Friday, August 23, 2024

You Did What?

Fall is fighting tooth and nail to come in like a lion, but it just isn't working out.  It's a fabulous 63 degrees this morning, but we're shooting back up to the hundreds soon.  So what's better for a cool fall day than WAFFLES!!  

It's obvious I didn't make this.  My waffles are deflated and flat.  This is one of the last free meals I'm having since canceling the food boxes.  I'm sure I will miss the convenience, and sadly I'll have to hit the store more often, but somebody has to pay for this most wonderful internet.  

Smother the waffle in that amazing Canadian maple syrup and breakfast is served!!  By the way, now that I understand my RV electrical stuff, I have to give it up to the Canadians that build these things.  The quality is nothing short of amazing.  There's no cheap wallpaper or cardboard shelves, the cupboard latches all work perfectly and the couch makes into a perfectly soft bed without the use of a mattress topper.   It also drives like a dream ... just turn OFF all that ASSIST stuff!!

Now full of sugar sweetness, I went outside to get some before pictures.  This is the long strip of grass between me and the NICE neighbor.  They had a lot of white-ish rock brought in that makes their house look very upscale and nicely landscaped.  

Me ... I just want to get rid of as much lawn as I can to cut back on sprinkler headaches and electricity bills (not that I've had one in the last year with solar).  The grass has never wanted to grow here much anyway, and since the weed killer spill has to be repaired, now was the time to rip it all out.

By the way, except for one small section, after five months, the grass is growing back quite nicely, so that stuff doesn't kill weeds very well.  The weed company and I are splitting the bill for all this work.

While out there, I notice this crack in the concrete.  It's been this way for awhile, but I'm seeing a few more.  Is there anyway to fix this?  This one is about 1/4" wide ... the rest are just like hairline cracks.

You did what?  Ripped it all out!!!!  The crew arrived and marked the sprinklers.  I did not have them taken out, just unwired.  I could at some time plant a bush or two along here that would need to be watered.  Uh NO ... no I'm not.  Maybe a big boulder or two, but NO plants that have to be taken care of.  

They also took out all the big tree roots left from the three sycamore trees that used to live here.  I am SO glad they are gone!  Not so many sniffles from being allergic to them and no huge pile of leaves to rake.

The guys worked quickly while I lounged in the living room sewing binding.  I think I'll be sewing binding for weeks.

To make it even better, they said they would haul off that old fuel tank I had parked in the corner for about 14 years.  I think I showed you a picture ... the ants had completely filled it up with dirt to make a nice little home.  YAY ... it's now gone with the grass.

They sprayed it down with something ... probably pre-emergent ... and laid down the fabric.  Then they all disappeared in a snap!!  The rock will show up bright and early Monday morning.  In the meantime, I've got my work cut out for me.  All the shrubs on the front of the house need to be trimmed back.  A homeowners work is NEVER done.

Yes, I see it.  All those weeds at the front of the driveway need to go.  I'll get out the backpack this morning and pretend I'm WEEDMAN.  Yard work just never ends.  Maybe I need more rocks!


  1. Looking forward to the finished project! You are correct about a homeowners work is never done! LOL. The waffle looks amazing, I might think about just ordering those if you can :)

    1. I don't think you can order the waffles. They came as a free breakfast .... but I'll see if I can find the name. Maybe we can find them online.

  2. Your yard is going to look great with the rock. We just finished rocking our front yard.
    Enjoy your Friday!

    1. What a coincidence ... so much less work. Just take a blower to it!!

  3. Mr. Ed OK I’m off to pancake house
    Cool no more sprinklers

  4. At least you have a nice cool day to do outside work today...low 80's instead of a normal 95+ August summer's day. For us, it isn't supposed to reach 80!

    1. Wasn't it nice??? I'm loving the cooler weather.

  5. I love all the trees in your neighborhood.

    1. Everyone planted them for privacy. They really are nice and no upkeep ... almost.

  6. On those concrete cracks, yes and no. They have stuff to fill them but most of it doesn't last. You can YouTube for fixing which I did recently for some cracks in my brother's house. Best thing to do is ignore them as those cracks will outlast you. :O) If they get so bad they are a tripping hazard, then you might have to do something.

    1. Well that's good to know. One repair I don't have to make.

  7. Yes, rock! I am in favor of less grass to maintain. In a previous house, we built rail tie retaining walls, filled them with sand and "planted" driftwood.
    Linda Sand

  8. As Bob stated above there is caulk for driveway cracks. I have used it and it has held up well but it is noticeable. The main thing is it stops water from get in the crack and causing more problems. Good luck. Vern ( by the way I'm putting in a new driveway)

    1. New driveway!!! That will be SO nice!! Send pictures!!
