Thursday, August 1, 2024

Damaged Goods

GOOD MORNING AUGUST!!  It's getting warmer again, in spite of all our protestations.  Only 68 degrees this morning.  Though we WERE scheduled for up to 106 this week, it appears we are back down to 103.  It always makes me wonder ... do they just pull a number out of a hat??

It was a great day for all of 6 minutes before I tripped over Mr. Cooper and my knee made contact with this lovely SOLID object.  Right on my shin bone .... AY YI YI that hurt!!!!!  I already cleaned up the blood.  

I would have made a beeline for the ice pack in the freezer, but I literally could not walk.  So much for our morning walk Coop!!  In spite of lots of cussing and ice packs, it still hurts a BUNCH, but I'll survive.  I'm sure I don't really need that much blood anyway.  This looked much better then than it does now.  I'm damaged goods!!

Some of this sugar helped a LOT.  My sweet treat from Bingo soothed the pain just enough that I was finally able to get up and around.  Note to self ... tie a big pillow around that bugger so I don't do that again!

This face is what REALLY made it all better!!  

There's been some excitement around here ... someone set a fire up by Lake McClure late in the afternoon.  I think it burned something like 5,000 acres ... a small one by comparison.  My lady in waiting and her hubby have a houseboat up there, along with a pontoon boat to get back and forth.  The dock was in danger of going up in flames too, so he made a mad dash to get it away from the shoreline.  

Isn't it amazing how such devastation can create such beauty?  That's just the sun reflecting off the smoke.

That white at the shoreline is the houseboats anchored at the lakes edge.  Luckily no burning embers fell on anyones roof causing it to go up in smoke too.

As always ... it's the State's fault far as I can see.  If they would manage the forest and do control burns, the fires would not burn so hot and fast as to devastate everything.  We have preached this for years and years and years ... but to deaf ears.  Oh no ... the Sierra Club says you can't do that!  So lets burn down the entire forest along with all the critters and folks houses because the Sierra Club wants to save a tree.  As you can see by the picture, they will save a heck of a lot MORE if they do control burns.  

Back to me limping around the house ... I measured and measured again in order to sew this quilt.  There are no instructions ... and no measurements ... only a picture.  To make it worse, the black fabric is directional and a one way pattern to boot.  Too bad it wasn't printed on the fabric straight either.  I had to lay it out and cut it into a perfect square following the pattern lines before I could even begin to cut it into strips.

Lucky for me, I remembered to cut the length PLUS 1/2 inch for the seams.  This took so much mental work trying to figure out the pattern that I didn't even think to fix dinner.  

I had a pepsi instead, holding the can on my leg for awhile.  Bad idea ... it just broke open the wound again.  I wore knee socks to bed to keep it covered, mostly because Mr. Cooper decided he should play nurse and lick it back to health.  Ewwwwwwwww .......

This morning I'm a little better, so there may be a walk in Cooper's future.  I had a couple of ideas about the Camper Van and ordered a few items to see if they work out.  Today I'll take some pictures and give you the VIP tour inside and out.  Oh ... and the RV cover folks called ... they will be here next Tuesday.  BOOYAH!!!!


  1. Ouch your leg looks painful.
    Can't wait to see the VIP tour of your new camper.
    Happy Thursday!

  2. Vaseline helps stop the bleeding. Like the quilt !

    1. What??? I've never heard of that before! The quilt is different ... not your normal Halloween me thinks.

  3. Mr. Ed said sue the 4 , legged bastard he’s only got one leg to stand on.
    Bacitracin is better than Vaseline. 🧂Don’t forget to sprinkle table salt on it to kill the bacteria🤡

    1. Oh yeah right ... salt. No thank you!! I only have one leg to stand on too ... not sure I'd win that suit!!

  4. Is the big forest fire close to you? I said some bad words for you because of your leg. Let me explain, in my life, 15 surgeries, 6 kidney procedures and 34 broken bones, so please be careful; I have had enough injuries for all of the people in California and Texas.


    1. Rex ... you definitely have had more than your fair share of injuries!!! No big fire near me, just this small one. They jumped right on it with airplanes AND helicopters dumping water from the lake. Pretty amazing to watch them work.

  5. We find the beds to be very cumbersome...hard to roll over not due to size but to the mattress, which also feels so hard. We had a nice topper in our other MH which is sitting against the wall back at the condo...(a Mr. Pillow) Which I want to cut down, sew up, and use in Camper Van...can we last another 10 weeks is the question... Seems the whole state is burning down again...being cleansed by fire perhaps????

    1. I was going to put a topper on my bed, but you will see a gray and white very thick blanket. It's a dog blanket ... and believe it or not, it makes my couch sleepable. I'll show pictures today. Regardless of anything else, you HAVE to have a comfortable bed.

  6. Tripping and hurting one's self is annoying, well I feel annoyed unless I am in public then I feel embarrassed and silly.

  7. Good job on the witch quilt.

    1. It came out just fine Ray! I love it!!!! On to the "BEES".

  8. Sorry about your leg booboo, and kicking yourself for doing it won't help. Cooper is licking it to get you well enough for that walk! I can help, Mom!

    1. That's it exactly! Any time I have a boo-boo he wants to lick it and make it better. That's how they fix themselves up I guess!!
