wouldn't it make more sense for them to try to rectify all the info that's already out there & publicly available instead of threatening random people who've merely accessed the info which they claim is erroneous?

    The thing is, they are only threatening to censor/sue YOU & no doubt others like you just because *they've* done such a rotten job of changing *other* people's minds for a while now, long before you stumbled on it.

    Memo to Elgin Winery peeps: It's never too late to do the smarter thing & send a stretch limo to Nancy's house, pick up the Chance family on the way out & bring them all back to your lovely terroir to sample your products with an 8-course menu dégustation. Just saying.

    1. Hooh boy! I didn't see the Sonoita Vineyard's response to you Nancy. They posted while I was composing I guess.
      Aaand, I guess they're going to stick with their deeply misguided PR strategy, for better or worse.

      That's a shame.

  6. Replies
    1. Me too Elva! We'll find another winery somewhere else to visit. Even if they sent a limo, I wouldn't be partaking!!
