Friday, August 30, 2024

Catching Up

 Well ... after finally getting a little sleep and now being able to actually hold a conversation, here we are standing at the end of the driveway admiring the new rock.  I will be the first to admit it needs some work.  On the other hand, that is completely overshadowed by the fact that I no longer have to water this section that has not one, but TWO wasteful water valves with sprinklers that always had to be fixed.

I'm thinking it needs maybe three big rocks at the entrance.  NO shrubs as was suggested by the landscaper.  Problem is, those rocks will cost a ton .... literally!!!

While I was thinking about that, I was very bleary eyed as I headed out to the eye appointment.  I got half a block.  See that lovely windshield wiper on the back window?  I accidentally hit something and it turned on.  No ... no don't do that.  Trouble is, there are two turn signal thingies that are covered with knobs and buttons.  Which one is it?  I turned off everything but it kept going.

FOUND IT!  I turned it off.  It kept going.  Oh come ON ... TURN OFF!!  I tried yelling, but it didn't listen.  I turned it ON ... and OFF ... probably ten times.  Nothing.  It just kept swiping away, making a big mess of my rear window.  This is ridiculous.  I turned the engine off ... I swear to you ... it kept working.  

I slapped the steering wheel silly before turning it ON and OFF again.  FINALLY ... the dang thing turned off and parked itself.  I'm taping that thing up with duct tape!!!!

At long last I made it to the eye appointment.  That was an eye opener!!  My eyes were tested every which way but loose before I finally got a room.  It's all electronic now ... they don't even give you the satisfaction of saying "I CAN'T SEE THAT"!!  

Finally .. the Doc came in.  I need a new prescription I said.  Wasn't I surprised when he said .. oh, okay, we'll make an appointment for that.  WHAT?  That's what THIS is for.  Oh no he said ... you cannot get a prescription until you have had the HEALTH inspection.  What??  If I'd known that, I would have gone somewhere else, instead of to the Doc that gave me the experimental eyes.

Back when I was an active Scuba Diving Instructor, I had to be able to read other divers computers to make sure they didn't drown on me.  That involved lots of contact lenses until cataracts raised their ugly head.  That brought about the replacement of my old eyes with the newest (not yet approved) concentric circle eye implants.  No, they don't look like this, but close.

So after blinding me with that acid they put in your eyes, he took one quick look and said they look great.  Uhmmm I could have told you that.  Can I get a prescription now for new glasses?  OH NO ... I have to go back in a week to get tested all over again and THEN I can get new glasses, in MAYBE another two weeks.  Just another way to get more money from Medicare I suppose.  TWO appointments to pay for instead of one.

I got home in time for a quick grilled cheese sandwich before my eyes gave out completely.  They were so dilated I had a hard time with just daylight, let alone any lamps.  They were so very dry and scratchy, I kept trying to water them with anything wet.  I was miserable for the rest of the day.

Not to mention exhausted from no sleep.  I think for the first time ever, Mr. Cooper got turned down for the ball game.  I've no idea what I ate for dinner, or even what rodeo I watched.  

The good news is my arm has finally gone back to normal size ... close enough anyway ... even if the itching does persist ... just in time for an epic event involving Dish Network, my TV provider.

I'll relate that story tomorrow, along with my sob story over my photoshop program that I no longer have, but am still paying $9.99 a month for.  You're going to love it!!!


  1. Mr. Ed said. eyesbuydirect. Google it if you have the prescription that the doctor gave you you can order them online
    Remember you live and then we all do a different state
    as for the rocks they look nice, but make sure you get commercial round up spray for later

    1. They put down a very heavy weed barrier sheet, but I'm sure it won't last forever. Roundup it is!

    2. You can now sue when you get non-Hodgekins Lymphoma from the Round-up. It's been proven and cases have been won. I'm surprised California even sells this FOREVER chemical with all their cancer causing laws. Don't use this stuff. They don't sell it in Europe for a reason.

  2. Nancy your yards looking great.
    Hope your eyes feel better soon.
    Have a good Friday.

    1. Finally, after two days, my eyes are MUCH better.

  3. I wish our weather here in AJ realized it was time for some Fall temps, but I don't see any in the near future. Hope you get your eyes fixed up soon.

  4. Must be a California thing with eye Florida you can get in and see eye doctors pretty fast, sometimes as a walkin ...

    1. Wow ... not around here. Everyone either quit because of CoViD or retired. Over half of my eye doctor staff STILL wear masks!!!

  5. Jerry says that rock section needs some yard an old car or an old tractor...right???

    1. OH YEAH ..... that's a good idea!! I'll have to work on that!

  6. Hey Nancy, google fake boulders. There are some nice ones that look real.

    1. Well Cheryl, I never would have thought of that .. and I'm betting they are MUCH cheaper. Thanks!!

  7. My eye appointments were always productive here in Tucson, AZ. May be the appointment was a couple of hours (dilation, waiting), but most of the time walked out with a new prescription. Had to pay the $30-$45 for a refraction, but no problem. Took the prescription to COSTCO, and the prescription was filled. Never had multiple visits with doctor. Perhaps looking into your eye problems with a doctor in Fresno, CA. Good luck.

    1. My last pair came from Costco's eye doctor, and I purchased glasses there too. I seem to have a problem with them, so that's why the OTHER guy. So far he has said my prescription is way too strong. I've no clue!!

  8. Nancy something western on your rock area would look nice. Just a thought.
    Frances :)

    1. Definitely ... darn, I just got rid of my last old saddle. Can't put my good ones out there, but I might find some old wagon wheels.

  9. The rock looks great. Now head for Borrego Springs and pick up some metal sculptures to put the gravel. I've got an eye appt later this month. Hope mine is a one time stop.

    1. Oh yeah ..... a big fat dinosaur! I've always wanted one!! Or maybe a horse sculpture!!!

  10. Ok it seems like you are jumping through hoops for a new prescription for glasses. Here you go see an optometrist they usually bulk bill so cost nothing if you need glasses either for the first time or the ones you have aren't doing the job any more the optometrist will get you to pick new frames if you don't have frames you want to use, have the glasses made up tell you when they will be back and the cost, you leave and you can either pay for the glasses there and then or when you pick them up. If the optometrist finds a problem with your eyes they will refer you to an ophthalmologist.

    1. That's probably where I went wrong. This is an ophthalmologist. He gets the big bucks!!! We have very few optometrists, which I did try to contact, but the wait time was 3 months. They are a little behind.
