Tuesday, July 14, 2020

It LIVES!!!!

I thought I needed a drink yesterday.  So much frustration, which I'm not the least bit good at handling!!

I received a phone call early in the morning.  It was my neighbor telling me my sprinkler valve in the back yard must be broken because she can hear it and there's four inches of water in her pasture.  OMG OMG!!!  Wouldn't you know!  I haven't even been gone one week!!

I directed her to the back yard to turn off the circuit breaker for the well, which she very nicely did.  Then I called the gardener to PLEASE come and fix it.  He said no problem, he would "get to it" in the next day or so.  Not that it matters much, because my lawn is already brown.

I thanked my neighbor profusely and hope it gets fixed.  I'm sure I will need to call and remind him to flip the circuit breaker back on!!

In the meantime, my day was done by 8:30.  By 6:00 I had trimmed all the bushes around the AC unit and reprogrammed the front sprinklers to work correctly.  There is something to be said for an ALL cactus garden where no sprinklers are required!!

With everything now being watered well, I was back inside when I heard another lightning warning.  How can that be?  There's hardly a cloud in the sky?  Instantly the power went out.  I waited.  It's happened before and everything comes right back up.  The house began to feel like this!!
Except THIS time, my AC unit wasn't having it.  NOOOO it's way too hot for this!!  So I of course called Dan.  What do I do?  Check for a circuit breaker of course.  See?  All you guys were right!!!  It wasn't off, but I reset it anyway.


After about five minutes, the AC control panel came back to life.  YAY!!!  IT'S ALIVE!!!  But NOT the unit itself.  BOOOO!!  Another few minutes passed as I contemplated who was holding the Voodoo Doll NOW!  Just as I was about to hit the biggest circuit breaker of all, the unit came to life with a roar!!  

YES!!  I won't die of heat exhaustion after all!  I mean really, it only got up to 107 degrees.
I needed a drink of mammoth proportions.  All I could find was Pepsi.  STRAIGHT FROM THE BOTTLE I chugged it down!  There's nothing like being high on SUGAR!!

I went outside to check it one more time, just to be sure I wasn't imaging that it was running.  I kept hearing a funny noise, which turned out to be this guy.  What a beauty!!  I'm thinking maybe there's a nest he was guarding!

Suddenly I saw MRS Cardinal alongside.  In fact, there were TWO pair flying about.  How lucky can I be??  I've no idea how they survive this heat!
Back inside, since Blogger says it's going to move to the new one in July, I thought I should give it another shot.  I seem to be in limbo.  I cannot get anything to work.  I can add a post and give it a title, but cannot add pictures.  There is no button to do so, nor is there anything to click on.  It's perfectly blank.  It worked the one time I tried it, but now I'm off in Computer Jail.  It won't even let me add text.  Anyone have a clue?  This is a shot of the entire screen.

Just for giggles, I'll try it again this morning, now that the Pepsi sugar rush has worn off.  After much frustration, all is again cool at Lost Horse Ranch.


  1. Not sure which browser you have to use with Apple, but I know in Microsoft Blogger works better with Chrome or Firefox, does not work so well with Microsoft's brower Edge.

    1. Safari is my browser. Funny, it worked fine when they first came out with it ... now nothing!!

  2. So glad IT lives! It would be hell without it! I keep using the old blogger and sure would like it to stay that way! Those birds are gorgeous!

    1. Not sure I could survive without AC! Imagine in the old days!!!

  3. You might have to replace the Sprinkler system in California. Even plastic gets brittle with age and will cause leaks. If you are not keeping horses in the pens why are you watering them?
    Glad your AC finally reset itself.
    I use Google Chrome as my browser but have not been able to make the new Blogger work so intend to continue using the old.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. The grass I'm watering is the front and back yard. No water in the horse pens. I just had eight of twelve valves replaced, and thought all four of these were included in that. That's what I get for thinking! LOL

  4. Those Cardinals would almost be worth moving to AZ for. They are too smart to live here in our part of CA

    1. Aren't they something? I love all the different tweets they make, not to mention their beautiful redness!

  5. Most A/C units have a built in safety, when the power drops out.
    It may take 15-30 mins. to reset itself. This is to keep it from burning out the unit by cycle on/off to quickly.

    1. I had no idea Norm. Thank you for the info. I will be more patient next time!!

  6. I have used the new blogger also - but can't figure out how to add pictures. So I use the blogger app on my phone to add pictures from the phone. I am going to try to keep working on it. Maybe I'll figure it out sooner or later.

    1. If you figure it out, let me know. Actually I think at one point there was an icon, maybe top left for pictures? I can't add anything but a title on my version.
