Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Catching Up

There were so many things going on at the Indio Rally at the same time, there was hardly time to write about it.  One of the first things we did was to locate the best cake in the land.  Hard working people like us need cake.  Besides that, it was Dottie Poole's birthday, not to mention my January birthday, the 30th celebration of WMHA and our Golden Spike 20th!!

Sherman's is a Kosher Deli located in Palm Desert or Desert Palms.  It's kind of like LA ... they all run together and I can never remember the names.  
This is one of Dottie's favorite haunts, so I blame it all on her.  THIS however is friend Betty, who was very good at making NEW friends with the men waiting to be seated at the deli.  I'm surprised they didn't follow us home.  I'm taking lessons from Betty, just so you know!!  Take a gander at those sandwiches.  They are HUGE!!
This is the crazy concoction I ordered ... pastrami between potato latkes instead of bread.  It was delicious!!  If you ever get that direction, definitely look up Shermans.
Dottie found her cake there too.  Good grief!!  They had the biggest cakes I've ever seen in my life.  This monster is about nine inches tall and a foot across.  Hands down, it was the best carrot cake I've ever eaten in my life!!  Check them out ... you can order one piece or the whole cake!!
The very next morning, I heard the familiar whoosh of a hot air balloon.  This guy has flown across the fairgrounds almost every time I've been here, landing in a nearby parking lot.
I probably wouldn't give it much attention, but since I crewed on a balloon in Albuquerque (thanks to Jim and Gail) I'm always drawn to them.
There were several awards handed out, but the best of all was to our very own John Painter for his work on our Golden Spike newsletter.  Unfortunately they forgot to tell him OR us that this was happening, so John, his wife Patty and I spent the entire evening watching the football game.  He was awarded the certificate the last morning as we were packing up.
SO ... for the next few hours, I'll be unpacking the rig with all the junk, or rather important decorating stuff and useful things I brought to Lost Horse Ranch.   Included in that is the freezer.  When I said it was packed to the brim, I wasn't kidding.  I couldn't even get one more ice cream bar in there.  

There's lots of leftovers, like the 99 pancakes uneaten from the breakfast and one whole pizza, along with two big containers of carrot cake.  At least most of the pumpkin bread is gone!!!
Yes, there's STILL more from Indio ... but that will be tomorrow's story as I unpack, which isn't a very interesting subject.  


  1. Yum, your sandwich looks delicious!! I love corned beef on rye and those potato latkes would be a nice change up.
    Happy unpacking or is that an oxymoron?

    1. Oxymoron is right Patsy!!! Every time I need something, it's in the rig! LOL

  2. Stopped at Sherman's a few times while in the Palm Springs area. Wonderful food. Similar sandwich size can be found at Chompie's in the Phoenix, AZ area. Otherwise, it is a long wait for a decent corned beef sandwich or another other sandwich. Lynn Cross

    1. First time I ever heard of it, Lynn. Sure was good!!

  3. Those sandwiches would fill me up. Where did you put it all.
    It looks like you won't be headed to the grocery store any time soon. You are very well stocked.
    Take your time and get things done right.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I'm VERY well stocked!! There was no room in my stomach for the whole thing ... I ate half for breakfast the next day!!

  4. Those are amazing sandwiches. Nice that you are getting settled into you Your new Lost Horse Ranch. Soon to enjoy son times there. Yup you have lotsa food for a while too.

    1. There's just so MUCH to do!! Unloading is the first step. I should get much better mileage in my rig when all the stuff I brought is gone!!

  5. Replies
    1. I could have eaten two pieces! Course I would have been sick ... LOL
