Saturday, August 3, 2024


 COFFEE ..... WHERE'S MY COFFEE?  Although our pot isn't boiling this week with the predicted 110 degrees that was predicted, it is gearing up to around 102 ... a nice simmer that will keep me inside.  Even the early mornings are hanging at 75 degrees.  Hard to get much yard work done in those temperatures.

With my coffee stash depleting every day, I sent Frances an SOS message.  Where did you find that case of my special coffee?  Alas, they have it no more.  I'm pretty sure they quit making it completely.  She did a little research and actually found a make-it-yourself recipe on the internet.  Well let's just try it!!

Instant coffee ... which I only have around the house because Cyndae likes REAL coffee.  I would have the real thing, but that requires a machine, so instant it is.  Add in more SUGAR than coffee (right up my alley, yes?) ... powdered milk, which amazingly I have in my cabinet, though I don't know why .... and orange flavoring.

I couldn't find my orange flavoring, so I tried MAPLE ... in honor of my Canadian friends.  Blend it until your blender cries.  I actually think I broke it.  It instantly clumped up due to the liquid flavoring.

Here it is .... the first cup-o-fake-jo.  I have to admit, it actually did taste rather like my favorite Orange Cafe, but without the orange.  The MAPLE?  I couldn't taste it at all.  I suppose it would work in a pinch, but I'm going to try it with ORANGE flavoring next.  I'll let you know how it turns out.

It was a very blah morning as clouds rolled in.  What?  This was NOT in the forecast ... are they slipping?

By the way, I did forget to mention a couple of things on the Camper Van.  One, it has a fantastic fan up top that is quiet as a mouse.  LOVE that to exhaust the heat and bring the cool in the side windows.  

Yes there is a heater, but I've no idea what kind.  When it's 102 out, it's hard to want to test it.  There are also two big screens, permanently attached to the van, that fall down to completely cover the back and the side when you have the doors open.  The best part ... the one that covers the slider?  You don't have to unzip it ... you just push and walk out.  It's held together with very strong magnets.  LOVE that feature.

It also has 300 watts of solar power, along with a 3,000 watt sine wave inverter.  That inverter ... it's a little noisy at night, but it sure makes it easier to dry camp.  Also, when plugged in, I can run the AC AND the microwave at the same time.  You can actually watch the amp draw in real time on the computer screen.  I definitely need more expertise in that area.  There's probably much more I don't even know about at this point.

So ... what to do on a Friday?  Spend more money of course.  It was time to fuel up my truck.  Only two stations within a 20 mile radius have cheaper fuel.  For some weird reason, Mobile stations have gone down to $4.44 a gallon.  Everyone else is at $5.89.  This however, is my favorite Quik Stop that has diesel at $4.39.  It's interesting that this station is controlled from a company in New York City.

Oh and by the way, Mr. Newscum of California has decided ... after telling all the homeless to come to Sacramento and San Francisco, that the smell and health concerns are too much.  He has ordered the removal and cleanup of the homeless camps.  Too little too late.  Big business has already left the state and he's in big trouble financially.  Good luck with that!

And so after fueling up, I was SO close to the little town that houses my quilt shop, that I made a quick trip in order to get backing for this quilt.  Honestly, I liked it more without the last border, but it's sewn on now and I'm not taking it off one stitch at a time.  I came home with not one, but TWO backing pieces.  That means it will soon be QUILTING time!!

Mr. Cooper and I played quite a bit when I got back.  He just gets that happy look on his face that I cannot refuse.  He's working on fifteen years, soon to be sixteen, so I'm trying to give him all the happy he wants. Yes Patsy, he DOES need a haircut, but being old, he's getting lumps and bumps that make it difficult to do.  Poor kid ... I'm always picking on him with scissors every time he lays down!!

Dinner was not bad, though I was SURE I ordered Dutch Pork instead of Dutch Chicken.  Here's what it SHOULD look like.

Not bad ..... not bad at all.  There's nothing Dutch about it, though that is an orange sauce with thyme, sprinkled with almond slices.  The best part is I get three meals from every one.

After dinner Mr. Cooper and I headed outside for a little romp in the grass.  What's this??  It's RAINING? Really?  It's 98 degrees out and it's RAINING?  I think it was Mother Nature crying over her hot flashes.

And so ended another wonderful day in the armpit of California.  It's okay though ... I can travel when I want with my best friend Cooper and a parrot named Jonathan.  What could be better!!!


  1. The weather is weird here too. A few drops of rain with high humidity.
    Enjoy your Saturday!

  2. In the 80's over here in early morning.....UGH. My dog got a few warts in her last few years....groomer was careful with her though! Had her for 16 yrs. Great companion!
    Always have a 12 cup coffee pot at my house! Need 5-8 cups in the morning! French Vanilla creamer helps too!
    Dinner looks good!

    1. 5 to 8 cups?? Well you've got me beat! LOL. Love those puppies ... such good friends they are.

  3. I have never acquired the taste for coffee. Some people say, "You'll get used to it", why should I have to get used to something I do not like. I'll stick with my Mountain Dew thank you.

    1. Mountain Dew!!!!!! Well ... it's sweet and has caffeine, so there's that!


  4. I don't drink Tea or coffee, don't evenlike the smell of coffee
    I think we all thing at times that we di spend money

    1. After having smoked for one year, I decided to quit. I switched cigarettes for coffee. Every time I wanted one, I drank a cup of coffee. Got me hooked on coffee instead.

  5. That little munchkin of yours is adorable, haircut or not. PS, I didn't mean that as a critique, just I've not seen him quite so hairy. ♥
    Would he be able to walk out the screen with the magnets? We know Gibbs would but he has much longer legs than Cooper. I have a cheap version of the screen on the Bunky door. Love it but Bill doesn't because the wind blows it. Yours will be great!

    1. I knew that Patsy ... I haven't been as diligent with the scissors as I should!! No, Cooper cannot walk out the screen. It's very heavy duty with heavy magnets. Now Gibbs ... he could probably get out.

  6. There goes a VERY large corporation which has been in Cal since the 1870's...this is something like the tenth giant corporation to leave during Gavin's term....

    1. They HAVE to be hurting for money, but it doesn't stop the spending. Whoever takes over is in for a big shock!!

  7. I may have to try the Keurig ... but I'll need a quart of cream!!
